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A Profile of the Childcare Services Industry

Issue information

The childcare services industry in Canada is unique in that it is entrusted with a precious resource: close to 1.4 million children. Childcare providers assist with the daunting tasks of promoting child development, ensuring children's safety and well-being, and maintaining responsive relationships with individual children.

This paper examines the childcare services industry in Canada and is divided into three basic parts. First, the article studies the demand for childcare services, including the $3.5 billion spent by households for these services. The financial characteristics of the industry and the roles played by the non-profit sector and government fee-subsidy and grant programs are examined next. And the final section looks at some of the characteristics of the childcare workforce.

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Product:Analytical Paper Series - Service Industries Division
Catalogue no.:63F0002XIB2002040
Status:Replaced by other language
Latest issue:no. 40 Free
Release date:September 6, 2002
Authors: Stafford, Janine
Price note : A print version of this product is available for a fee; please contact us at 1-800-267-6677 for more information.
Subscription:one year (365 days) N/A  
System requirements: Internet browser. Adobe Acrobat reader is required to view and print files in PDF format.


Children and youth
Child care


analytical products, child care needs, child care responsibilities, children, day care, day care centres, day care subsidies, government funding, government grants, labour force, lone parent families, operating expenditures, preschool children, profit margins, provincial differences, salaries and wages, subsidies, training, unpaid work, working mothers.

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