Human Resources, Labour and Employment
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  Grants/Youth Organizations

  Grants to Youth Organizations  (Human Resources, Labour and Employment)
This program provides financial support to provincial, regional, and community-based youth organizations to assist with the cost of staffing, administration, and program development for each organization. Special projects are funded on an occasional basis. Some organizations receiving funding under this program include Boys and Girls Club of Newfoundland and Labrador, School Lunch Association, Army Cadet League of Newfoundland and Labrador and Allied Youth of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Contact: Ellen Chalker
Phone: (709) 729-0725
Fax: (709) 729-7481

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  Young Entrepreneurs Connexion  (Health and Community Services)
The Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) in partnership with the Community Business Development Corporations (CBDC), the Canada Business Service Centres (CBSC) and other agencies, is committed to helping young Atlantic Canadians acquire the skills needed to prosper in the 21st Century. They address some of the biggest obstacles facing young entrepreneurs, such as access to financing and business information. For More Information:

Phone: 1-800-668-1010

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  Northeast Avalon Community Futures Development Corporation Inc. (CFDC)
A local non-profit organization, CFDC provides services such as financial assistance and services and advisory services. The corporation also runs a Self Employment Benefit Program, a Seed Capital and Counselling Program as well as a Youth Ventures Program.

For More Information Contact:

Youth Ventures Coordinator
Northeast Avalon Community Futures Development Corporation
2nd Floor, Royal Bank Building
Kelligrews, NL
Phone: (toll free) 1-888-303-2232

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