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Animals > Animal Diseases > Rabies  


What is it?

Rabies is a viral disease that attacks the central nervous system of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Once symptoms appear, rabies is always fatal in animals and people.

In Canada the animals that most often transmit rabies are foxes, skunks, bats, and raccoons.

How is it transmitted?

Rabies is transmitted through saliva -- primarily via bite wounds. But it can also be spread by infected saliva entering an open cut or wound, or contacting a mucous membrane, such as those in the mouth, nasal cavity or eyes.

When the virus enters the animal's body, it spreads through the nerves to reach the brain. Once it's in the brain it multiplies quickly, and that's when clinical signs appear. The virus then moves from the brain to the salivary glands and other parts of the body.

It's important to note, however, that an animal can be infectious (able to transmit the disease) a few days before showing clinical signs of rabies.

How long does it take to develop?

The incubation period, which is the time between exposure to the virus and clinical disease, may be from two weeks to many months. Its length depends on a number of factors, including the strain of rabies, and the location of the bite.

How can I tell if an animal has rabies?

Animals with rabies may show a variety of different signs. Most of them relate to the effect of the virus on the brain.

Rabies can appear in two basic forms, dumb rabies and furious rabies.

Dumb Rabies

  • Owners may notice that their animal is depressed, and trying to hide in isolated places.
  • Wild animals may lose their fear of humans, and appear unusually friendly.
  • Wild animals that usually only come out at night may be out during the day.
  • The animal may have paralysis. Areas most commonly affected are the face or neck, causing abnormal facial expressions or drooling, or the body, usually the hind legs.

Furious rabies

  • Animals may become very excited and aggressive.
  • Periods of excitement usually alternate with periods of depression.
  • The animal may attack objects or other animals. They may even bite or chew their own limbs.

What should I do if I think an animal is rabid?

If it's a wild animal, stay away from it. Owners of pets and livestock should keep their animals confined in isolation, away from other people and animals.

Rabies is a reportable disease. This means that if you suspect that an animal is rabid, or you think that your animal has been exposed to rabies, you are required by law to report it. Call your nearest office of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, which is listed in the blue pages of your phone book. An inspector from the agency will investigate all calls.

What should be done if a person has been exposed to a suspect animal?

Medical authorities recommend that you immediately wash the wound or exposed surface with soap and water. Remove any clothing that may have been contaminated.

Call your family doctor, or go to the nearest hospital emergency department. The doctor who treats you will notify the local medical officer of health. As long as you seek treatment promptly following exposure to a rabid animal, the disease can be prevented.

How does the Canadian Food Inspection Agency fight rabies?

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has a program to control the spread of rabies in Canada. The program includes:

  • investigating all reported suspect cases of rabies;
  • diagnosing all suspected cases;
  • quarantine of all animals suspected of or at risk of having rabies, to prevent contact with humans or other animals;
  • requiring proof of vaccination against rabies for all cats and dogs over 3 months of age entering Canada;
  • ongoing research; and
  • licensing of rabies vaccines.

What is indemnity?

Under an agreement between the federal government, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec, you may be compensated for domestic livestock lost because of rabies. This doesn't include pets, however, and rabies must be confirmed either by laboratory evidence or by a veterinarian who examined the animal before it died.

What can I do to help prevent the spread of rabies?

  • Have your pets vaccinated against rabies as recommended by your veterinarian.
  • Don't let your pets roam free.
  • Avoid animals that are behaving strangely.
  • Keep a safe distance from wildlife, even if they look healthy. Do not attempt to raise orphaned wild animals.
  • Teach your children not to handle wildlife - or pet animals that they do not know.
  • Report all animal bites to your district veterinarian.

People who work in occupations that bring them into regular contact with animals (such as veterinarians, trappers and park rangers), should protect themselves through pre-exposure vaccination.

How to get more information?

Contact your Canadian Food Inspection Agency Area Office:

Atlantic Area:

Quebec Area:

Ontario Area:

Western Area:





You can find your local Canadian Food Inspection Agency District Office on the CFIA Web site or by consulting the blue pages of your local phone directory.


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