Movement for Canadian Literacy

The Movement for Canadian Literacy (MCL) is a national non-profit organization representing literacy coalitions, organizations, and individuals from every province and territory. Our mission is to be a national voice for literacy for every Canadian through networking, research, government liaison, learner development, communication, collaboration and building the capacity to support the people and organizations involved with adult literacy education.

About MCL
Literacy Action
Learners' Section
Literacy in Context
Literacy Statistics

red bullet image MCL Board Members (password required)

What's New?

Join Amnesty International's global write-a-thon
Join “Write for Rights” – Amnesty International’s exciting global write-a-thon on Human Rights Day, December 10.

October 26 – Our 13th annual Literacy Action Day will be held on November 9, 2006. Literacy Action Day provides an opportunity for parliamentarians to talk directly with adult learners and educators about how literacy issues affect Canada and Canadians.

October 4 – The Federal government announces major cuts to the Adult Learning and Literacy Skills Program. Find out more about the literacy funding crisis, its impact, the responses around the country and what you can do!

Learners, share your experiences about how literacy has changed your life. Send your stories or read about other adult learners in our Book of Changes.

Get the latest literacy news, highlights and events from across the country!
• The National Adult Literacy Database Headline News
• The Federal Government's What's New in Literacy

Suite 300 - 180 Metcalfe Street
Ottawa, ON, K2P 1P5
Tel: 613-563-2464  red dot image  Fax: 613-563-2504

Last updated on November 30, 2006

graphic link to Donate Now


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