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Source: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
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Factsheets are updated on a quarterly basis. Due to the detail and size of the reports, they are only available in PDF format online. Data is available in Excel or HTML format upon request.

*Canada 2006
*United States 2006
*Mexico 2006

Africa and Middle East
*Albania 2004 *Lebanon 2003
*Algeria 2006 *Libya 2003
*Cameroon 2006 *Morocco 2006
*Egypt 2006 *Nigeria 2006
*Ethiopia 2006 *Qatar 2003
*Gabon 2006 *Saudi Arabia 2004
*Ghana 2006 *Senegal 2006
*Iran 2006 *South Africa 2006
*Iraq 2003 *Sudan 2006
*Israel 2004 *Syria 2004
*Jordan 2003 *Togo 2006
*Kenya 2006 *Tunisia 2005
*Kuwait 2006 *United Arab Emirates 2006
  *Zimbabwe 2006

Asia Pacific
*Australia 2006 *Malaysia 2006
*Bangladesh 2003 *Mongolia 2006
*Brunei 2006 *New Zealand 2006
*Burma (Myanmar) 2003 *North Korea 2003
*Cambodia 2006 *Pakistan 2006
*China 2006 *Philippines 2006
*Fiji 2003 *Singapore 2006
*Hong Kong 2005 *South Korea 2006
*India 2006 *Sri Lanka 2006
*Indonesia 2006 *Taiwan 2006
*Japan 2006 *Thailand 2006
*Laos 2006 *Vietnam 2006

Latin America and the Caribbean
*Argentina 2006 *Guatemala 2005
*Bahamas 2003 *Haiti 2003
*Barbados 2004 *Honduras 2003
*Belize 2003 *Jamaica 2004
*Bermuda 2003 *Nicaragua 2003
*Bolivia 2003 *Panama 2003
*Brazil 2006 *Paraguay 2006
*Chile 2006 *Peru 2006
*Colombia 2006 *Saint Kitts and Nevis 2003
*Costa Rica 2005 *Saint Lucia 2003
*Cuba 2006 *Saint Vincent & Grenadines 2003
*Dominican Republic 2004 *Trinidad & Tobago 2004
*Ecuador 2006 *Uruguay 2004
*El Salvador 2003 *Venezuela 2006
*Grenada 2003    

*Austria 2005 *Macedonia 2005
*Belgium 2006 *Moldova 2004
*Bulgaria 2005 *Norway 2006
*Czech Republic 2006 *Poland 2006
*Denmark 2005 *Portugal 2006
*Estonia 2005 *Romania 2006
*EU 25 2006 *Russia 2006
*Finland 2005 *Serbia & Montenegro 2004
*France 2006 *Slovakia 2006
*Germany 2006 *Slovenia 2004
*Greece 2005 *Spain 2006
*Hungary 2006 *Sweden 2005
*Ireland 2005 *Switzerland 2005
*Italy 2006 *Tajikistan 2006
*Kazakhstan 2006 *The Netherlands 2005
*Kyrgyzstan 2006 *Turkey 2006
*Latvia 2006 *Turkmenistan 2006
*Lithuania 2005 *Ukraine 2006
*Luxembourg 2005 *United Kingdom 2006
  *Uzbekistan 2006

Date Modified: 2006-11-06 Important Notices