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Council Business


During Council's conference call of November 5 Council prior-approved the Agency's 2003 final allocation to the signatory provinces of 605,707,974 broiler hatching eggs.

The Agency has forwarded to Council, for prior-approval, the initial allocation for 2004 of 695,736,590 eggs. Council will be considering this allocation at its meeting on December 16 and 17, 2003. As the Agency's current levy order is effective through March 27, 2004, the Agency will not be forwarding a levy order for Council's approval at this time.


The Canadian Egg Marketing Agency, at its November 12, 2003 meeting, approved a CEMA levy of 25 cents per dozen which will be forwarded to Council for consideration at its December 16 and 17, 2003 meeting.

The Agency also reduced the Eggs for Processing (EFP) quota in British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba by half and allocated Alberta 610,000 dozen eggs (25,000 layers) EFP quota. British Columbia has requested a meeting with Agency representatives to discuss the reduction in its EFP quota. This meeting will take place in late November. The Agency expects to forward a quota order by early December for review at Council's December meeting.

The Agency also agreed to implement its policy on the revised non-regulated production estimates as provided by Statistics Canada. Implementing these estimates does not change the number of dozen allocated to a province under federal quota, but does change the number of layers allocated to a province.


On November 5th, by teleconference, Council prior-approved an amendment to the Canadian Chicken Marketing Quota Regulations for period A-56. The allocation commences on December 14, 2003 and consists of a domestic allocation of 177,989,141 kilograms live weight, and a market development quota of 10,141,470 kilograms live weight.

Presentation to Senate Standing Committee

Chair Cynthia Currie was invited to appear before the Senate Standing Committee on Agriculture and Forestry on October 21, 2003. Council Vice Chair Ron O'Connor was also present. The Committee has recently been discussing the development and marketing, in both Canadian and export markets, of value-added farm products, and their importance to the survival of Canada's agricultural economy.

Mrs. Currie highlighted achievements of the Canadian poultry and egg industry. She observed that the success of the industry is mainly due to Canadian consumers' rising appreciation for the convenience, quality and nutritional value of chicken, which now rivals beef as the most popular meat. Sales of poultry dinners, entrées and other value-added products are growing by 30% annually. Mrs. Currie noted "it is clear that today's producers are meeting the challenge of adding value, and doing it well."

During a lively discussion following her presentation, Mrs. Currie and Mr. O'Connor answered questions from Committee members.

NFPC on the Move

In August 2004, the NFPC office will be relocating to the Central Experimental Farm (CEF). Our new home will be a heritage building located across from the Canadian Agriculture Museum and next door to the Canadian Dairy Commission on NCC Driveway.

This move is a part of a long-term plan to centralize the offices of the Agriculture Portfolio Agencies on the CEF. In the meantime, the headquarters staff of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency will gradually be moved to the former Nortel Skyline Campus, located at the corner of Merivale and Baseline Roads.

The Sir John Carling Building will likely be demolished and the site re-used in keeping with the research and heritage characteristics of the CEF.

Mark your Calendar

Conference on Trends in Food Marketing - May 2004

On May 11 and 12, 2004, Council will be hosting a conference bringing together poultry and egg industry leaders to examine developments in Canada's food distribution and retailing sector. Participants will be invited from the four national marketing agencies and two processor associations, as well as representatives from the National Association of Agri-food Supervisory Agencies (NAASA) and other groups. Council members will also attend. The conference will be held at the Fairmont Chateau Laurier Hotel in Ottawa. Watch for updates in upcoming issues of Focus.

NAASA Meeting Scheduled

To coincide with Council's conference scheduled for May 11 and 12, 2004, the National Association of Agri-food Supervisory Agencies (NAASA) is planning a meeting in Ottawa on May 10, 2004.

November 2003


Tyson Foods and Export Packers Announce Joint Venture

On November 14, 2003 Arkansas-based Tyson Foods Inc. and Export Packers Co. Ltd. of Toronto announced a joint venture to produce fully-cooked chicken products for the Canadian market. Export Packers Foods Limited production facility, which will employ state-of-the-art processing technology, will be in Paris, Ontario. More than 30 employees will initially work at the production facility. Start-up is planned for spring 2004.

The venture will produce Tyson brand products, as well as products sold under Export Packers' brands for both foodservice and consumer markets.

4H Annual Meeting in Toronto

Executive Director Terry Hayward attended the 4-H Members' and Leaders' 2003 Annual Conferences and Board of Directors meeting in Toronto on November 8-11, 2003.

The 90th Anniversary of 4-H in Canada is coming to a close with plans already in the making to have Centennial Celebrations of this youth serving organization in place for the 2013 Annual General Meeting to be held in Manitoba, birthplace of Canadian 4-H .

The NFPC joins other government and private sector supporters of this rural youth and agriculture movement through its Corporate Membership. As well NFPC Executive Director Terry Hayward sits on the National Council's Board of Directors.

AAFC Minister Lyle Vanclief, a past 4-H member himself, addressed the 4-H Board of Directors, youth members and leaders during their November 8th annual banquet held in conjunction with the 4-H Members' and Leaders' 2003 Annual Conferences. Minister Vanclief outlined the continuing support the government of Canada has for 4-H in its efforts to promote youth leadership, citizenship and development.

For more information on the 4-H movement in Canada, readers can contact Terry Hayward at or the Canadian 4-H Council directly at

Report on Brazil Published

As reported in our last issue, Chair Cynthia Currie headed a delegation to Brazil in September 2003. The mission, which included Council's producer members and several other producer representatives, visited a number of production units and agribusiness ventures and organizations.

NFPC has produced a report that includes factual highlights and general impressions of the situation in Brazil. The report also contains specific comments on each of the companies and organizations visited and provides price information observed by mission members at retail outlets in São Paulo. Copies of the report will be distributed to poultry and egg industry stakeholders in the coming weeks, and will also be made available on our website at

For more information, or to arrange a presentation on this mission, please contact Terry Hayward ( or (613) 995-0682.

Staff Visit Burnbrae Farms

On November 7, 2003 NFPC staff visited the head office of Burnbrae Farms Ltd., located near Lyn, Ontario, northwest of Brockville. Burnbrae Farms has been owned by the Hudson family for over 100 years. NFPC staff were very impressed with the size and quality of the operation.

The tour followed the eggs from the barns where they are produced to the grading station and on to the egg breaking facility, where they are transformed into convenient products for use by both the food service industry and consumers. The staff was most impressed with an innovative product recently introduced by Burnbrae Farms for the grocery market - six-packs of hard-boiled eggs. Warmest thanks to everyone at Burnbrae Farms for an interesting and educational visit.

Focus Production Schedule

Our recent Communications Audit provided us with a range of opinions and comments about Focus. Generally, people were pleased to have this vehicle to update them on Council and industry happenings. In our last issue, we presented our new look. Here is our publication schedule, from now until the end of 2004:

December 19, 2003
January 23, 2004
March 31, 2004
May 21, 2004
June 25, 2004
August 6, 2004
October 1, 2004
October 29, 2004
December 17, 2004

If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact our Communications Coordinator at or (613) 995-9148. Your input is always welcome.

Upcoming meetings

Nov. 25-27     Canadian Turkey Marketing Agency (Toronto)
Nov. 25-26     Chicken Farmers of Canada (Ottawa)
Dec. 16-17     National Farm Products Council  (Ottawa)

Jan. 12-13     National Farm Products Council (Ottawa)
Jan. 28-29     Chicken Farmers of Canada (Ottawa)
Feb. 4-5        Canadian Egg Marketing Agency (Ottawa)
Feb. 9-10      Canadian Poultry & Egg Processors Council (Ottawa)



Date modified:  2004-11-17


Important Notices