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Adam Beach committed to community as he hosts 14th Annual National Aboriginal Achievement Awards

The National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation (NAAF) is a nationally registered non-profit organization dedicated to raising funds to deliver programs that provide the tools necessary for Aboriginal youth to achieve brighter futures.

Charitable No. 11883 4696 RR0001

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The 14th year gala celebration to be held in Edmonton on March 16th, 2007 at the Northern Jubilee Auditorium, promises to be outstanding event, as acclaimed producer, actor, writer Jennifer Podemski heads up the highly talented Achievement Awards production team as the Creative Producer and notable actor Adam Beach commits to hosting the 2007 National Aboriginal Achievement Awards.

Toronto – While Oscar-buzz surrounds Adam Beach, one of Canada’s top actors, the Aboriginal star has signed on as host to hand out the highest honours in the Aboriginal community at the 14th Annual National Aboriginal Achievement Awards in March 2007.

“I am so proud to be a part of the Aboriginal Achievement Awards, it is an opportunity for us to reflect the amazing success and talent in our community and we are so lucky to have Adam Beach hosting.  So many people look up to him as a role model, since I have known him he has always put his community first and his commitment to the awards is a testament to that,” says the awards’ Creative Producer, Jennifer Podemski, a celebrity in her own right.  Jennifer, an award winning producer and celebrated actor, co-stars with Adam in the upcoming series Moose TV, due to hit the small screen in the spring.

With Adam’s intense schedule, taking him to places like Palm Springs and Italy, he still has found time to give back to his community by taking on the commitment to host the awards.

From activists to scientists, the awards bring attention to the unsung heroes of this country and show the rest of Canada, who we are as Aboriginal people.  This is the only opportunity Canadians get to experience what Aboriginal people are capable of and that is something we can all be proud of.

Juno award winners, Gemini-nominated actors, and a slate of talent that reads like the who’s who of Aboriginal Canadian entertainers will honour the recipients with performances at the 14th Annual National Aboriginal Achievement Awards on March 16, 2007 in Edmonton at the Northern Jubilee Auditorium.

The Foundation will proudly announce the recipients of the 14th awards during the beginning of December.

 The Foundation, with great pleasure welcomes Global Television and the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) back as network partners for the official broadcast of the 2007 National Aboriginal Achievement Awards.

 The awards are produced by the National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation, Canada’s leading Aboriginal charity dedicated to providing financial assistance to Aboriginal students for post-secondary education.  Since 1985, the Foundation has awarded more than $22 million in scholarships to deserving students across the country for all disciplines, including law, medicine, education, psychology, fine arts, business, and computer sciences.

  The National Aboriginal Achievement Awards are generously supported by:

Private Sector:

Lead Sponsor - CIBC

Air Canada, Alliance Pipeline, BP Canada Energy Company, Casino Rama, CN, Diavik Diamond Mines, Enbridge, Encana, First Air, IBM Canada, Investors Group, Nexen Inc., Petro –Canada, RBC Foundation, Scotiabank, Shell Canada Ltd., Suncor Energy Foundation, Syncrude, Talisman Energy

 Public Sector:

The Government of Canada - Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canadian Forces, Canadian Heritage, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Canadian Museum of Civilization, Elections Canada, Environment Canada, Industry Canada – Aboriginal Business Canada, Health Canada, Service Canada, Transport Canada