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Other Issues

Agriculture Policy Debate

On June 8, the Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA) hosted a public debate on agricultural issues. The Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and four opposition party agriculture critics took part. The audience included farmers, representatives of national farm organizations, government officials and media.

The participants were The Honourable Bob Speller(Liberal), Gerry Ritz (Conservative), Dick Proctor (NDP), Louis Plamondon (Bloc Québecois) and Tom Manley (Green Party). John Morriss, Editor and Publisher, Farmers' Independent Weekly, moderated the event.

Each participant presented his party's agriculture policy platform. Three panelists, Bob Friesen (President, CFA), Laurent Pellerin (President, UPA and 1st Vice President, CFA) and Marvin Shauf (2nd Vice President, CFA) posed questions regarding each party's position on a number of issues.

Some of the issues discussed were: plans for negotiating a WTO agreement that is positive for both exporting and domestic interest groups, increasing market access while maintaining supply management and the Canadian Wheat Board, an economic plan for recovery from the BSE and Avian Influenza outbreaks, and improving rural infrastructure.

All candidates voiced their support for the supply management system and recognized its value to Canadian agriculture. They applauded the CFA for holding this inaugural debate and thanked the CFA and other farm organizations for their work on behalf of Canadian farmers.

For more information, visit the CFA's website at

Council Business

Terms End for Two Council Members

Council said farewell to two of its members this month. Sandy McCurrach of British Columbia had been a member of Council since 1998. He is the former owner/operator of Purity Feed Co. Ltd. and Jamieson Creek Ranch in Kamloops and past executive member of the Canadian Turkey Marketing Agency, the B.C. Turkey Marketing Board, and the B.C. Feed Industry Association.

Mrs. Anne Chong Hill, of Vancouver, BC had also been a member since 1998. She is the co-founder and President of Global Gourmet Foods Inc., a member of the Canadian Agri-Food Marketing Council, and a member of the Advisory Council to the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries of British Columbia.

Council Chair Cynthia Currie said, "Both members were excellent contributors to the work of the Council and will be missed."

June 7 Council Meeting in
Mont Tremblant

A Council meeting was held on June 7 in Mont Tremblant, in conjunction with the CPEPC Annual Meeting and Convention. Items on the agenda included discussion of current business of the four poultry and egg marketing agencies and the beef promotion and research agency, an update on the BC turkey complaint and follow-up to the Grocery and Food Service Forum.

BC Turkey Complaint

Council has received a letter from the BC signatories proposing a meeting in late June to discuss this matter. A meeting will be scheduled in the near future.

Chicken Quota Order- A-59

Following the May 10 Council meeting, Council had asked that CFC provide a quota order for A-59 with updated provincial allocations that reflected what other provinces agreed to grow to meet BC market requirements.

In addition, Council asked that an action plan be provided demonstrating how chicken supply will be managed during this and future periods. While CFC provided a revised rationale for Period A-59, they did not provide a revised quota order.

Council did not review the quota order, as it was unchanged from the one submitted at Council's May 10 meeting.

Forum on Grocery and Food Service Follow-up

A letter and questionnaire have been sent to all Forum participants. Comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

A report is being prepared and will be made available to all participants.

June 2004


October Council Meeting Date Changed

The Council meeting originally scheduled for October 27 and 28, 2004 has been changed to October 13 and 14.

Agency News

Canadian Egg Marketing Agency

The Agency held a Board of Directors Meeting on June 15 specifically to discuss and set quota regulations and levy orders for the period from August 1 to December 25, 2004.

Effective August 1, 2004, the Agency proposes to set regulated layers at 20,243,107, a 290,823 layer increase. There will be no change from the Eggs for Processing or Market Development Quota levels currently in effect.

The Agency is reporting a very strong balance for the Pooled Income Fund and is projecting to end the year at $58.1 million.

The two main reasons for this are: higher demand for table eggs, which results in a lower volume of industrial (breaker) eggs entering the Industrial Product Program, and high U.S. breaker egg prices which are used as the base for Canadian breaker egg prices.

As a result, effective August 1, 2004, the Agency proposes to drop its levy by 2 cents per dozen to 23 cents per dozen. The proposed quota and levies orders will be considered by the Council at its July 27 and 28 meeting.

Canadian Turkey Marketing Agency

The CTMA's 196th Meeting will take place in Winnipeg on June 22 and 23, 2004. One of the items on the agenda will be the continuing discussions on allocation policy. The Agency hopes to have a final draft Allocation Policy for its September meeting.

Industry News

CPEPC Convention

The CPEPC's Annual Meeting and Convention was held at Mont Tremblant, Quebec from June 6 to 8. The event featured a number of interesting and inspiring speakers.

Mr. Jean-Pierre Léger, President and CEO, Rôtisseries St-Hubert Barbecue, spoke of his "Vision for the Future". Plenary topics were "Getting the Value Out of Your Value Chain" and "Avian Influenza - Facing Reality".

Keynote Speaker Danièle Sauvageau's moving presentation "Going for Gold in Leadership - You Can't Reach Your Goal Without an Assist" gave a captivating insight into her philosophy as she lead her women's hockey team to the gold medal at the 2002 Olympic Games in Salt Lake City.

The Max Wiener Award was presented to Rock Laroche of Mariel Canada Inc. Pieter Vanderpol, Vanderpol's Eggs Ltd. received an Outstanding Contribution Award.

Congratulations to both on the recognition of their contributions to the Canadian poultry and egg industry.

For more details, please visit the CPEPC's website at: features/Convention

John Slot Joins Cericola Farms

John Slot, former 1st Vice Chair of Chicken Farmers of Canada, recently joined the management team of Cericola Farms/Sure Fresh Foods Inc. of Bradford, Ontario.

Mr. Slot, a producer from Moorefield, Ontario, is well known in the chicken industry at both the provincial and national levels. He is a strong supporter of the supply management system and will continue to play an active role.

We congratulate him on his appointment and wish him the best of luck.

Chairman of Ontario Commission to Retire

Rod Stork, Chairman of the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission, has announced his retirement effective December 31, 2004. He will be leaving the Commission as of September 3.

In a letter to Council Chair Cynthia Currie, Mr. Stork said "During my 34 years with the (Ontario) Ministry of Agriculture and Food it has been the people that I have had the opportunity to work with that have made my career so rewarding."

Mr. Stork thanked Council members and staff for their support and assistance during his tenure as Chairman of the Commission. He expressed his confidence that the agri-food sector will continue to grow and flourish and congratulated Council on its strong leadership.

We wish him all the best in his retirement.

Upcoming meetings

July 5-7 Canadian Egg Marketing Agency (Quebec City)
July 13-15 Canadian Broiler Hatching Egg Marketing Agency (Winnipeg)
July 18-22 Chicken Farmers of Canada (Calgary)
July 27-28 National Farm Products Council (Ottawa)
Aug. 17-20 Canadian Cattlemen's Association (Semi-annual Meeting) (Calgary)
Sept. 8-9 Canadian Egg Marketing Agency (Ottawa)
Sept. 21-23 Canadian Turkey Marketing Agency (Toronto)
Sept. 28-29 Canadian Broiler Hatching Egg Marketing Agency

Oct. 13-14 National Farm Products Council (Ottawa)
Oct. 25-26 Canadian Poultry and Egg Processors Council (Winnipeg)



Date modified:  2004-11-17


Important Notices