Information Centre on Aboriginal Health
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The Information Centre on Aboriginal Health (ICAH)


Welcome to the Information Centre on Aboriginal Health (ICAH), which is a service provided by the National Aboriginal Health Organization. ICAH is a database of information on bibliographic and Web-based resources, programs and services, health careers, and scholarships and bursaries. The goal of ICAH is to provide information that supports NAHO’s objectives:

  • to improve and promote health,
  • to promote understanding of health issues affecting Aboriginal Peoples,
  • to facilitate and promote research,
  • to foster participation of Aboriginal Peoples in delivery of health care, and
  • to affirm and protect Aboriginal traditional healing practices.

The Information Centre on Aboriginal Health (ICAH), is a central database of Aboriginal health information. It is a ‘virtual’ library that provides, wherever possible, links to information that is free on the Internet.

We are adding information to the database everyday, and we encourage you to contact us if you have information you would like to add to ICAH. Fax us at 613-237-8707 or email us at to suggest a resource or if you have a suggestion that will improve ICAH.

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National Aboriginal Health Organization(NAHO)
Centre d'information sur la santé autochtone (ONSA)

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