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March 2000


Maple Leaf



Chong Vui Hiung
Ang Ley Bie
Audrey Choo


Section 1: Introduction Page

1.1 Background and Aim of the Survey 

Section 2: Results

2.1 Companies Surveyed 
2.2 Descriptive Data
2.2.1 Food and Beverages Currently Imported 
2.2.2 Types of Canadian Products Currently Imported 
2.2.3 Product Line Expansion 
2.2.4 Importing/Distributing Canadian Food and Beverage Products

Section 3: Conclusions

3.1 Findings from the Survey
3.2 Issues to be taken into account
3.2.1 Sample Pool 
3.2.2 The 'Halal' Issue 
3.2.3 Competition from Local and Regional Products 
3.2.4 Beverages 
3.2.5 Importing Directly from Canada 
3.3 Suggestions 

Company Index


1.1 Background and Aim of the Survey

The Wholesale/Retail survey is the first of its kind being carried out by the High Commission of Canada in Brunei with consultation from the Universitiy Brunei Darussalam. According to the statistics provided by the Canadian High Commission, Brunei imports almost 90% of their food requirements. This indicates that wholesalers and retailers in Brunei currently import a large quantity of food and beverages. The main aims of the survey is to determine the types of food products that are currently being imported, as well as to determine whether any Canadian products are among the food products being imported by wholesalers and retailers in Brunei. We also hope to find out whether wholesalers and retailers in Brunei are interested in expanding the type of food and beverage products they are currently importing to include Canadian products.

The data for this survey were collected using an 11-item questionnaire, which was designed by the Commercial Officer of the Canadian High Commission. A list consisting of 25 wholesalers and retailers were drawn up and the survey questionnaires were distributed to them via fax. Twenty-three out of the 25 companies responded to the survey.

The survey report will provide general information to Canadian food & beverage exporters who are interested in the Brunei market. Attached is a list of potential importers in Brunei whom Canadian exporters may wish to contact.

To summarize, here are the two main objectives of the present survey:

  • To determine the types of products that wholesalers and retailers in Brunei are currently importing, and the type of Canadian products, if any.
  • To determine whether there is a potential for expanding Canadian food and beverage products into the Bruneian food and beverage import market.


2.1 Companies Surveyed

Questionnaires were circulated to the different companies by fax. Twenty-five companies were faxed a copy of the questionnaire and 23 W/R replied, giving us a return rate of 92%. Out of the 23 companies, 12 were Wholesalers, six were Retailers and the remaining five were Wholesalers and Retailers. Companies that were surveyed ranged in sizes, in terms of annual turnover and staff strength. Staff strength ranged from a minimum of only seven to a maximum of 350 people (with mean = 96). The table and graph below show the variation annual turnover of the companies:

Table 1: Annual Turnover of Wholesalers/Retailers Surveyed.
Annual Turnover in Brunei Dollars No. of Wholesalers/Retailers (W/R)
Below $500,000 1
$500,000 to $1 Million 2
$1 Million to $5 Million 6
$5 Million to $10 Million 5
Above $10 Million 9

Survey Graph

2.2 Descriptive Data

2.2.1 Food and Beverages Currently Imported

To determine the type of food products the W/R surveyed are currently importing from various countries, eleven (11) food type categories were drawn up in the survey to indicate the type of products. These 11 categories are:

Table 2: Food Categories and Number of W/R Currently Importing the Food Category.
1. Canned Meat/Food/Vegetable 12
2. Dairy Products (milk, cheese, yoghurt) 16
3. Syrups/Jams/Spreads 10
4. Snacks (chips/crackers/cookies/nuts) 16
5. Deli Meats 4
6. Pasta Products 7
7. Edible Oil (Canola) 9
8. Salad Dressings 6
9. Frozen Meals/Desserts/Vegetable 10
10. Confectionary (chocolates, candies) 15
11. Cereals/Health Foods 9

As the data above suggest, a large number of W/R currently import a variety of food products. This provides us an indication that there is a thriving market for food imports, especially Dairy Products, Snacks, Confectionary, and Canned Meat/Food/Vegetable, which are imported by more than half of the W/R surveyed. Other food products are also imported by W/R, with Deli Meats being the lowest in demand.

As with food, beverages that were currently imported were also surveyed. 4 categories of drinks were included in the survey:

Table 3: Beverage Categories and Number of W/R Currently Importing the Drink Category
1. Fruit Juices 12
2. Mineral Water 6
3. Flavoured Drinks 13
4. Soft Drinks 11

2.2.2 Types of Canadian Products Currently Imported

6 out of the 23 W/R surveyed indicated that they are currently importing some Canadian food products. These Canadian food products are:

  • Whipping Cream
  • French Fries (frozen)
  • Edible Oil
  • Snacks
  • Maple Syrup, Oil, Juices

2.2.3 Product Line Expansion

The W/R surveyed were asked whether they have any interest in expanding into any Canadian food products. Some W/R have indicated an interest in the various food categories, highest being the Snacks, Canned Meat/Food/Vegetable, Confectionary, Cereal/Health Foods, Dairy Products, and Syrups/Jams/Spreads categories, with between eight to 12 W/R indicating an interest in importing these products from Canada. The table below shows the number of W/R that are interested in importing the food types from Canada:

Table 4: Food Categories and Number of W/R Interested in Expansion of Product Line.
1. Canned Meat/Food/Vegetable 10
2. Dairy Products (milk, cheese, yoghurt) 8
3. Syrups/Jams/Spreads 8
4. Snacks (chips/crackers/cookies/nuts) 12
5. Deli Meats 0
6. Pasta Products 3
7. Edible Oil (Canola) 4
8. Salad Dressings 1
9. Frozen Meals/Desserts/Vegetable 5
10. Confectionary (chocolates, candies) 10
11. Cereals/Health Foods 9

2.2.4 Importing/Distributing Canadian Food and Beverage Products

The W/R surveyed were also asked whether they have any long-term objectives, in terms of importing and distribution of Canadian food and beverage products. 10 (44%) wholesalers/retailers indicated that they would like to import directly from Canada, one (4%) is interested in going through Hong Kong, five (22%) through Singapore, two (9%) through Malaysia while three (13%) W/R had no plans. One W/R indicated they were interested in importing through another destination (though unspecified by the W/R). A summary of the figures is presented below:

Table 5: Wholesalers and Retailers Long-Term Objectives: Importing Products Through Various Destinations.
Importing Through Number of W/R Percentage %
Direct from Canada 10 44%
Hong Kong 1 4%
Singapore 5 5%
Malaysia 2 9%
No Plans 3 12%
Others 1 4%

It is important to note that some W/R who are interested in importing directly from Canada also indicated that they are interested in importing through another country (e.g. Singapore, Hong Kong, and Malaysia). Although a high interest is shown from W/R to import directly from Canada, it may not be viable and the reasons for this will be discussed below.


3.1 Findings From the Survey

The present survey was carried out to determine whether there is a potential market in Brunei for Canadian food and beverage products. From the present survey, we have found that a high number of W/R in Brunei are currently importing a variety of food products. With statistics provided by the Canadian High Commission suggesting that Brunei imports nearly 90% of its food requirements with an estimated B$400 million annual food import bill for a population of around 0.35 million people, we can see that the Brunei food import industry is thriving.

At present, Canadian food and beverage products have only a small footing in the Brunei imported food and beverage market. The types of Canadian products currently imported include French Fries, Edible Oil, Snacks, Maple Syrups, Whipping Cream and Juices. This shows that at the present moment, only a small area of the food and beverage market has been tapped, covering only three to four food categories out of the 11 categories that we have surveyed.

There is a huge potential to expand Canadian products into all the food and beverage product categories that are currently dominated by produce from other countries. It may also be very encouraging for Canadian exporters to know that most W/R that we surveyed indicated their interest in expanding into various Canadian products (as listed in Table 4), covering almost all of the food categories (except Deli Meats - reasons for lack of interest in this food category will be discussed later).

Therefore it is our suggestion that the Brunei import food market, though relatively small as compared with neighboring countries (e.g. Singapore, Malaysia), has room for Canadian products to be marketed in Brunei. At present, as reported by the Canadian High Commission, the top food exporter for Brunei is Singapore, followed by Thailand and Malaysia. Next on the list of importers is Australia, the USA and followed by Europe (please note that Singapore appears top of the list of importers not due to production but because Singapore is a transshipment center for products from other countries). Perhaps with the strategic planning and marketing, Canadian products can be introduced to compete with these food and beverage products that are currently imported.

3.2 Issues to be taken into account

There are several precautionary issues that have to be taken into account, i.e. issues pertaining to the nature of the survey, to rules and regulation that govern the importation of food products into Brunei. Let us look at the issues related to the survey first, and then we will look at issues with regards to rules and regulations within the Brunei imported food and beverage products market which Canadian exporters may wish to take into account:

3.2.1 Sample Pool

The survey questionnaires were sent out to 25 companies, and out of the 25 companies, 23 replied. Although we have a good return rate of over 90%, the sample pool is an underestimation of the actual number of wholesalers and retailers that are currently operating in Brunei. As we mentioned earlier, only the top 25 companies were surveyed and this may not give us an accurate figure on the annual turnover of wholesalers and retailers in Brunei. The exact number of wholesalers and retailers currently operating in Brunei is not available for the present survey, and wholesalers and retailers that are operating within the other 3 districts of Brunei were not surveyed (Brunei has four districts, namely Brunei-Muara, Tutong, Kuala Belait, and Temburong. Only companies operating within the Brunei-Muara district where the capital of Brunei is situated were surveyed). Hence figures for annual turnover of W/R may be underestimated and actual figures could be higher.

We shall now look at some of the potential problems Canadian food and beverage exporters may face when introducing their products into the Bruneian market:

3.2.2 The 'Halal' Issue

Brunei is a Muslim country which adhere strictly to religious regulations towards the types of food that can be sold and consumed by the Muslim population, which comprise more than 80% of the total population of Brunei. These regulations apply specifically to all meat products (chicken, beef, and lamb), including canned meat, as well as any food products which may contain animal by-products such as gelatin. Meat products that are sold in the Brunei market must be "halal". Halal food refers to meat products produced from animals that have been slaughtered and prepared according to Muslim rites. Food items with animal by-products as part of their ingredient are only considered halal if these animal by-products are obtained from animals that were slaughtered according to Muslim rites. Canned meat sold in Brunei must have a "halal" stamp on it if they are meant for consumption by Muslims. Hence any canned meat or deli meats that are imported into Brunei must have been slaughtered according to Muslim rites with a "halal" certification. Please take note that this does not include the following:

  • Pork, which cannot be consumed by Muslims at all,
  • Seafood such as fish, prawns, etc. which are not subject to the Halal regulation and can be consumed without restrictions.

Recently the Brunei Government has been very strict with non-halal food being brought into the country. It is therefore advisable for exporters to be cautious if venturing into this food category. Perhaps, due to this reason, none of the 23 W/R surveyed indicated any interest in expanding into the Deli Meat products. However, seafood products are not subject to halal regulations and therefore seafood products (e.g. canned fish, tuna, prawns, etc.) may be a potential food category that can be targeted.

Although pork cannot be consumed by Muslims, there is a small market within Brunei that caters to non-Muslims. Although, the amount of pork being imported is regulated, no pork and pork products are produced within Brunei.  All pork products have to be imported from neighboring states (e.g. Malaysia). Therefore pork products may be a potential market area where Canadian products may be able to venture into.

3.2.3 Competition from Local and Regional Products

Canadian products may face competition from the variety of local and regional products that are available in terms of costs, diversity and palatability. Cost may be a very important factor and these local and regional products may be more economical than Canadian products, which may be subjected to extra costs from shipping and tax. For example, in one supermarket surveyed, we found that Canadian produced maple syrup cost B$10.40 while other maple syrup produced from other countries cost an average of B$7.00. This also applies to Canola Oil from Canada which generally cost more than regionally-produced palm oil, which is still widely used for cooking. However, for the Canola Oil, the increasing health awareness among Bruneians may be an asset when marketing this food category. Perhaps Canadian exporters could target this and perhaps, through a Canadian Food Fair, educate Bruneians on the health benefits of low fat edible oil from Canada while at the same time marketing their edible oil products.

It is also important to mention that Brunei is a member of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) which encourage intra-ASEAN trade, which may affect the importation of products. Hence products outside the ASEAN region may be subjected to import quota which may restrict the amount of products that can be imported from other countries. The favourable currency exchange may also encourage Brunei to import from neighboring countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, etc, which have lower currency rates than Brunei. Currently, Brunei dollars are at a par with Singapore Dollars, which has the highest rates among all the ASEAN countries ($1.00 Brunei Dollar is approximately $1.00-$1.10 Canadian Dollar).

3.2.4 Beverages

It is important to note that since Brunei is a Muslim country, there is strictly no importation of any form of alcoholic beverages. At present, alcohol may only be brought in for personal consumption from neighboring countries, under strict quota regulations. Canadian beverages such as mineral water, soft drinks, and fruit juices, may face competition from local and regional products. Most soft drinks are produced in the region and most are canned in Brunei (e.g. Pepsi, F&N soft drinks). Brunei produces their own mineral water as well (Sehat mineral water) and the import of mineral water is regulated by the government to give the Brunei produced mineral water a fair share of the local market.

3.2.5 Importing directly from Canada

Some of the W/R surveyed indicated an interest in importing their products directly from Canada. Perhaps this would cut shipping costs for Bruneian W/R by shipping direct, rather than going through regional transshipment ports. However, the amount of Canadian food and beverage products currently imported is very minimal and to ship directly from Canada would be highly impractical. This will only become a viable option when Canadian products are imported in larger quantities.

3.3 Suggestions

From what we have found in the present survey, we conclude that although the Bruneian food import market is relatively small, a potential market exists for Canadian food and beverage products in specific food categories (as listed in Table 4). W/R in Brunei are interested in expanding their product lines into Canadian food and beverage products, and at present the potential is largely untapped. More aggressive strategies such as raising awareness of the benefits of Canadian products (perhaps in terms of prices, palatability, and health issues) should be adopted if a venture into the Brunei market is planned. At present, Australian products enjoy an annual marketing program via an Australian Food Fair. Perhaps Canadian exporters should consider such a marketing strategy which will no doubt benefit greatly by raising awareness of the specific advantages that Canadian products may have over rival imported products.

Company Profile Objective
Ben Foods (B) Sdn Bhd
2nd Floor, QAF Plaza
Jalan Telanai
BSB, Be 1118
Brunei, Darussalam
Tel.: 02-650570
Fax: 02-650872
Contact: Mr. K.Y. Lim, General Manager
Mr. Paul Poh, Marketing Manager
Staff Strength: 350
Turnover: Above 10 million
Business Type: Importer of food & beverage products
Import/distribute Canadian food & beverage products directly from Canada or through Singapore. Develop partnership/joint venture with reliable Canadian companies to enter into regional markets outside Brunei Darussalam.
Casa Italian Departmental Store
Blk A, Unit 4-13, Bangunan Begawan
Pehin Dato Hj Md Yusof
Kg Kiulap. BE 1518, Gadong
Brunei Darussalam
Tel.: 02-231605
Fax: 02-231611
Contact: Mr. Dickson Chia, Senior Manager
Staff Strength: 108
Turnover: Above 10 million
Business Type: Importer of snacks, confectionery and flavoured drinks
Import/distribute Canadian food & beverage products through local distributors
Cerah Sdn Bhd
Lot Q26
Lambak Kanan Industrial Area
Kg Lambak Kanan
BSB, BC 3515
Brunei Darussalam
Tel.: 02-392600/01
Fax: 02-392602
Contact: Mr. Two Sew Hock
Staff Strength: 30
Turnover: 5-10 million
Business Type: Importer of dairy products, frozen meals/desserts/vegetable, frozen meat & seafoods.
Import/distribute Canadian food & beverage products through Singapore. Develop partnership/joint venture with reliable Canadian companies to enter into regional markets outside Brunei Darusalam.
Chop Nam Huat
Lot Q49-50, Kawasan Perindustrian
Lambak Kanan Barat
BSB, BC 3515
Brunei, Darussalam
Tel: 02-393612
Fax: 02-393609
Contact: Mr. Charles Lim, Manager
Mr. Gabriel Tan, Store Keeper
Staff Strength: 15
Turnover: 1-5 million
Business Type: Importer of food & beverage products.
Import/distribute Canadian food & beverage products directly from Canada and through Singapore. Develop partnership/joint venture with reliable Canadian companies to enter into regional markets outside Brunei Darusalam and also North American market through Canada.
Eng Hup Leong Trading Sdn Bhd
Lot 20007, Blk B. No. 2, 1st Floor
Taman Alam, Jln Gadong
Tutong Link Road, BE 1118
Brunei, Darussalam
Tel: 02-653333
Fax: 02-655000
Contact: Mr. Chua Ah Kee, Managing Director
Turnover: 500 -1 million
Business Type: Importer of canned meat/food/vegetable, syrups/jams/spreads, snacks edible oil (canola), confectionery, fruit juices, flavoured drinks and soft drinks.
Import/distribute Canadian food & beverage products directly from Canada
First Emporium & Supermarket
Shop No. 1-4, Mohd Yusof Complex
Jln Kubah Makam Diraja, Brunei Darussalam
Tel: 02-235-476
Fax: 02-235473
Contact: Mr. L. B. Lim
Staff Strength: 60
Turnover: Below 500,000
Business Type: Importer of food & beverage products
Import/distribute Canadian food & beverage products through Singapore. Develop partnership/joint venture with reliable Canadian companies to enter into regional markets outside Brunei Darussalam
Gemly Agency
Blk D. Latifuddin Complex
Jln Tungku Link
BSB, BE 2119
Brunei, Darussalam
Tel: 02-423371
Fax: 02-424802
Contact: Mr. Tan Liang Toon, Chairman
Mr. Edward Tan, Director
Staff Strength: 50
Turnover: 5 - 10 million
Business Type: Importer of soft drinks and fruit juices. Agent for "Coca-cola" (Singapore) and F & N products.
Import/distribute Canadian food & beverage products directly from Canada.
Guan Hock Lee
#2-3 Latiffuddin Complex
Jln Tungku Link
BSB, BE 2119
Brunei, Darussalam
Tel: 02-392615
Fax: 02-394624
Contact: Mr.Cyril Sim
Staff Strength: 22
Turnover: 1 - 5 million
Business Type: Importer of canned meat/food/vegetable, dairy products, pasta products and confectionery.
Import/distribute Canadian food & beverage products through Singapore and Malaysia.
Handsome Enterprise Company
No. 1 Bangunan Menglait 1
JlnGadong, BE 3919
BSB, Brunei, Darussalam
Tel: 02-446325
Fax: 02-420278
Contact: Mr. Lau H K, Managing Partner
Staff Strength:80
Turnover: Above 10 million
Business Type: Importer of dairy products, syrups/jams/spreads, snacks, edible oil (canola), confectionery, cereal/health food, flavoured drinks and soft drinks.
Import/distribute Canadian food & beverage products directly from Canada.
J D H Borneo
Bangunan JDH Borneo, Km 4
Jln Gadong
Brunei, Darussalam
Tel.: 02-450735
Fax: 02-423359
Contact: Mr. Chong Soo Heng, Auna
Staff Strength:60
Turnover: Above 10 million
Business Type: Importer of confectionery.
Import/distribute Canadian food & beverage products directly from Canada.
Jasra Harrisons Sdn Bhd
P.O. Box 2255
Bandar Seri Begawan, BS 8674
Brunei, Darussalam
Tel: 02-225471
Fax: 02-226203
Contact: Mr. Hee Yong Fah, General Manager
Mr. Lim Eng Thai, Deputy General Manager
Staff Strength: 196
Turnover: Above 10 million
Business Type: Importer of dairy products, snacks, confectionery, cereal/health foods, mineral water and flavoured drinks.
Import/distribute Canadian food & beverage products directly from Canada.
Jaya Hypermarket Sdn Bhd
The Centrepoint Complex
Gadong, BSB, BE 2719
Brunei Darussalam
Tel: 02-449822
Fax: 02-448068
Contact; Mr. Chong Wee Cheong
Mr. James Tan M S
Staff Strength: 160
Turnover: Above 10 million
Business Type: Importer of food and beverage products.
Import/distribute Canadian food & beverage products directly from Canada.
Kok Beng Enterprise Company
Lot Q42-Q44, Lambak Kanan West
Industrial Estate
Berakas BC 3515
Brunei Darussalam
Tel: 02-390680/1
Fax: 02-390684
Contact: Mr. Lim Thian Hwk, Manager
Mr. Wong Li Young, Purchasing Supervisor
Staff Strength: 15
Turnover: 1-5 million
Business Type: Importer of food and beverage products
Import/distribute Canadian food & beverage products through Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong..
Liang Toon Department Store Sdn Bhd
Blk D, Latifuddin Complex
Jln Tungku Link
BSB, Be 2119
Brunei Darussalam
Tel: 02-450858
Fax: 02-450857
Contact: Mr. Edward Tan, Managing Director
Staff Strength: 180
Turnover: 5-10 million
Business Type: Importer of food and beverage products
Import/distribute Canadian food & beverage products directly from Canada..
MC Maju Cold Storage Sdn Bhd
Lot 5762, Industrial Complex
Kuala Belait
Brunei Darussalam
Fax: 03-342043
Contact: Ms. Helen Liew
Ms. Yong Lam Yee
Staff Strength: 10
Turnover: 1-5 million
Business Type: Importer of canned meat/food/vegetable, dairy products and frozen meals/desserts/vegetable.
Develop partnership/joint venture with reliable Canadian companies to enter into reginal markets outside Brunei Darussalam.
Royal Brunei Trading Sdn Bhd
1st Floor, Bangunan Gadong
Km3, Jln Gadong
Brunei Darussalam
Tel: 02-448123
Contact: Pg Hj Samsudding Pg Hj Md Yussof
Staff Strength: 30
Turnover: 1-5 million
Business Type: Importer of snacks and confectionery.
Sabli Food Industries Co.
21, Lambak Kanan Industrial Estate
Berakas, BC 3515
Tel: 02-391122
Fax: 02-391600
Contact: Hj Sabli Hj Arsad
Farook Jamal
Staff Strength: 30
Turnover: 1-5 million
Business Type: Importer of snacks, edible oil (canola) and spices.
Import/distribute Canadian food & beverage products through Malaysia..
Soon Lee Mega Mart
Abdul Razak Complex
Jln Kubah Makam Diraja
BSB, BA 1912
Brunei Darussalam
Tel: 02-394481
Fax: 02-394480
Contact: Mr. Ong Chek Teng
Staff Strength: 350
Turnover: Above 10 million
Business Type: Importer of canned meat/food/vegetable, dairy products, fruit juices and flavoured drinks.
Import/distribute Canadian food & beverage products through Singapore.
Sullivans (B) Sdn Bhd
P.O. Box 609
Seri Complex
BSB, BA 1779
Brunei Darussalam
Contact: Mr. Micheal Jones, Managing Director
Staff Strength: 20
Turnover: 5-10 million
Business Type: Importer of canned meat/food/vegetable, dairy products, syrups/jams/spreads, snacks, pasta products, frozen vegetable, fruit juices and soft drinks.
Import/distribute Canadian food & beverage products directly from Canada.
Syarikat Perniagaan Malar Setia
Lot QS2
Tapak Perindustrian Lambak Kanan
Berakas BC 3515
Brunei Darussalam
Tel: 08-740118
Fax: 02-394521
Contact: Mr. Eric Lim
Mr. Patrick Choo
Staff Strength: 33
Turnover: Above 10 million
Business Type: Importer of dairy products, snacks, frozen meals/desserts/vegetable, mineral water and flavoured drinks.
Import/distribute Canadian food & beverage products through Malaysia. Develop partnership/joint venture with reliable Canadian companies to enter into regional markets outside Brunei Darussalam.
Syarikat Teeyem Majeed
No. 1141, Kg Kilanas
Jln Tutong
BSB, BF 2520
Brunei Darussalam
Tel: 02-660395
Fax: 02-663726
Contact: Mr. Ali Akba, Manager
Mr. Syed Maideen, Manager
Staff Strength: 7
Turnover: 500,000 - 1 million
Business Type: Importer of dairy products, snacks and confectionery.
No plan
Tan General Trading Co. Sdn Bhd
Lot 7, Spg 557, Jln Muara
Salar Industrial Estate, BT 2528
Brunei Darussalam
Tel: 08-733180
Fax: 02-792410
Contact: Mr. Tan Toa Liang
Staff Strength: 20
Turnover: 5 - 10 million
Business Type: Importer of frozen food.
Import/distribute Canadian food & beverage products through Singapore. .
Tiong Hin Superstore
No.307, Km 10, Jln Muara
Kg Manggis Dua
Berakas, BC 3515
Brunei Darussalam
Contact: Mr. Lim Eng Kiat, Managing Director
Ms. Jessie Lim, Marketing Manager
Staff Strength: 250-300
Turnover: Above 10 million
Business Type: Importer of food and beverage products.
Import/distribute Canadian food & beverage products through Singapore. .

Date Modified: 2000-03-31 Important Notices