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CIF Community Grant Application

Casino Profits: Community Initiatives Fund

The Community Initiatives Fund (CIF) was created by the provincial government to ensure that Saskatchewan communities received tangible benefits from casino profits.  The CIF receives a portion of profits from the Regina and Moose Jaw casinos.  The Fund is managed by an independent government-appointed Board of Trustees.  The Trustees all have extensive experience as community volunteers.


Community Direction on the Future of the CIF
In the summer of 2005, the Department of Culture, Youth and Recreation conducted a written consultation process to gain input on the future direction of the CIF.   All Saskatchewan municipalities and CIF delivery partners were invited to respond.  In addition, consultation meetings were held with the CIF Board of Trustees and with northern stakeholders.   CIF Call for Comment

As a result of the consultation and review of the CIF, a purpose statement and two-year spending plan was approved in March 2006.  The revised plan is designed to be sustainable and respond to community-identified priorities.  The CIF places emphasis on access and inclusion for all communities, First Nations and Métis people living in urban centres, and youth.


Purpose of the CIF
The CIF provides grants to community initiatives that enhance human development and community vitality, focusing on:
a) development opportunities for children, youth and families;
b) increased positive activities for young people at the local level, including physical activity, and arts and culture activities;
c) increased community leadership capacity, particularly leadership opportunities for youth; and,
d) inclusion of First Nations and Métis people as leaders in delivery of community activities.


CIF Funding Programs
There are two main community grant programs supported through the CIF:

CIF Community Grant Program: Annual and summer grants support community projects and services.  Since 1997/98, this program has been targeted to vulnerable children, youth, and families.  In September 2006, the program was revised in consultation with community delivery partners to reflect the broader human development mandate of the CIF.  Annual grants are for programs and services that will be delivered throughout the year.  Summer grants assist community organizations in providing summer programs and services to be delivered between May and September.

Funding is available to community-based organizations.  The program supports about 350 projects annually in areas of education, health, justice, social services, sport, culture and recreation. 

Grant applications are reviewed by the Regional Intersectoral Committees (RICs).  These committees provide funding recommendations to the CIF Trustees for approval. 

Please note:  The application guidelines and forms have been revised.  Applicants must use the revised application guidelines and form for the November 1st, 2006 and for future deadlines. 

For more information, contact the Regional Intersectoral Committee Coordinator in your area or contact the CIF office.

Urban Aboriginal Community Grant Program:  Provides grants for projects that will increase access to and assist in the development of sport, culture and recreation programs and leadership opportunities for First Nations and Métis people in designated urban centers.

The lottery-funded system invests with the CIF in the Urban Aboriginal Community Grant Program.  The program is coordinated provincially by Sask Sport.  There are 14 communities participating in this program based on their high incidence of urban Aboriginal population.  The municipalities offering the program are: Regina, Saskatoon, Yorkton, Prince Albert, Moose Jaw, Lloydminster, North Battleford, Battleford, Melfort, Nipawin, Estevan, Kamsack, Meadow Lake and Fort Qu’ Appelle. 

Community organizations that provide services with First Nations and Métis people apply to the program through the municipality.  The municipalities help administer the program, work to decrease the barriers that inhibit participation by First Nations and Métis people and identify local program priorities.  The municipalities have established Urban Aboriginal Advisory Committees to support program implementation and the review of grant requests.

Urban Aboriginal Grant Program Application Guidelines are available through participating municipalities.  Each municipality has tailored the program to meet local needs.  As delivery partners, municipalities are accountable to the CIF Trustees to ensure the program objectives are met and that appropriate grant review processes are in place.

For more information, contact the Recreation Department in one of the 14 participating communities (Urban Aboriginal Municipalities Contacts) or contact the CIF office. 

Who Can Apply for CIF Grants?
The CIF provides grants to community-based organizations.  Community organizations, including First Nations and Métis organizations, may apply directly to the CIF or form partnerships to deliver off-reserve projects.  Many projects supported by the CIF benefit First Nations and Métis people living off-reserve.

How Are Grant Decisions Made?
All grant decisions are made by the CIF Board of Trustees, who are community volunteers, based on advice from regional and local committees.  This approach helps ensure CIF funds are responsive to community priorities.  CIF grant decisions are made using transparent grant review criteria and processes. 

RICs are involved as CIF Community Grant Program delivery partners.  These committees are comprised of agencies and community organizations involved in human service delivery in each region.  They help promote the programs, assist applicants and coordinate the review of grants requests at the regional and local levels. 

The fourteen municipalities involved in the Urban Aboriginal Community Grant Program have established Aboriginal grant review committees to review grant requests.

The Trustees contract Sask Sport to provide CIF grants administration services.

CIF grant program inquiries can be directed to

Community Initiative Fund (CIF)
1870 Lorne Street
Regina SK  S4P 2L7
Attention: Rhonda Newton
PH:  780-9308
FX: 781-6021

What is supported through the CIF?
The CIF was established to provide tangible benefits from casino profits for Saskatchewan communities.  Since it began distributing funds in 1996, over $60 million has been distributed to community projects across the province. Over time, the Fund has supported a variety of community initiatives including cultural and recreation facilities, increased physical activity through the “in motion” campaign, problem gambling prevention and treatment, projects to increase Aboriginal participation in culture and recreation activities, exhibition associations, hospital foundations and centennial projects.
For more information see  CIF Current Program Summary 2006/07 to 2007/08

                                              CIF Historical Program Summary

                                              CIF Annual Report






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