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Appointments at the Canadian Dairy Commission

OTTAWA, May 7, 2004  Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister Bob Speller is pleased to announce two appointments at the Canadian Dairy Commission. Mr. Carl Harrison, from Ontario, will occupy the position of Vice-Chairman while Mr. Jean Grégoire, from Québec, will take the position of Commissioner.

Mr. Harrison will be starting his second mandate with the Commission. Prior to joining the Commission, Mr. Harrison was involved in processor organizations both at the provincial and national level. He served as President of the Ontario Dairy Council in 1973-1974 and Chairman of the National Dairy Council in 1996-1997. He was President and General Manager of Darigold, a cheese manufacturing and marketing company, from 1968 to 1982. He was then President and General Manager of McCain Refrigerated Foods until 1998, at which time he started serving as Executive Vice-President and Managing Director of the Cheese Division for Dairyworld Foods, a position he kept until 2000. His thorough knowledge of the dairy processing sector has already proven valuable to the Commission.

Mr. Grégoire was until recently President of Dairy Farmers of Canada and of the Fédération des producteurs de lait du Québec. He and his two sons operate a dairy and grain farm in St. Alexandre d'Iberville, Québec. He has been involved at various levels of dairy producer groups since 1975, when he started on the Board of the Syndicat des producteurs de lait nature de Saint-Hyacinthe, a local farmers' group. His broad experience in the dairy industry and knowledge of dairy policies will be a great asset for the Commission.

The Canadian Dairy Commission is a Crown corporation whose mandate is to ensure decent returns for efficient dairy producers in Canada and adequate supplies of dairy products for Canadian consumers.

For more information, please contact:

  • Chantal Paul
  • Communication Services
  • Canadian Dairy Commission
  • Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0Z2
  • Tel: (613) 792-2040
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Last Updated: 2005-10-11

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