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The Market for Malting Barley and Malt
in China

A Brief Report

May 2002

Alberta Office
Canadian Embassy

1. Overview

The beer market in China has been growing at a healthy rate of 5-6% per annum and is expected to continue to increase at this rate in the future. Nearly two thirds of total malting barley demand is currently met by imports and domestic production of malting barley has been decreasing. Continued beer demand growth combined with lack of ability to expand domestic production of malting barley would indicate that the outlook is for continued strong growth in imports of barley for malting purposes.

Canada supplies about 25% of the import volume with exports of US$106 million in 2001. Prospects look very good for Canada to expand volume substantially in the years ahead, subject to product availability. The new lower tariff of 10% for malt which was put in place January 1, 2002 after China's accession to the WTO will create new opportunities for this product as well.

2. Malting barley production

The Northwest provinces of Xinjiang, Xingxia and Gansu and the Northeast provinces of Heilongjiang, Jiangsu and Zhejiang are China's main malting barley production areas. However, in recent years China's malting barley production has been decreasing at 10% each year and can now only meet about one third of domestic demand.

In 2000, China produced more than 20 million tons of beer which consumed 3 million tons of malting barley, of which 2 million tons were imported from North America, Australia and European countries. Most large beer breweries use imported malting barley as their major raw material.

The main varieties of imported malting barley are Schooner and Sloop from Australia, Harrington from Canada, and Alexis from the European Union.

3. Malt production

China's total malt production was 2.5 million tons in 2001, the second highest production level in the world. Currently, there are approximately 20 large scale Chinese malt producers with annual output between 40,000 and 200,000 tons, and 47 medium-sized malt producers with annual output between 10,000 and 30,000 tons. In addition, about 100 beer producers have established their own malt production facilities.

As of January 2002, there were about 100 Chinese breweries with production capacity of over 50,000 tons of beer which use 1.7 million tons of malt annually. Another 380 small breweries require 520,000 tons of malt annually.

4. Imports

Chinese imports of malting barley have increasing dramatically reflecting the reduced domestic production together with a robust 5-6% annual increase in beer consumption.

Chinese imports of malt and malting barley
(US$ millions)
Country 1999 2000 2001
Australia 189 156 210
Canada 54 65 106
France 19 75 55
United States 1 - 7
New Zealand - - 2
Total 293 313 382

Chinese imports of malt have been minimal with only US$1.2 million worth of malt (roasted and not roasted) imported in 2001.

5. Tariff Rates:

As of January 2002, the import tariff rates are as follows:
HS10030010 malting barley 3%
HS11071000 malt 10%

Malting barley has a Value Added Tax (VAT) of 13% and malt has a VAT of 17%.

6. Chinese malt barley and malt importers

According to China Brewery Association and China Malt Industry Association, there are about a dozen major malting barley importers in China.

COFCO is the largest importer of malting barley and uses it in its malt processing facilities in Dalian, Liaoning Province. Major Chinese beer producers such as Qingdao Beer, Yanjing Beer and Huarun Beer also have a department which conducts malting barley trade for its own use.

Below are coordinates of some Chinese importers of malting barley:

Beijing Long Yang Brewing Material Corporation
Add: Jincheng Center District 4
Beijing China,100078

Contact: Xu Jin Yang, Manager
Tel: 86-10-6762-2029, 6764-8694, 6764-8693
Fax: 86-10 6761-2274, 6762-1986

Shandong Jiufa Company Ltd.
Jindu Masion, No. 9,
Nanda Street, Yantai,
Shandong Province, China

Contact: Mr. Ma Qinghai, Manager of Malt Barley Dep't
Tel: 86 535 660-3283
Fax 86 535 662-3798

China Grains & Oils Group Corporation, Imp. & Exp. Branch
Add: No. 5 Xi San Huan Zhong Rd.
Haidian District, Beijing, 100036, China

Tel: 86 10 68474763
Fax: 86 10 68474721

China National Native Produce & Animal By-Products Imp. & Exp. Corporation
China Grains, Oils and Feedstuffs Co., Ltd.
Add: Rm. 8005
No. 208 An Ding Men Wai Ave.
Beijing, 100011, China

Tel: 86 10 64207800
Fax: 86 10 64205100

China National Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs Imp. & Exp. Corp.
Beer Raw Materials Dept.
Add: Tower A COFCO Plaza
No. 8 Jianguomennei Ave.
Beijing, 100005, China

Tel: 86 10 6526-8888 ext. 2925
Fax: 86 10 6527-6041

Jiangsu Heng Xing Malt Co., Ltd.
Add: No.86, Suzhong South Road
Baoying, Jiangsu, 225800, China

Tel: 86 514 822-2294
Fax: 86 514 822-3481

China Township Enterprises Corp., Yantai Co.
Add: 10/F, Huifeng Plaza
201-209 Shengli Road, Yantai
Jiangsu, 264001, China

Tel: 86 535 662-3295
Fax: 86 535 662-3798

Ningbo Malt Co., Ltd.
Add: Da Gang Industrial Zone
Beicang, Ningbo
Jiangsu, 315800, China

Tel: 86 574 688-5598
Fax: 86 574 688-3958

Yenhere Corporation
Add: 21/F Futai Plaza
No 18 Hong Kong Middle Road
Qingdao, Shangdong, China

Tel: 86 532 576-1346
Fax: 86 532 576-8370

Guangzhou Malt Co., Ltd.
Add: No. 2 Chuang Ye Road
Guangzhou ETDZ
Guangdong 510730 China

Tel: 86 20 8221-2422
Fax: 86 20 8221-2988

7. Relevant Trade Associations

China Brewery Association
B22, Fuwai Ave.
Beijing, China

Contact: Mr. Wang Yancai
Tel: 86-10-6839- 6516
Fax: 86-10-6839-6518

China Beer Association
Guan Hua Yuan Plaza
Huan Bei Road, Chaoyang District
Beijing, China

Contact: Mr. Xiao Derun, Chairman
Tel: 86-10-6503-1529
Fax: 86-10-6503-1529

China Malt Industry Association
Yangzhou Agriculture College
Jiangsu, China

Contact: Mr. Liu Zi Qiang, Chairman
Tel: 86-514-735-4324
Fax: 86-514-734-9817

8. Major Breweries

According to the China Beer Association, 70% of Chinese breweries use malting barley for beer production while about 30% use rice as the raw material. Wheat is seldom used for beer production. publishes a list of Chinese beer producers whose sales are over RMB300 million (C$60 million) in 2000 as shown below.

Chinese beer producers whose sales are over RMB300 million (C$60 million) in 2000
Province Name of Brewery Sales Income
(RMB millions)
(000 tons)
Shandong Qingdao 3978 1861
Beijing Yanjing 2537 1411
Guangdong Pearl River 1757 739
Sichuan Lan Jian Brewery 1399 466
Hubei Budweiser 1062 142
Fujian Huiquan Beer 885 315
Heilongjiang Harbin Beer 802 469
Liaoning Shenyang Huarun Snow Beer 771 418
Chongqing Chongqing Beer Group 724 405
Guangdong Blue Ribbon 716 172
Guangdong Shenzhen Kingway Beer 660 140
Henan Golden Star 637 518
Hubei Jin Long Quan Group 602 380
Guangxi Guilin Li Quan 570 218
Zhejiang Wenzhou Shuang Lu 530 278
Hubei Wuhan Oulian Dongxihu 454 300
Shanghai Suntory Brewery 444 180
Zhejiang Qianpi Group 417 215
Shandong Mengyinyin Brewery 409 236
Shandong Yantai Beer Asahi Co. Ltd. 408 201
Fujian Fujian Sedrin Brewery Co. 404 200
Anuhui Abhui Hua Run Beer Banbu Co. 387 269
Shandong Noble Beer Co., Ltd. Jinan 349 155
Heilongjiang New Three Star Group 348 181
Hebei Xuanhui Zhong Lou Brewery 339 194
Guangdong Guangzhou Senmiguel Brewery 327 809
Liaoning Dalian Hua Run Brewery 324 184

Source: Brewchina

Date Modified: 2002 05 16 Important Notices