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The main focus of the National Inuit Elders and Youth Summit should be:

Inuktitut/Inuinnaqtun/Inuvialuktun (language)
Culture (and its practices)
Youth empowerment
Wellness (mental, physical, personal, family and/or community health)
Strategic planning (preparing for the future)

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Food for Thought
By on Friday 08 December 2006 - 17:04:59 Comments: 0 email to someone printer friendly

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NAHO Ajunnginiq Centre's "Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: An Environmental Scan of Services and Gaps in Inuit Communities"
By on Thursday 07 December 2006 - 14:40:14 Comments: 0 email to someone printer friendly

NS Photo of the week
By on Wednesday 06 December 2006 - 08:11:17 Comments: 1 email to someone printer friendly
Support of a different kind

Nunavut Sivuniksavut students had a visit this week from the board and staff of the Nunavut Implementation Training Committee (NITC). Not only did they bring words of encouragement for the students, but they also brought down country food, a welcome reminder of home.

Here NITC chairperson, Paul Quassa (in back) and Executive Director, Lorne Kusugak (right) share in the feast with students (front L-R) Ulaaju Peter and Natasha Tattuinee, and (middle row, L-R) Alex Ittimangnak, Angela Nuliayok, Lisa Kolola, and Dennis Nakoolak

Click on “read more”, below, for past NS photo’s of the week.

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National Inuit Elder and Youth Summit 2007
By on Tuesday 05 December 2006 - 11:07:13 Comments: 0 email to someone printer friendly
National Inuit Elders and Youth Summit
Qamani'tuaq, Nunavut - March 12-16, 2007

The National Inuit Youth Council is hosting the National Inuit Elders and Youth Summit in Qamani’tuaq from March 12-16, 2007. The purpose of the summit is to bring Inuit elders, youth and resource people together from across Canada and work to address our shared concerns.

By on Monday 04 December 2006 - 16:13:16 Comments: 8 email to someone printer friendly

Photo by Mary Potyrala
“Together we can stop HIV/AIDS and Hep C”

Do you have a photo that you would like to share with us? E mail your photo to

If possible include a caption of where the photo was taken (date, time, location) and who or what is in the photo. Also please indicate the name of photographer. *

Feel free to include a story with the photo too! Akuluk.

* If you are not the photographer of the photo you submit please ensure that you have permission from the photographer to use it for “fOto Of tHe weEk” on

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By on Monday 04 December 2006 - 12:35:22 Comments: 31 email to someone printer friendly

Una ajjinnguarmiittuq sunaummangaaq qaujimasuriguvit "Comments" naqiguk, kisuusuringmangaaqpiu titirarlugu.

If you think you know what is depicted in the photograph, please tell us by clicking on "Comments".

Please make every effort to provide your guess in Inuttut/Inuktitut/Inuinnaqtun/Inuvialuktun and be as specific as possible about what you think is in the photo.

To see previous Una Huna’s and the answer photographs, click on “Read More” below.

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It’s Time to Act: Mobilizing Canadian Youth Around HIV/AIDS Regional Forum Report Part I Myth Busting
By on Wednesday 29 November 2006 - 15:01:30 Comments: 0 email to someone printer friendly
Over the next week, Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Week December 1-5, a series of reports from the "It’s Time to Act: Mobilizing Canadian Youth Around HIV/AIDS regional forum will be posted here on

Question: What are and how can we challenge and break some of the myths surrounding HIV?

Myth: We don’t need to do anything because its not here.

Myth: If you are doing any work on it then you must have it.

Myth: There are lots of treatments for HIV now, so even if I get it I will still live along time.

Myth: Only gay people get HIV.

Myth: Abstinence is impossible.

Myth: We can’t stop nature from taking it’s course, abstinence isn’t possible.

Click here to see the "Buster" to each "Myth"

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Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Week December 1-5
By on Wednesday 29 November 2006 - 12:26:11 Comments: 0 email to someone printer friendly

Inuit leaders join together to recognize
Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Week

Ottawa – In recognition of Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Week, December 1st – 5th, Martha Greig, President of Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada, Mary Simon, President of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and Nancy Karetak-Lindell, Member of Parliament for Nunavut, have joined together to voice the need to address the issues surrounding HIV/AIDS that are affecting Inuit today.

Given that northern communities have the highest birth and sexually transmitted infection rates in Canada, there is a growing concern that the rate of HIV infections amongst Inuit may be higher than the current available statistics show. Globally, the fastest increasing rate of HIV infections is in women 15-25 years of age.

“This is an alarming statistic”, says Mary Simon. “The education and health systems should work together to ensure young people are informed in an appropriate way about this disease.”

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Food for Thought
By on Friday 24 November 2006 - 16:47:54 Comments: 0 email to someone printer friendly

Photo provided by Embrace Life Council of Arviat

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Spot the Differences
By on Tuesday 21 November 2006 - 11:20:09 Comments: 4 email to someone printer friendly

Can you see the difference is in the pictures above?

Click here for the answer.

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Energy for the day starts with Breakfast and Exercise
By on Monday 20 November 2006 - 15:15:36 Comments: 0 email to someone printer friendly

Exercise and a healthy breakfast make for a good start to a day. Best Cousins, Pookirluk and Aqtaniq start their day with playing and getting exercise before taking a break to reenergize with breakfast during the 2004 summer in Qamani’tuaq (Baker Lake).

Photo by Andrew Ochalski, Qamani’tuaq
Is "soccer" a traditional Inuit game?
By on Monday 20 November 2006 - 13:38:39 Comments: 0 email to someone printer friendly
A common Inuit legend about the Aqsarniit (northern lights) is that the lights are caused by spirits playing a game similar to football/soccer with a walrus head. This suggests that our ancestors knew and played a game similar to soccer.

Could it be that soccer, the most popular sport in the world, is a traditional game played by Inuit for thousands of years? What do you think? What do Elders in your community think? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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bullet Demosthenes
05 Dec : 15:18
Megan - I think you are right. Spousal abuse is NOT culturally acceptable, and Jack Anawak had a very good letter to the editor in Nunatsiaq news a few weeks ago about how Inuit used to make fun of men who beat their wives.
bullet bdicker
04 Dec : 08:06
Hey all you hockey fans! Watch the Montreal vs. Boston game tonight and look for the Nunatsiavut flag in the bleachers!! (I know that it is in a corner section) Tracy Denniston from Nain will be at the game along with 2 youth from Nain. So make sure you watch. I'm not a big hockey fan, but I'll watch only for our Nain crowd!
bullet nathaninuk
01 Dec : 15:02
Bad News is .. I am no Longer be on this site. .. If anyone do not want to chat. That is up to everyone!!! From nathaniel......
bullet nathaninuk
01 Dec : 15:00
Have a nice everyone on the National Inuit Youth council..
bullet Megan
01 Dec : 13:50
Youth and those part of NIYC, what are your ideas on abuse?? How can we lobby our own Justice systems be it territorial/provinci
al or in our communities. There is a message going around, saying that abuse to woman from their spouses is culturally acceptable in Inuit culture. I think we need to lobby this. I think we need to understand that it is not right. People who abuse their spouses deserve to be put in jail if found guilty. What do you think about this statement?
bullet Sandra
30 Nov : 14:43
Come on, Maje...... let's go Montreal now!!!
bullet Megan
29 Nov : 12:22
Hey I was going to comment on the summit but I dunno, i couldn't. I wanted to let you guys know that myself and Allen Auksaaq are meeting with Morley our instructor on getting some NSers to the Summit in March. Qajaaq, maybe we can have some kinda teleconference between NIYC and the three of us at NS?? To discuss a few things sometime?? Lemme know what you think.
bullet bdicker
23 Nov : 13:55
Happy Birthday Aunt Carla (Pamak). Hope you are enjoying your day (and your last day of work). I'll be down later for cake!
bullet Inuvialuk momma
23 Nov : 12:11
Good morning to everyone out there!! I hope that each waking moment will be with a smile and with someone you love!
bullet Qajaaq
23 Nov : 08:58
"The only way to stop smoking is to overcome the psychological dependence on tobacco and the physical addiction to nicotine." taken from:
bullet alisonkopalie
21 Nov : 14:02
Alison here: Smokers usually feel dizzy and sick when they first inhale the nicotine in tobacco, but gradually build up tolerance to its effect. Othere symptons new smokers exprience includes coughing, a dry, irritated throat as well as nausea, weakness, abdominal cramps, headache, coughing or gagging
bullet Silly_Slim
21 Nov : 10:25
Hey everyone! Did you know that in a single cigarette there are at least 4,000 chemicals in it? and when you smoke up you are at least smoking 4 cigarettes. 4 cigarettes times 4,000 chemicals= 16,000 chemicals go into your body!
bullet Babylaaq
21 Nov : 08:02
Hey I read about the MYATT thats held in Iqaluit every year I think. I was going with a friend from Baker Lake, but we had to get stuck in Rankin Inlet from blizzard , haa anyways were going to try again, but anyways that was long ago you were talking about...but its true, young teens/kids who think tobacco use is cool, well its not!..thats all I want to say, so hope to meet you all one day
bullet Babylaaq
21 Nov : 07:56
Hey everyone, I am a new member of the site:)
bullet Franco
20 Nov : 21:11
You got me pretty good neev. I thought you were serious.
bullet neevee
20 Nov : 17:52
Hey!Don't put me on this site! I don't like to be on site's! It's scary! Who ever did,your bad.(Just joking!)
bullet Maria Dicker
18 Nov : 17:39
Hey, Qajaaq Thanks. Someone knowing how important the wild food is even good to the soul.I do have few more mouth full of seal liver yet, its for my emergency. Cause I know I will start to shake once I really needs the real food. My course is coming along. I am now done excavator and has started off-highway truck (uke).
People talking about snow out there sounds good! I love the snow, can't wait to see it, enjoy it. Its like some green grass here yet! Hi and atsunai to everyone. My dream is to go Iqaluit someday or way up North. I gets excited when I see or hear people talking about Iqaluit or North. I sees lot of good oh pictures of Inuit on this site and it really helps me in lot of ways. Gives me peace at times.
bullet nathaninuk
17 Nov : 23:16
Good evening everyone on NIYC.. Did you know that the Arctic Ice is getting small?? The Global Warming is really Jeopardizing our Arctic Ice.Soon every year up in the Franklin Straight Channel the ice is really Melting fast,even these ocean is opening up .The Emission caused by Fossil fuel in the states. Should we do something about it?? If anyone who is willing to chat and talk about the Global warming,
bullet neevee
17 Nov : 18:32
Yo Mister Lee! You are the funniest person on EARTH!!
bullet neevee
17 Nov : 18:30
yo Dad! Spccer was fun, but with out you, its not really fun
But it was still fun!

December 2006
Events this Month: 2


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