Acts and Regulations

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada is responsible for a number of Acts related to agriculture and food in Canada.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is responsible for a number of Acts and Regulations related to agriculture and food in Canada. Please consult the CFIA list of Acts and Regulations for more information.

For a full listing of all government legislation and regulations, visit the Justice Canada website. Justice Canada website links open a new window.

Agricultural Marketing Programs Act

The Agricultural Marketing Programs Act offers two programs to assist producers and marketing agencies to market their commodities/products, the Advance Payments Program and the Price Pooling Program. These programs are not new as they were formerly offered under separate legislation.

AMPA amalgamated the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act (PGAPA), Advance Payments for Crops Act (APCA) and the Agricultural Products Cooperative Marketing Act (APCMA).

Agricultural Products Marketing Act

The Agricultural Products Marketing Act extends provincial marketing boards' authority to the federal level, so they can improve marketing conditions for agricultural commodities by means of interprovincial and export trade and levy authority. Authority is granted as a result of a provincial request and is delegated by way of Order in Council.

The boards (or agencies or commissions) are given the authority to exercise, for the benefit of their producers, the same powers in interprovincial and export trade which provincial legislation permits for trade within the province. This applies to such areas as marketing, handling, pricing information and appointment of shippers and shippers-dealers.

The federal government can also give the boards the authority to charge levies, which can be similar to service charges and license fees, on commodities moving interprovincially or being exported.

For more information, please contact the National Farm Products Council (opens new window).

Animal Pedigree Act

The Act's principal purposes are breed improvement and protection of persons who raise and purchase animals. For these purposes, the Act provides for the establishment of animal pedigree associations that are authorized to register and identify animals that have significant value.

National breed associations are incorporated under the Animal Pedigree Act who agree to take on the responsibility to establish a registry and represent breeders throughout Canada. Breed associations maintain pedigree records and issue certificates of registration as their primary responsibility.

Application to incorporate a breed association may be made by five or more persons who are at least 18 years of age and Canadian citizens or permanent residents. Only one breed association may be incorporated in respect of each distinct breed, or evolving breed.

For more information on this act, please contact the Animal Industry Division.

Canada Grain Act

The Canada Grain Act empowers the Canadian Grain Commission to carry out the provisions of the Act. The Commission must, in the interests of grain producers, establish and maintain standards of quality for Canadian grain, regulate grain handling in Canada, and ensure a dependable commodity for domestic and export markets.

For more information, please contact the Canadian Grain Commission (opens new window).

Canadian Dairy Commission Act

This Act established an agency Crown corporation called the Canadian Dairy Commission consisting of three members, appointed by the Governor in Council. The Commission is located in Ottawa. The objects of the Canadian Dairy Commission are to provide efficient producers of milk and cream with the opportunity of obtaining a fair return for their labour and investment and to provide consumers with a continuous and adequate supply of dairy products of high quality.

The Commission is empowered to purchase, sell, and dispose of dairy products; make payments for the benefit of milk and cream producers, make investigations relating to the production, processing or marketing of dairy products, and to promote and assist in the promotion of their use. The Act was amended in July 1995 to allow the Commission to administer certain milk classes that are priced to meet international competition, in co-ordination with provincial authorities. The Commission is also mandated to work with provincial authorities in pooling of market returns system on behalf of the dairy sector.

The Act also provides for payment of certain Commission expenditures from appropriations. The Commission may request loans from the Minister of Finance out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund (CRF); set up special accounts within the CRF, and establish a line of credit with a public banking institution to ensure continuity of payments under the pooling of returns. Lastly, the Act gives the Governor in Council authority to make regulations for the marketing of dairy products.

For more information, please contact the Canadian Dairy Commission (opens new window).

Canadian Wheat Board Act

The Canadian Wheat Board Act, originally enacted in 1935, underwent extensive revision in 1998. The Act incorporates the Canadian Wheat Board with the object of "marketing in an orderly manner, in interprovincial and export trade, grain grown in Canada."

As set out in the Act and the regulations pursuant to the Act, the Canadian Wheat Board's principle responsibilities are to market wheat and barley delivered to it, to the best advantage of the grain producers; to provide producers with initial payments established and guaranteed by the federal government; to pool selling prices for the same grains so that all producers get the same basic return for the same grain delivered; to equalize delivery opportunities so that each producer gets his fair share of available markets; and to organize grain shipments to meet sales commitments in order to make the most effective use of the handling and transportation system.

The Canadian Wheat Board has a 15 member Board of Directors, 10 are elected from among farmers and five are appointed by the federal government. The corporation is headed by a President and Chief Executive Officer who also sits on the Board.

For more information, please contact the Canadian Wheat Board (opens new window).

Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Act

The Act establishes the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food as a Department of the Government of Canada. It also allows for the appointment of a Minister and a Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food.

Under the Act, the Minister is responsible for the following areas, unless they have been assigned by law to another department, board or agency:

  1. agriculture;
  2. products derived from agriculture; and
  3. research related to agriculture and products derived from agriculture including the operation of experimental farm stations.

The Governor in Council may assign other powers and duties to the Minister and may also make regulations for implementing Article 708 of the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement.

The Minister must prepare and submit to Parliament an annual report on the Department's operations. It is within the discretion of the Minister to appoint inspectors to help enforce any Act in respect of which the Minister has any powers, duties or functions.

For more information, please contact Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.

Experimental Farm Stations Act

The Experimental Farm Stations Act permits the establishment of farm stations across Canada. It also charges the officers of these stations with the duty of conducting research in a number of specific areas pertinent to agricultural productivity and conservation, and of making the results of such research known by publication thereof.

For more information, please contact Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.

Farm Debt Mediation Act

The Farm Debt Mediation Service provides insolvent farmers and their creditors with mediation services pursuant to the federal Farm Debt Mediation Act (FDMA) and Regulations to help them arrive at a mutually satisfactory arrangement. The service is a private, confidential and economical alternative to the often costly, public and drawn-out process of resolving insolvency disputes in the courts. Where this is not successful, the parties still have recourse to the courts.

For more information, please contact Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.

Farm Credit Canada Act

The purpose is to enhance rural Canada by providing specialized and personalized financial services to farming operations, including family farms, and to those businesses in rural Canada, including small and medium-sized businesses, that are related to farming.

For more information, please contact Farm Credit Canada (opens new window).

Farm Improvement Loans Act

The Farm Improvement Loans Act was designed to help make credit available to farmers to improve the efficiency of their operations and to improve living conditions on the farm. To accomplish this, the Act authorizes the federal government to guarantee lenders against loss incurred on loans made in accordance with the Act and Regulations. The Farm Improvement and Marketing Cooperatives Loans Act superseded the Farm Improvement Loans Act in 1987; however, the Farm Improvement Loans Act will continue in effect for outstanding loan guarantees.

Farm Improvement and Marketing Cooperatives Loans Act

The Act authorizes the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food to guarantee against loss term loans made to farmers and cooperatives by chartered banks and other designated lenders for farm improvement projects and to assist marketing cooperatives for processing, distribution and marketing of agricultural products.

Farm Income Protection Act

The Act authorizes agreements between the Government of Canada and the provinces to provide for protection for the income of producers of agricultural products and to enable the Government of Canada to take additional measures for that purpose.

For more information, please contact Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.

Farm Products Agencies Act

The Farm Products Agencies Act (1972) allows producers of farm products other than industrial milk and wheat to develop national or regional marketing plans. Plans, including supply management, are permitted only for eggs, poultry and tobacco.

For more information, please contact the National Farm Products Council (opens new window).

Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Act

The 1935 Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Act established an agency to coordinate and implement programs in cooperation with the provinces to deal with the drought disaster. The legislation provides for measures "to secure the rehabilitation of the drought and soil drifting areas in the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, and to develop and promote within these areas, systems of farm practice, tree culture, water supply, land utilization and land settlement that will afford greater economic security", and to "undertake the development, construction, promotion, operation and maintenance of any project or scheme under or by virtue of this Act, or enter into agreements with any province, municipality or person with respect thereto."

The Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration (PFRA) develops and delivers soil and water conservation and development programs under the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Act. In addition, PFRA helps administer federal-provincial initiatives which are more broadly based and designed to promote economic development and diversification opportunities in rural Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and the Peace River Region of British Columbia.

For more information, please contact Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.