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Heritage Planning: A Guide for Local Government

Please note: This online version of this document is a direct transcript, with few modifications, of the 1992 publication which is now out of print. Two appendices in the original have not been included. There may be numerous out-of-date references or other comments within the online version. It is presented here for the value of its general guidelines.


1. The Management Cycle
2. Organization

  • Overview
  • Political
  • Advisory
  • Administrative
  • Coordination

3. Start-Up

  • Overview
  • Review and analysis
  • Initial strategies

4. Planning

  • Overview
  • The planning process

5. Implementation

  • Overview
  • Organization
  • Scheduling
  • Cost
  • Pace

6. Evaluation

  • Overview
  • Evaluation objectives
  • Evaluation criteria
  • Sample evaluations
  • The evaluation imperative

7. Conclusion

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Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data

Main entry under title: Heritage planning

Cover title. ISBN 0-7718-9195-4

1. Historic sites - British Columbia - Conservation and restoration - Planning. I. British Columbia. Heritage Conservation Branch.

FC3812.H47 1992



F1087.8.H47 1992


The Heritage Conservation Branch would like to thank all those who contributed their insights and expertise to the preparation of this guide, and in particular, we would like to thank the following: Alastair Kerr, author; Mary McKinnon, editor; Colin Campbell, Patrick Frey, Cliff Hewitt, Kathleen O'Neill, John Stephenson, Pamela Spalding, Allison Habkirk, Judy Oberlander, Robert Hobson, Jacqueline Murfitt, and Bill Rapanos, for comments and suggestions.


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