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TeleCommunities Canada
TéléCommunautés Canada

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TeleCommunities Canada - Mission Statement

  • To ensure that all Canadians are able to participate in community-based communications and electronic information services by promoting and supporting local community network initiatives.
  • To represent and promote the Canadian community networking movement at the national and international level.

TC Welcomes CAP Communities

A Brief History of TC

Community Networking Advocacy

November 2005 - Four Internet Futures

In seeking a way to understand the issues driving the Internet Governance debate at WSIS, TC Board member, Garth Graham, has used scenarios to produce a brief synthesis and overview titled, Experiencing the Information Society: four Internet futures .

August-September 2005 - Telecom Policy Review

TC first and second responses are available on the Advocacy and Reports page.

May 2005 - TC active in WSIS/WGIG consultation

Internet Governance

The UN Secretary General's Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG) is developing a report for the November 2005 World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). In early May, the WGIG posted a questionnaire that seeks to gather public opinion on institutional arrangements related to Internet governance. They seek views on the functioning of the Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and the Government Advisory Council (GAC), and recommendations about whether another mechanism is needed and what it might look like. The questionnaire is available at the WGIG site: A TC comment to the discussion wiki accompanying the questionnaire is available here.

Civil Society

TC had a major presence at the Canadian Commission for UNESCO sponsored conference "Paving the road to Tunis WSIS II: The views of Canada's Civil Society on the Geneva Plan of Action and the Prospects for Phase II" Winnipeg, May 13-15, 2005.

The following TC directors were in attendance:

  • Brian Beaton,
  • Michael Gurstein,
  • Marita Moll,
  • David Murdoch,
  • Peter Royce,
  • Gareth Shearman,

The TC statement "Beyond the Information Society; Enabling Communities to Create the World We Want / Au-delà de la société de l'information; Permettre aux communautés de créer le monde que nous désirons" was well received and is listed in the final communiqué of the conference among the WSIS sites available for further consultation. A draft version of the final conference communiqué is currently available here.

TC President, Gary Shearman and Peter Frampton, chair of the National Association of Community Access Programs participated in a panel on "Civil society's role in building a global information society." Their presentation 10 years of investment -- CAP -- The Community Access program in Canada is available here.

Meetings, Legal Documents, and Bylaws

Historic Web Site Section

Fall 2005: TeleCommunities Web Update in Progress

We are slowly (very slowly) updating this most ancient, historic, and now venerable section of our Web Site. That involves deciding what this site should be about, choosing open-source software to build it, and then keeping it updated. The technology is the easy part.

Until our site update is complete, treat much of this historic material as "the way were were" not "the way we are"!

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