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Heritage Community Recognition Program

For a good portion of the last century the windows of the Glencoe railway station in Southwest Middlesex had been boarded up. Today, they are a gleaming treasure thanks to the efforts of Gerald Atkinson, Harold Carruthers, Lorne Haskell, Bruce McLean, Frank Reycraft and Gerald Robson - the team leading the volunteers working to restore the building. The team has contributed countless hours of volunteer time to the project for over ten years. Photo: Sun Media Corp. (23K)Since 1996, the Ontario Heritage Trust has asked Ontario municipalities, First Nations band councils and Métis community councils to nominate individuals in their communities who have made a significant contribution to the promotion, preservation or protection of Ontario's heritage. Those selected receive a certificate of recognition and a pin honouring their service. Individuals have been recognized for leadership of natural heritage conservation and restoration projects, long-standing voluntary service to local heritage organizations, production of local history publications and participation in the preservation of heritage buildings.

A nomination category has been added to the Heritage Community Recognition Program for the Lieutenant Governor's Ontario Heritage Award. This new award recognizes individuals who have made volunteer contributions to preserving, protecting and promoting community heritage over a period of 25 years or more. Find out more …



