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» About the Secure Login Box
In the box directly above:
Staff - use your Employee ID (9 digits) and your Banner PIN (6 numbers)
Students - use your Student ID (9 digits) and Banner PIN (6 numbers)
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» Next Term Starts Early!
In the New Year classes start Tuesday, January 2, 2007
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» Continuing Ed Corner
Information about various upcoming Continuing Education offerings.
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» Student Goes to Iceland
Yukon College social work student is leaving for Iceland to study at the University of Akureyri.
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» Let Us Celebrate!
With Music!
December 13. 2006
in the Pit
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If you would like to host and share your Christmas with a Japanese student from
December 17-28,  please call Homestay at 668 8786.
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» Research Intern at NRI
The Northern Research Institute is hosting a research intern with national funding. Kieran O'Donovan is studying pikas to understand climate change.
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December 8th, 2006
» Recruiting International Students...
A new agreement with Malaspina University-College will make it easier to attract students to Yukon College from overseas.
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» Four Yukon Students Receive...
The Association of Universities for Northern Studies has given substantial awards to four Yukon students.
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