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what's new online

The social benefits and economic costs of taxation - Report from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives warns that Canada is falling behind a number of OECD nations in a wide range of social and economic areas.

Exploring the field of listening to and consulting young children - Research by the Thomas Coram Research Unit for the British Government focuses on young children’s views and experiences of education and childcare.

Payment for childcare: What happens when the families get one, two or three children? - Working paper from the Danish National Institute for Social Research examines average costs of having 1, 2 and 3 children attending child care in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Great Britain and Germany.

Taking preschool education seriously as an economic development program: Effects on jobs and earnings of state residents compared to traditional economic development programs - Report from the Upjohn Institute for Employment Research (US) “concludes that universal preschool education would have sizable economic development benefits.”

child care in the news
· The week in letters [CA]
· Daycare reality will dawn this spring [CA]
· Re: Don’t mimic Sweden [CA]
· With child care, mothers know best [CA]
· Day care rebuttal rebutted [CA]
· Don't mimic Sweden [CA]
· Day care rebuttal [CA]
· Day care is valuable to our children [CA]
· The facts on child care [CA]
· A day care plan that deserves to die [CA]

Welcome to the CRRU web site!

about CRRUThe Childcare Resource and Research Unit (CRRU) focuses on research and policy resources in the context of a high quality system of early childhood education and child care in Canada.

Early childhood education and care contributes to
social solidarity lifelong learning
parental employment equity

voices for child care

"In strong and vibrant democracies, a generous social-welfare state is not a road to serfdom but rather to fairness, economic equality and international competitiveness."
Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University, in "The social welfare state, beyond ideology", Scientific American, November 2006.


upcoming events

Partnerships in action - Building our children's future conference
- Two-day early years conference organized by The Learning Partnership will feature the release of their “Progress report on pre-school age children's learning and readiness for school”
more EVENTS »

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featured CRRU publications

New BRIEFing NOTES: Early learning and child care: How does Canada measure up? October 2006.

Canadian early learning and child care and the
Convention on the Rights of the Child
. Martha Friendly. Occasional paper 22 (2006).

Quality by Design Literature Review
Quality by design: What do we know about quality in early learning and child care, and what do we think? A literature review (2006)

ECEC in Canada 2004 cover
Early childhood education and care in Canada 2004
Martha Friendly, Jane Beach. June 2005.

Easy access to...

link to the quality by design web site

link to Childcare Information Resource Collection

link to Current developments in ECEC: Provinces and territories

link to ISSUE files


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About the Child care Resource and Research Unit

Childcare Resource and Research Unit    University of Toronto
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[ design by Billie Carroll ]