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Export Information for B.C. Agri-Food and Seafood Businesses

January, 2006

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
B.C. Regional Office
420 – 4321 Still Creek Drive
Burnaby, B.C. V5C 6S7
Telephone: 604-666-6344
Fax: 604-666-7235
Web site:







The British Columbia Regional Office of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada assists B.C. agri-food, fish and seafood companies that are interested in exporting their products internationally. This collection of programs and services is designed to assist B.C. agri-food, fish and seafood companies, as well as associations and groups in developing their individual exporting plans. For ease of use, this booklet is organized into three categories and each listing includes a brief description of the programs and/or services in addition to contact and web site information.

The Market Intelligence section provides a listing of organizations that can help you obtain valuable information on markets abroad. The Financial Services section offers information on the financial services and support available to agri-food, fish and seafood companies interested in exporting. After exploring these first categories, the Market Preparation section can be used to develop your company’s presence in a chosen market.

The electronic version of this publication can be found on the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, B.C. Regional Office web site at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada welcomes any feedback and comments on this publication. Please send your suggestions to or call 604-666-6344.

Although every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this publication is correct, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada assumes no responsibility for its accuracy, reliability or for any decisions arising from the information contained herein.


Agri-Food Trade Service

The marketing and trade officers of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) provide trade support for agri-food and seafood companies active in international markets. Through its Agri-Food Trade Service (ATS), AAFC offers specific agri-food services and employs agri-food specialists in selected key overseas posts. AAFC takes the lead in responding to export market enquiries and delivers agri-food and seafood export programs in consultation with International Trade Canada.

The Agri-Food Trade Service provides you, free of charge, a monthly ATS Bulletin and a quarterly Calendar of Events to assist you in identifying export opportunities for your company. Information is available for the following market areas: Central and South America and the Caribbean; Europe, Africa and the Middle East; United States and Mexico; and Asia Pacific.

Marketing and Trade Officers
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Tel: 604-666-6344
Fax: 604-666-7235

Or visit our regional office website at:

Border Information Service (BIS) Online

This pre-recorded information service provides useful Canada Border Services Agency information on personal and commercial importing and exporting procedures and requirements, trade agreements such as the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), reporting and maintenance of records, etc. This automated service lists other computerized, electronic and printed information sources. A Canada Border Services Agency officer is available should you have any additional questions.

Automated Customs Information Service
Toll free: 1-800-461-9999 (within Canada)
Canadian Automated Export Declaration Program (CAED):
Canada Border Services Agency:

B.C. Institute for Studies in International Trade

The B.C. Institute for Studies in International Trade (BCISIT) delivers an eight-course national diploma program called FITTskills designed for working professionals who want to increase their skills and knowledge in various key topics of international trade. This program meets the needs of those who are new to exporting or importing and those who simply want to expand their expertise. The diploma is the educational requirement for Canada’s only professional designation in international trade – Certified International Trade Professional (C.I.T.P).

Judy Rendek, President
B.C. Institute for Studies in International Trade
452 – 555 Seymour Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3H6
Tel: 604-412-7677
Fax: 604-688-8437

Small Business BC… your business resource

Small Business BC provides information on starting a new business, business name registrations, e-business, entering new markets and information about government products, services and resources. Its reference library covers regulatory information, manuals, directories and studies to assist with business planning, market research and business development. Small Business BC provides start-up, trade and export/import materials as well as public access Internet terminals. If you are a potential or preparing exporter, this is one of the first places to visit. With a growing trade library, export-related learning opportunities and one-on-one export coaching (by appointment), Small Business BC is also the B.C. information source for Team Canada Inc which may be reached toll-free at 1-888-811-1119.

Charlotte Sutcliffe
Business Service Officer
82 – 601 West Cordova Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6B 1G1
Tel: 604-775-5542 or
Toll free: 1-800-667-2272
Fax: 604-775-5520

Team Canada Inc

The objective of the service is to connect Canadian exporters to the full range of government export programs, services and expertise. The 1-888 service is delivered by Small Business BC on behalf of Team Canada Inc.

Team Canada Inc
Toll free: 1-888-811-1119

Virtual Trade Commissioner

The Virtual Trade Commissioner is an exporter’s personal gateway to the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service. The Virtual Trade Commissioner offers personalized web pages containing market information and business leads that match exporters’ international business interests. Exporters can request online services from the Trade Commissioners responsible for their industry in the markets of interest, and be notified of new information related to their industry and target markets as it becomes available. The service makes information on exporting companies available to the 500 Trade Commissioners in 140 offices abroad. The Virtual Trade Commissioner is available online, free of charge to view market information, business opportunities, make service requests and update company registration information.

Jeffrey Lang, Conduit Officer
BC Regional Office
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Suite 420 - 4321 Still Creek Drive
Burnaby, B.C. V5C 6S7
Tel: 604-666-6344
Fax: 604-666-7235

To access the Virtual Trade Commissioner online, please visit:


Canadian Agriculture and Food International Program

The Canadian Agriculture and Food International Program (CAFI) is a cost shared program supporting Canadian agri food, fish and seafood industry activities in the areas of improving market access, recognition building and international development. The main objectives of the CAFI program are to strengthen the sectors’ capacity to increase international sales, and to improve access to global markets. It is administered by AAFC and targets agri-food, fish and seafood producers, processors and exporters working collectively through associations and alliances. The majority of projects receiving support will be part of industry long term international strategies.

Marketing and Trade Officers
BC Regional Office
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Suite 420 - 4321 Still Creek Drive
Burnaby, Burnaby, B.C. V5C 6S7
Tel: 604-666-6344
Fax: 604-666-7235

Business Development Bank of Canada

The Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) is a financial institution wholly owned by the Government of Canada. BDC plays a leadership role in delivering financial and consulting services to Canadian small business, with a particular focus on technology and export sectors of the economy. With both financial products and solution-based management consulting under one roof, BDC offers “one-stop shopping” for business needs. The BDC Consulting Group aims to meet the needs of small to medium-sized businesses in e-business, quality assurance (International Organization for Standardization [ISO] implementation), Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) implementation, growth initiatives, export related activities, operational efficiency, strategic planning, business planning and through the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Program.

Ian Longshaw
Suite 160 – 10362 King George Highway
Surrey, B.C. V3T 2W5
Tel: 604-586-2410
Fax: 604-586-2430
Consulting Services: 604-586-2491

Canadian Commercial Corporation

The Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC) is a Crown Corporation mandated to facilitate international trade, particularly in government markets. CCC’s approach is based on ‘three Cs’: credibility, confidence, contracts. CCC builds confidence in Canadian exports by giving them the credibility of a government backed performance guarantee that opens doors and leads to contracts with improved terms. As a result, since its inception, CCC has helped thousands of companies from across Canada close export deals worth more than $30 billion. CCC has facilitated sales to foreign governments and private sector buyers in more than 100 countries.

G.E. (Ted) Benson, Manager
B.C. & Alberta Liaison Office
2000 – 300 West Georgia Street
Vancouver B.C. V6B 6E1
Tel: 604-666-4781
Fax: 604-666-0954

Export Development Canada

Export Development Canada (EDC) is a Canadian financial institution devoted exclusively to providing trade finance services in support of Canadian exporters and investors in more than 200 countries. EDC delivers products and services through sector-based customer teams, plus a team dedicated to serve smaller exporters. Through its Agri-Food Team, EDC facilitated close to $2 billion in export transactions in 2005. EDC’s country expertise and knowledge of political and commercial risks has helped more than 60 companies in British Columbia with export sales of $700 million over the last five years.

Tammy Huston, Business Development Manager
1030 – 505 Burrard Street, Box 58
Vancouver, B.C. V7X 1M5
Phone: 604-638-6950
Fax: 604-638-6955

Farm Credit Canada

Farm Credit Canada (FCC) is the leading business and financial services provider to agriculture in Canada. To ensure our customers experience greater success, we provide competitively priced debt and equity financing, insurance, software, training and information. Operating out of 100 offices located primarily in rural Canada, FCC employees are passionate about the business of agriculture. FCC’s healthy portfolio of more than $11 billion and 12 consecutive years of portfolio growth are a reflection of our customers’ success.

200 – 1520 McCallum Road
Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 8A3
Tel: 604-870-2417
Fax: 604-870-2431
Toll free: 1-888-332-3301

Industrial Research Assistance Program

The National Research Council Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP) provides a range of both technical and business oriented advisory services along with potential financial support to growth-oriented Canadian small and medium-sized enterprises. The program is delivered by an extensive integrated network of 260 professionals in 100 communities across the country. Working directly with these clients, NRC-IRAP supports innovative research and development and commercialization of new products and services. Recognized globally for research and innovation, NRC is a leader in the development of an innovative, knowledge-based economy for Canada through science and technology.

Maureen Hatanaka, Agri-Food
Industrial Technology Advisor
Tel: 250-470-5095
Fax: 250-470-5083

Jan Langton, Agri-Food, Interior B.C.
Industrial Technology Advisor
Tel: 250-494-6403
Fax: 250-494-0755

Warren Nagata, Aquaculture
Industrial Technology Advisor
Tel: 250-753-8737
Fax: 250-740-6353

Industry Canada Small Business Financing Program (CSBF)

The CSBF Program seeks to increase the availability of loans and capital leases for establishing, expanding, modernizing and improving small businesses in Canada. It can assist businesses in obtaining term loans and capital leases of up to $250,000 to help finance fixed asset needs. The loans are made directly by a qualified lender (chartered banks, most credit unions, many trust, loan and insurance companies) and the leases are issued by participating lessors.

Most small businesses starting up or operating in Canada -- excluding farming, charitable and religious enterprises -- are eligible as long as their estimated annual gross revenues do not exceed $5 million during the fiscal year in which they apply for a loan or a lease. Businesses may be operated as sole proprietorships, partnerships or incorporated companies.

Canada Small Business Financing Program
Industry Canada
8th Floor East, 235 Queen Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H5
Tel: 613-954-5540
Toll-free (information): 1-866-959-1699
Fax: 613-952-0290

Matching Investment Initiative

The Matching Investment Initiative (MII) encourages collaborative research activity between the private sector and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC). This helps stretch private research dollars and helps ensure that AAFC’s research priorities accurately reflect the sector’s needs. The initiative, by involving industry research investors directly, also speeds up the process of transferring new technology to the private sector.

Dr. Valerie Stevens, Ph.D., P.Ag.
Research Manager
Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre, Agassiz
6947 Highway 7, PO Box 1000
Agassiz, BC V0M 1A0
Tel: 604-796-2221 ext. 204
Fax: 604-796-0359

Dr. David A. Theilmann
Acting Research Manager
Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre, Summerland
Box 5000, 4200 Highway 97
Summerland, BC VOH 1Z0
Tel: 250-494-6395
Fax: 250-494-0755

Scientific Research and Experimental Development Program

The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Program is a Government of Canada program administered by the Canada Revenue Agency to encourage Canadian businesses of all sizes and in all sectors (including horticulture, agriculture, agri-food and seafood industries) to do scientific research and experimental development that will lead to new or improved technologically-advanced materials, devices, products or processes. The program gives claimants investment tax credits (ITCs) by means of cash refunds and/or tax credits to be applied against taxes payable for their expenditures on SR&ED done in Canada. SR&ED done in certain provinces, including BC, may also earn provincial ITCs.

Scientific Research & Experimental Development Division
Vancouver Tax Services Office
1166 West Pender Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 3H8
Tel: 1 (866) 317-0473
Fax : (604) 666-0222

Western Economic Diversification Canada

Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) works with all sectors to strengthen the western Canadian economy. To support small business entrepreneurs, WD funds the Western Canada Business Service Network, made up of Small Business BC, Community Futures Development Corporations, Women’s Enterprise Initiative offices and Francophone Economic Development Organizations. Through its Network, WD helps entrepreneurs access financing and the information resources they need for their businesses to grow internationally.

Joan Reynolds, Senior Business Officer
Western Economic Diversification
700 – 333 Seymour Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6B 5G9
Toll free: 1-888-338-9378
(in the lower mainland 604-666-7065)
Fax: 604-666-2353


BCIT Food Technology Program

The British Columbia Institute of Technology’s (BCIT) two-year Food Technology Diploma (Sept-May) emphasizes the production of high quality and safe food. Food processing and control procedures are based on scientific principles and industry practices. BCIT also offers an Associate Certificate in Food Safety and a number of industry short courses in the area of food and seafood preparation and processing, such as Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP), Quality Management Program (QMP), Food Safety for the Plant Worker, Food Microbiology, Sanitation, Dairy Processing and New Product Business Development.

The Food Technology department has a well equipped pilot plant that is made available to industry on a pay per use basis.

Dr. Gary Sandberg, Program Head
Food Technology Program
B.C. Institute of Technology
School of Health Sciences
3700 Willingdon Avenue
Burnaby, B.C. V5G 3H2
Tel: 604-432-8561
Fax: 604-434-6986

Canadian Food Exporters Association (CFEA)

The CFEA is a not-for-profit trade organization that assists small to medium sized food and beverage manufacturers with their export initiatives. Services include training workshops on key topics including regulations, culture and how to do business in various countries; trade show participation in key markets around the world; and trade missions including taking companies to the market/buyer introductions. CFEA also offers a label review program to assist companies with label compliance in the U.S. and Canada and provides regulatory assistance for various markets.

Susan Powell, President
Canadian Food Exporters Association (CFEA)
885 Don Mills Road Suite 301
Don Mills, ON M3C 1V9
Tel: 416-445-3747 OR 1-888-227-8848 (North America)
Fax: 416-510-8044

Centre for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) – US FDA

The Centre for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) is one of six centres that carry out the mission of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States of America. The CFSAN is a regulatory agency responsible for the safety of the nation’s domestically-produced and imported foods and food products. The FDA is also responsible for carrying out certain provisions of the Bioterrorism Act (BTA) which came into effect on December 12, 2003.

The CFSAN website provides information on the standards and regulations that govern food imports to the USA such as dietary supplements, food ingredients, packaging, food labelling and nutrition. For access to the CFSAN website, please visit

For information related to importing food into the United States, please visit:

Canadian Food Inspection Agency

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is responsible for inspection and certification of agriculture, livestock, fish and agri-food products intended for import and export. The CFIA delivers 14 programs related to foods, plants and animals in 18 regions across Canada. In addition to inspection, it is responsible for enforcing the food safety and nutritional quality standards established by Health Canada for animal health and plant protection, setting standards and carrying out enforcement.

Abbotsford District Office
102-30585B Progressive Way
Abbotsford, B.C. V2T 6W3
Tel: 604-557-4500
Fax: 604-557-4502

B.C. Regional Office
400 – 4321 Still Creek Drive
Burnaby, B.C. V5C 6S7
Tel: 604-666-6513
Fax: 604-666-1261

B.C. Interior District Office
1905 Kent Road
Kelowna, B.C. V1Y 7S6
Tel: 250-470-4884
Fax: 250-470-4899

Centre for Plant Health
8801 East Saanich Road
Sidney, B.C. V8L 1H3
Tel: 250-363-6650
Fax: 250-363-6661

Victoria District Office
103 – 4475 Viewmont Avenue
Victoria, B.C. V8Z 6L8
Tel: 250-363-3455
Fax: 250-363-0144

Industrial Cooperation Program (CIDA-INC)

Private Sector Division, Canadian Partnership Branch, Canadian International Development Agency

The Industrial Cooperation Program (CIDA-INC) can provide financial support and advice to Canadian businesses planning sustainable business activities in developing or transition countries. The goal of the program is to promote economic and social development in host countries through the private sector while enhancing the quality of Canadian investment. It reduces the risks to Canadian firms by sharing the cost of providing training to workers and ensuring social development, gender equality and a clean environment.
Financial support can be provided through one of CIDA-INC’s two mechanisms:

  • Investment Mechanism supports enterprises that seek to invest in, and establish, a long-term business relationship with a local partner to produce goods or services.
  • Professional Services Mechanism supports consulting firms that seek to participate in infrastructure projects with positive developmental impacts in the host country.

Each mechanism provides support at both the study and implementation stages. Eligible companies must be in business for at least three years prior to applying, and be subject to corporate income tax in Canada. They must be financially sound, showing annual sales of $700,000+ for at least two consecutive years and have a proven track record in the services or products they provide. They must have a potential local partner and additional sources of financing, and be prepared to commit to a project in the long term.

Joe Knockaert, Director
Pacific Regional Office
Canadian International Development Agency
2000 – 300 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6B 6E1

Tel: 604-666-9952
Fax: 604-666-0954

Export USA

Export USA consists of three programs: NEBS, EXTUS and Reverse NEBS, which aims to increase the number of active exporters to the U.S.
NEBS, the New Exporters to Border States program, focuses on export education and targets Canadian companies considering exporting to the United States. EBS introduces the essentials of exporting, including practical information and first-hand exposure to markets in the United States.

EXTUS, the Exporters to the United States program, serves Canadian companies already exporting to the U.S. This program focuses on expanding the markets of successful exporters to the United States by facilitating sessions with industry experts, supporting entry to major national/regional trade shows and fostering network opportunities with distributors, representatives and buyers.

The Reverse NEBS program serves Canadian companies not yet exporting to the United States by providing seminars in Canada covering the essentials of exporting.

Tracey Innes, Senior Marketing and Trade Officer
BC Regional Office
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Suite 420 - 4321 Still Creek Drive
Burnaby, B.C. V5C 6S7
Tel: 604-666-9353
Fax: 604-666-7235

Food Beverage Canada

Food Beverage Canada (FBC) is the export coordination and market development association of the four western provinces (British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan). Companies can access FBC initiatives and programs focused on value-added food and beverage exports to global markets. For program information please contact:

Wendy Hindle, Executive Director
Food Beverage Canada
Tel: 780-486-9679
Toll free: 1-800-493-9767
Fax: 780-484-0985

Food Research and Crop Utilization Program

The Food Research and Crop Utilization Program conducts long-term, high-risk research focused on processing, utilization and quality of plant products, commodity conversion, new products and processes and new marketing opportunities. This is done in collaboration with the agri-food industry in the development, transfer and commercialization of plant products and technologies. This program operates a pilot plant and laboratories related to food chemistry and physics, food microbiology and sensory evaluation.

Dr. G. Mazza, Program Leader
Food Processing/Crop Utilization
Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Tel: 250-494-6376
Fax: 250-494-0755

UBC/BCIT – Food Information Service

The Food Information Service operates as part of the Food, Nutrition and Health Program of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (Faculty of Land and Food Systems, effective April 2005), University of British Columbia and the Food Technology Program of the B.C. Institute of Technology. In addition to their teaching and research mandates, the two Programs offer fee-for-service R&D assistance to companies in the food and food-related industries. Typical projects include product development, thermal process verification, sensory evaluation, shelf-life studies, solutions to unusual analytical problems, sample preparation, packaging solutions, etc. In addition, a free telephone hotline for the public is provided to consumers who have concerns about food issues.

Dr. Tim Durance, Professor and Program Director
Food Information Service - University of British Columbia
Room 100 FNH Building, 2205 East Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
Tel: 604-822-6762 or 604-822-4100
Fax: 604-822-3959

United States Customs and Border Protection – Agriculture

United States Customs and Border Protection Agency Services (CBP)

CBP enforces import laws and regulations of the U.S. federal government and conducts immigration policy development and programs. Ports of entry are responsible for daily port-specific operations. Ports perform agriculture inspections to protect the USA from potential carriers of animal and plant pests or diseases that could cause serious damage to America’s crops, livestock, pets, food supply chain and the environment. Blaine is the most important port of entry for BC companies exporting products to the USA.

Agriculture Information (Blaine, WA)
Tel: 360-332-1640
Fax: 360-332-1452

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (Blaine, WA)
Tel: 360-322-4032
Fax: 360-332-7771

Date Modified: 2006-05-25 Important Notices