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Provincial Constituency Profiles

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These reports present statistical profiles for all 58 Sakatchewan constituencies. Each constituency is entitled to return one Member to serve in the Saskatchewan Legislative Assembly. The statistics profiles are boased on the constituency boundaries as described in Representation Act, 2002. The statistical profiles are compiled from data collected from a 20% sample of households and includes characteristics such as home language, ethnic origin, place of birth, education, religion, labour force activity, housing costs and income. The data in these reports are derived from block information whose geography matches the constituency boundaries.

In the 2001 Census one Indian Reserve was listed as not enumberated. Data are not available for this reserve and are therefore not included in this statistical profile. This affects the constituency of Lloydminster. Users are advised to refer to the appendices for further information regarding data quality, definitions and the electoral maps.

A plug-in program, Adobe Acrobat Reader, is required to view these tables. If you do not have the program, it can be downloaded from Adobe at no charge.

  • Download entire document
  • Introduction and Summary Tables

  • Introduction
  • Summary Tables
  • Provincial Constituency Profile Statistics

  • Saskatchewan
  • Arm River-Watrous
  • Batoche
  • Biggar
  • Cannington
  • Canora-Pelly
  • Carrot River Valley
  • Cut Knife-Turtleford
  • Cypress Hills
  • Estevan
  • Humboldt
  • Indian Head-Milestone
  • Kelvington-Wadena
  • Kindersley
  • Last Mountain-Touchwood
  • Lloydminster
  • Martensville
  • Meadow Lake
  • Melfort
  • Melville-Saltcoats
  • Moose Jaw North
  • Moose Jaw Wakamow
  • Moosomin
  • Prince Albert Carlton
  • Prince Albert Northcote
  • Regina Coronation Park
  • Regina Dewdney
  • Regina Douglas Park
  • Regina Elphinstone-Centre
  • Regina Lakeview
  • Regina Northeast
  • Regina Qu'Appelle Valley
  • Regina Rosemont
  • Regina South
  • Regina Walsh Acres
  • Regina Wascana Plains
  • Rosetown-Elrose
  • Rosthern-Shellbrook
  • Saskatchewan Rivers
  • Saskatoon Centre
  • Saskatoon Eastview
  • Saskatoon Fairview
  • Saskatoon Greystone
  • Saskatoon Massey Place
  • Saskatoon Meewasin
  • Saskatoon Northwest
  • Saskatoon Nutana
  • Saskatoon Riversdale
  • Saskatoon Silver Springs
  • Saskatoon Southeast
  • Saskatoon Sutherland
  • Swift Current
  • The Battlefords
  • Thunder Creek
  • Weyburn-Big Muddy
  • Wood River
  • Yorkton
  • Athabasca
  • Cumberland
  • Appendices

  • Appendix 1 - Technical Notes
  • Appendix 2 - Definitions
  • Appendix 3 - Constituency Maps
  • Get Acrobat

    Last Updated: November 20, 2003

    Please direct inquiries to the Saskatchewan Bureau of Statistics: SBS
    9th Floor, 2350 Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, S4P 4A6
    Phone: (306)787-6327 Fax : (306)787-6311
    © 2005 Saskatchewan Bureau of Statistics