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Congratulations to our amazing winners!

Thank you for your Write for a Better World 2017

For more information click here!




After March 31st, WLC will be transitioning out its India programming, which include Adult Literacy Classes, Balwaldi Classes, and Mahila Mandals. It is with the highest of hopes that we succeed in our unending efforts to find a sustainable solution for our India programs.
As this chapter for World Literacy Canada comes to a close, a new one hopefully begins. We will keep you updated on our plans. Regardless of what the future may hold, we want to thank our staff and supporters for their long years of dedication to the program, and their support of WLC’s mission of empowerment of women and children through literacy.




Learn about our First Nations Storytelling Program and the publication of
From the Sky: Stories of Women Who Inspire Us written and illustrated by the
Grade 7 and 8 students of Six Nations Kawenni:io/Gaweni:yo Elementary School!




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Visit our WattPad page to read the incredible stories of the WLC  teachers and students from Uttar Pradesh who devote themselves to learning and sharing!



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Munni Devi’s Story

Pooja’s Story

A Teacher’s Journey

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  • Canadian Volunteer Internship Blog

Canadian Volunteer Internship Blog

  • 2013

Sana recently  joined the World Literacy Canada team at our office in Varanasi through the Canadian Volunteer Internship in […]