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The Bottled Water Market in Mexico

October 2003

Prepared by the
Market Research Centre
and the
Canadian Trade Commissioner Service

© Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
(FaxLink no. 0800008)

The Market Research Centre produces a wide range of market reports by region and sector for Canadian exporters. For further information, please contact:

Market Support Division (TCM)
Department of Foreign Affairs
and International Trade (DFAIT)

Trade Evaluation and Analysis Division (TEAD)
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Contact: Andy Archibald
Tel.: (613) 759-7665
Fax: (613) 759-7505

The Government of Canada has prepared this report based on primary and secondary sources of information. Readers should take note that the Government of Canada does not guarantee the accuracy of any of the information contained in this report, nor does it necessarily endorse the organizations listed herein. Readers should independently verify the accuracy and reliability of the information. This report is intended as a concise overview of the market for those interested in its potential and is not intended to provide in-depth analysis which may be required by the individual exporter.


The bottled water market in Mexico was valued at more than $3.1 billion(1) in 2002, an 11.5% increase over the previous year. Growth in this mature market is forecast to remain steady over the next several years.

Between 1999 and 2002, the market consolidated dramatically, with global beverage giants (Pepsico, Coca Cola, Nestlé/Perrier and Danone/Evian/Bonafont) expanding their product portfolios and battling each other for market share. In the next five years, the fragmented share of the market will continue to fall. Moreover, the trend toward creative brand development, sophisticated marketing campaigns and product innovation are transforming water from a commodity into a lifestyle, sports and health product.

Canadian exports of bottled water to Mexico are minimal. At their peak in 1998, they reached a value of $1.14 million. Declining steadily, Canadian exports barely exceeded $200 000 in 2002. In contrast, U.S. exports of bottled water have experienced robust growth. In 2002, U.S. exports to Mexico of bottled water exceeded $5 million. This represents a growth rate of over 100% from the previous year. In addition, U.S. exports of bottled water containing some form of sweetener are estimated to have grown by more than 50% in 2002.

While the market for imported bottled water in Mexico is small (only 1.6% of all bottled water is actually imported), opportunities do exist in specialized markets. There is an increased focus on healthy alternatives in Mexico and consumers, especially in urban centres, are choosing speciality and flavoured waters as an alternative to soft drinks.

In addition, the business environment in Mexico is expected to improve steadily over the next five years. This will lead to better distribution networks and infrastructure, making it possible for a well-prepared company with a well-researched plan and tight market focus to succeed in this extremely competitive industry.




Key Factors Shaping Market Growth 

Actual and Planned Projects 


Local Capabilities 
International Competition 
Canadian Position 
Competitive Advantage Through Canadian Government Policies and Initiatives 


Hotel and Restaurant Sector


Channels of Distribution

Direct Sales 
Distributors and Wholesalers 
Agents and Sales Representatives 

Market-entry Considerations 

Suggested Business Practices 
Import Regulations 

Border Clearance Representative (BCR) 

Local Standards, Certificates or Registrations 
Export Credit Risks, Restrictions on Letters of Credit, Currency Controls 






Mexico is Canada's largest trading partner in Latin America. In 2002, Canadian exports to Mexico exceeded $10 billion. The Canadian-Mexican trade relationship is defined largely by their joint membership in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Canadian access to the Mexican market continues to improve under the terms of this trade agreement. In 2003, all remaining tariffs on soft drinks and bottled water have been eliminated.

In 2002, Mexican real gross domestic product grew by only 1%. Since the signing of the NAFTA, Mexico has become increasingly tied to the United States. Economic recovery in Mexico will hinge on U.S. demand for Mexican exports. If the U.S. economy stages a modest recovery, the Mexican economy will strengthen. In 2003 and 2004, annual growth rates of 2.6% are forecast. The business environment is also expected to improve steadily over the next five years, with market liberalization, economic reforms and infrastructure improvements.

Mexico, with a population exceeding 100 million people, is one of the largest markets for bottled water in the world. Health concerns relating to the safety of Mexican tap water have broadened bottled water consumption. Consumers also see bottled water as a healthy alternative to sweetened soft drinks. In 2002, the value of the bottled water market was more than $3.1 billion.

The market experienced spectacular growth from 1996 to 1998. This was due to rapid economic growth, improved distribution networks and the entry of sophisticated global beverage giants (Pepsico, Coca Cola, Nestlé and Danone) into the market. Since 1998, the market has consolidated and matured.

The bottled water market can be broken down into three major segments: still water, with a 75% market share; sparkling water, with a 24.3% market share; and flavoured water, 0.7%.

Still, sparkling and flavoured water are sold in small-bottle formats, ranging between 250 mL and 5 L, in polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles. Still water is also sold in larger, 19 L containers. In the fall of 2002, there was speculation that Mexico would impose a 20% tax on all PET bottled water in containers smaller than 10 L. This proposal was not enacted.(2)

While still and sparkling water sales have driven market expansion, growth in these segments has matured. In contrast, the flavoured water segment continues to grow steadily. While flavoured water has yet to make any significant impact on the bottled water market as a whole, profit margins are high and there are opportunities for market entry.

The bottled water market in Mexico is still fragmented with a large portion of the market open to companies with less than 1% market share. Yet, the market has undergone significant consolidation. As the trend toward consolidation continues, smaller companies will either be bought out or forced out of business.

Consolidation has been driven by the establishment in Mexico of the global beverage giants (Coca Cola, Pepsico, Nestlé/Perrier and Danone/Evian-Bonafont). These multinational beverage companies have been able to purchase or partner with existing Mexican bottlers/distributers and take advantage of high profit margins, as well as more extensive soft drink distribution networks. Leading brands of bottled water are now distributed to the most remote areas of country. These products are also supported by heavy advertising.

Key Factors Shaping Market Growth

In the beverage industry, innovation drives growth. Moreover, creative branding and product development have transformed water from being a commodity into reflecting a lifestyle and becoming a choice sports and health product. Mexico has a very young, highly urban and growing population. The consumer trend is toward healthier choices and natural flavours and away from carbonated soft drinks.


Canadian producers attempting to enter the Mexican still and sparkling water markets will find it very difficult. The market is saturated with domestic producers and the industry is rapidly consolidating. At present, global beverage giants with their domestic partners are battling each other for market share. They have created extensive distribution networks and spend large amounts of money advertising their products.

While representing only a small fraction of the bottled water market, flavoured water presents a better opportunity for Canadian exporters. This market segment has experienced robust growth in the last two years, outpacing sales of still and sparkling water. Mexican consumers are receptive to new flavours and formulations. Beverages that are marketed by an established brand would have an advantage.

Other opportunities for Canadian exporters exist in the private-label market. Private-label brands are relatively new to the Mexican consumer and the popularity of discount supermarkets is growing rapidly. Wal-Mart de Mexico, a newer entrant in the Mexican retail industry, leads the domestic retail market. Mexican consumers have quickly embraced the low prices and multipack presentation of discount retailers and private label products.

Canadian exporters may also be able to take advantage of the backlash resulting from Mexico's growing dependence on U.S. products. Since the three national markets became integrated under the NAFTA in 1994, Mexico has become increasingly tied to the United States. In 2003, the relationship is strained. Mexico has been forced to lift trade barriers that protect its agricultural sector. Mexican farmers are having difficulty competing with inexpensive imports. Canada, while enjoying the same market access under the NAFTA, has not been subject to the same public criticism. In the short term, distinguishing a product as Canadian may prove an advantage over its U.S. competitor.

Actual and Planned Projects

In July 2001, Cott Beverages announced it had taken a 90% stake in a bottling venture with Embotelladora de Puebla. Cott Embotelladores de Mexico will make store brand drinks, including private-label bottled water for retailers including Wal-Mart (U.S.), Comercial Mexicana and Chedraui.


Local Capabilities

Domestic Mexican producers control close to 98% of the bottled water market. In 2001, the market was still fragmented, with over half of the market open to companies with less than 1% market share. The market is consolidating rapidly since the entry of the global beverage companies. In 2001, Pepsico/Gemex's Electropura held the largest individual market share. The second-largest share was Purexa, manufactured by Aga de Mexico Grupo Danone, followed by Bonafont (Danone) and Ciel (Coca Cola/FEMSA).

International Competition

The United States is the major exporter of bottled water to Mexico, representing over half of all exports. U.S. bottled water exports have concentrated on flavoured waters with very tight market focus. A recent example of this strategy would be the Danone's division of bottled water Bonafont, introducing fruit-flavoured waters targeted to children.

Canadian Position

While total Canadian bottled water exports were valued at over $200 million in 2001, very little of this water found its way into Mexico. Canadian companies have put considerable resources into advertising and marketing bottled water to the United States. The strategy has been to focus on water as a primary commodity. This strategy is reinforced by Canada's pristine image and high environmental standards. The exchange rate of the Canadian dollar has also favoured export development.

In Mexico, the market for imported bottled water is very small. Canadian companies can not expect to compete with domestic producers on the basis of price. Canadian producers need to develop alternative strategies (i.e. offering private-label brands and premium brands).

Cott Beverages' entry into the Mexican market in July 2002 may increase Canada's profile in the region. It may also lead to more strategic partnering between Mexican- or U.S.-based companies.

Competitive Advantage Through Canadian Government Policies and Initiatives

Canadian Commercial Corporation

The Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC)(3) gives Canadian companies access to financing and better payment terms under the Progress Payment Program (PPP). The PPP concept was developed as a partnership between major Canadian financial institutions and the CCC. It enables the exporter's bank to open a project line of credit for the exporter's benefit, based on CCC approval of the project and the exporter's ability to perform. The CCC will also act as a prime contractor on behalf of Canadian small and medium-sized enterprises, giving those businesses increased credibility and competitive advantage.

Export Development Canada

Export Development Canada (EDC) offers export financing and insurance to Canadian exporters. Additionally, insurance can be provided for larger transactions that are subject to the terms and conditions established by the buyer. EDC prefers to work through letters of credit, bank credits or bank guarantees. Approval for financing is considered on a case-by-case basis. Further information is available from EDC's Internet site at  or by calling, toll-free, 1-866-283-2957 (for companies with annual export sales up to $1 million) or 1-866-278-2300 (for companies with annual export sales over $1 million).

North American Free Trade Agreement

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a comprehensive free trade agreement among Canada, the United States and Mexico, which came into effect January 1, 1994. Designed to foster increased trade and investment among the partners, the NAFTA contains an ambitious schedule for tariff elimination and reduction of non-tariff barriers, as well as comprehensive provisions on the conduct of business in the free trade area.

The NAFTA continues to provide benefits to consumers and businesses in Canada, the United States and Mexico. Under the NAFTA, Canadian producers are better able to realize their full potential by operating in a larger, more integrated and efficient North American economy. Canadian manufacturers are able to access tariff-free, high-quality intermediate goods from across North America in the production of final goods for export. Consumers benefit from this heightened competition and integrated marketplace with better prices, a greater choice of products and higher-quality goods and services. Since January 1, 2003, all Canadian beverages have had duty-free access to the Mexican market under the NAFTA.

Efforts have also been made to address export issues of direct concern to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in terms of trade facilitation, such as infrastructure improvements for the transport of commercial goods. In recognition of the important role that SMEs play in the national economies of the NAFTA countries, a number of customs-related trade facilitation initiatives have been undertaken to simplify customs procedures and reduce bureaucratic impediments to cross-border trading.

SMEs can now also benefit from a standard procedure for moving commercial samples, professional equipment, tools of trade and exhibition material across borders on a temporary basis, and from the dissemination of accurate, consistent and easy-to-understand information relating to customs laws and procedures. For further information, contact the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, Trade Agreements Information Line at 1-800-661-6121 or (613) 941-0965, or the NAFTA Customs Web site at

Program for Export Market Development

The Program for Export Market Development (PEMD) helps Canadian companies enter new markets by sharing the costs of activities that companies normally could not or would not undertake alone, thereby reducing risks involved in entering a foreign market. Eligible costs and activities include market visits, trade fair participation abroad, incoming buyers, product testing for market certification, legal fees for international marketing agreements, air transportation costs of offshore company trainees, product demonstration costs and other costs necessary to execute a market development plan. Activity costs are shared on a pre-approved, 50/50 basis.

The PEMD refundable contribution ranges from $5000 to a maximum of $50 000. Preference is given to companies with fewer than 100 employees for a firm in the manufacturing sector and 50 in the service industry, or with annual sales between $250 000 and $10 million. Other components of the program include international bid preparation (Capital Projects Bidding) and, for trade associations, developing international marketing activities for their membership. For additional information, visit  or call 1-888-811-1119.

Virtual Trade Commissioner

The Virtual Trade Commissioner (vTC) is an on-line service offered by Canada's Trade Commissioner Service of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. Through a personalized and password-protected Web page, vTC-registered Canadian exporters will receive timely and relevant information on contacts and business opportunities in targeted foreign markets. The vTC offers registered users direct on-line access to market information, including market reports, business news, events and business leads related to the companies' industry sectors and markets of interest. Users can request services on line from a trade commissioner responsible for the industry sector in their target markets. They will also automatically receive new information as it becomes available. Canadian exporters can register for a Virtual Trade Commissioner at


Mexico's population exceeds 100 million people and is growing at an annual rate of 1.8%. It is a very young population, with 54% under the age of 24. The population is very urban and consumers are purchasing a larger proportion of their food requirements at large retail markets and convenience stores.

Bottled water is a staple due to the poor quality of tap water. While all Mexicans drink some form of boiled, treated or purified water, only consumers with higher incomes tend to purchase sparkling, mineral or flavoured water.

Hotel and Restaurant Sector

Mexico is one the world's most popular tourist destinations. The Mexican Association of Hotels and Motels is the principal trade association of the sector. In 2001, there were 10 979 registered lodging establishments, including most leading international hotel chains.

The Mexican restaurant industry comprises over 221 000 establishments and reported over $22 billion in sales in 2001. The industry has been growing steadily at 7% per year.


The institutional food service market in Mexico is considered to have tremendous growth potential. It is concentrated in Mexico City and its metropolitan area, as well as the other industrial cities of Juarez, Tijuana, Monterrey and Mexicali. The market is composed of two types of companies: those that provide meal services under contract and those that prepare their own meal needs for their staff. Approximately 10 companies control over 65% of the latter contract/concession sector.


Channels of Distribution

Direct Sales

Bottled water is still primarily distributed through traditional "mom and pop" grocers. In 2000 and in 2001, traditional grocers actually increased their share of the total volume. This trend runs counter to the soft drink industry, where the majority of sales are increasingly through discount grocers. However, "mom and pop" stores are not generally good venues for imported products. These stores are too numerous, the sales volume is generally low and their business arrangements tend to be more informal.

Standard grocers are the second-largest channel of distribution, but their market share is falling. In 2001, convenience stores, discount grocers, kiosks and gas stations increased their shares of sales volume.

Discount supermarkets have the fastest-growing share of the overall retail market. Of the discount supermarkets, Wal-Mart and Soriana do most of their purchasing directly. Casa Ley, Comercial Mexicana and Gigante purchase directly and also work with local distributors.

Convenience stores are also a growing sub-sector of the retail industry. These stores are in major and medium-sized cities, primarily in middle-class neighborhoods and business districts. They are known for their wide variety of products and good customer service. The largest convenience store retailer, Cadena Comercial 0XX0, purchases through importers and wholesalers. 7-Eleven, the second-largest chain, purchases directly from manufacturers. Comextra, the smallest of the chains, works with importers.

Distributors and Wholesalers

While more and more retail chains are purchasing directly from suppliers, a locally based distributer/representative can be an important ally for successful market entry. A good distributor may prove invaluable in establishing successful business relationships with domestic buyers, as well as handling customs and importing issues. Choosing a qualified and competitive distributor has been one of the most important ways to successfully export to the Mexican market.

Finding a good distributor can be a challenge. Canadian exporters are advised to enlist the services of an objective third party to thoroughly research potential candidates. For a complete list of distributors, contact the Canadian Embassy in Mexico or the Association of Importers and Representatives of Food Products and Beverages (Asociacion de Importadores y Representantes de Alimentos y Bebidas, A.C.).

Agents and Sales Representatives

It is recommended that Canadian exporters obtain the services of an import agent. An agent will remain in regular contact with government authorities (e.g. regarding customs or required certificates) and buyers in order to avoid problems in the import process and maintain high-quality, after-sales service. As travel within Mexico can be difficult, it is recommended to have an agent representing products at a national level. However, it is not advisable to give the agent national exclusivity; rather, hire regional distributors as well. Finally, it is very important to specify contract cancellation clauses clearly.

An agent must be listed in the National Register of Importers and Exporters (Sistema de Información Empresarial Mexicano [SIEM] and, therefore, must be a Mexican citizen or represent a local corporation. SIEM has a Web directory of over 600 000 industrial, commercial and service businesses. Searches can be done by name or Mexican industry code. The procedure to follow is available on request from SIEM or on the Internet at  .(4)

More information on Mexican agents is available from the Canadian Embassy and from the Association of Importers and Exporters of the Republic of Mexico (Asociación Nacional de Importadores y Exportadores de la República Mexicana [ANIERM]).

Market-entry Considerations

Suggested Business Practices

Several factors should be taken into consideration with respect to business etiquette in Mexico. For example, personal relationships are often the foundation of business relationships. While Mexican businesses are very conscious of the bottom line, courtesy and diplomacy are extremely important. Notions like "time is money" and immediately "getting down to business" will not be helpful in this business climate. It is important to begin conversations with questions about a person's well-being and that of their family before launching into the details of a business proposal. Personal visits are important. Some Mexican importers may not respond to phone calls, faxes or e-mails, preferring face-to-face meetings to discuss business. If clients visit you in Canada, you will be expected to take time to "wine and dine" them; you will receive the same treatment when you visit Mexico.

The conduct of business in Mexico tends to be more formal than in other parts of North America. Business meetings should be scheduled at least two weeks in advance. Canadians should carry plenty of business cards printed in both English and Spanish. Punctual and quick meetings are not the norm. Business discussions over lengthy lunch meetings are common. Since meetings can be frequently cancelled, it is advisable for individuals to confirm all appointments close to the meeting time.

Spanish is the official language in Mexico. Even though most international managers have a strong base in English, it is advisable to have Spanish translation assistance during business meetings. This will ensure effective communication and prevent misunderstandings. In addition, product literature should be available in Spanish.

Sales to Mexican companies involve contracts and conditions similar to those in Canada. Nevertheless, before hiring a representative or agent, it is important for companies to investigate the legal implications of working with a local partner. Contracts may be written in English, but they should be reviewed by Canadian and Mexican lawyers.

Canadian exporters are encouraged to increase the awareness of their brands in the Mexican market through focused marketing efforts. Collaborating with provincial and industry associations and participating in trade shows and missions are excellent ways to make contacts, understand import procedures and develop effective entry strategies. Promotional activities in co-operation with Mexican retailers are another way to gain exposure and better understand this extremely competitive market.

Import Regulations

Exporters should be aware of various import regulations for their products. Mexico's Secretariat of the Economy regulates all general policies for international trade negotiations, including import and export requirements. Since signing the NAFTA, Mexico has been lowering and eliminating its tariff barriers to match those of Canada and the United States. The NAFTA covers tariff elimination and the reduction of non-tariff barriers among Canada, Mexico and the United States. It also contains comprehensive provisions on business conduct in the North America free trade zone, including regulation of investment, services, intellectual property, competition and the temporary entry of business persons. In 2003, all remaining tariffs on soft drinks and bottled water have been eliminated.

The Mexican Ministry of Health (SSA) is responsible for setting sanitary regulations regarding the importation of processed food and beverages. Importers of these types of products must be registered in this Ministry. Canadian exporters should make sure that their importers have this registration.

In the case of bottled water, SSA requires a sanitary import notice that has to be presented by the importer. This Sanitary notice has to be accompanied by either of the following documents that have to be provided by the Canadian exporter:

1. A sanitary certificate from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency; Or

2. A Certificate of Free Sale; Or

3. A Physical/Chemical Analysis of the products

It is very important that the Canadian exporter maintain a close communication with the importer to ensure that all these types of requirements are fulfilled.

Canadian exporters also should make sure that their products comply with NOM-201-SSA1-2002, which is the Mexican official standard that establishes the Sanitary specifications for water and ice for human consumption(5).


Bottled water is not subject to an import duty. Bottled water, whether imported or produced locally is subject to a 15% value added tax (VAT) in presentations under 10 litres. Mexican law states that bottled water in presentations of 10 liters or more does not have to pay the 15% VAT. Thus, the volume of the container is not a consideration, as a multipack presentation of 15 1 litre bottles would not be subject to VAT.


The export documents required can vary with the method of shipment: boat, train, truck or mail. For statistical purposes, Canada requires exporters to complete an Export Declaration (Form B13A), which can be filed electronically at

The basic documents required by Mexican customs authorities include:

  • import declaration (pedimento de importación), a basic requirement of Mexican authorities, this form is filled out by the customs broker;
  • commercial invoice. The exporter must sign, by hand, several copies of the commercial invoice. The invoice must be written in Spanish and include the address of the exporter and import agent, a description of the goods, the total and unit freight-on-board value in Canadian dollars, an indication of the location and date of issue, the shipper's invoice number and the customer's order number. All costs must be indicated, including insurance and transhipment. Mexican customs officials must receive goods within 90 days of the date of the original invoice or a new invoice will be required;
  • bill of lading, confirming that the goods have been delivered. The exporter must keep a copy and send one to the importer and one to the customs broker;
  • packing list, which is a detailed list of the products in each group as well as their number, weight and volume and must be included in the packing list. At a minimum, the list should be provided in triplicate;
  • certificate of origin, which is required to qualify for preferential customs rates under the NAFTA. This form and instructions are available at;  and
  • sanitary import notice accompanied by a sanitary certificate from CFIA or a certificate of free sale or a physical/chemical analysis of the products.

Border Clearance Representative (BCR)

Mexican customs law is extremely strict. Errors in the proper submission and preparation of customs documentation can result in fines and even confiscation of merchandise as contraband. Exporters are encouraged to contact Canada's Border Clearance Representative (BCR) for assistance and are advised to employ competent Mexican importers or custom brokers to prepare documents.

The BCR is a service for Canadian exporters -- provided on a pilot project basis jointly by the federal government and the governments of Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. The BCR provides a full-time resource person at the border to help ensure Canadian companies are well prepared to meet Mexican requirements.

The BCR is stationed full time at Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, the second busiest international border crossing in the Americas. The BCR is available to consult with companies prior to shipping to ensure all paperwork is in order and will be on-site to troubleshoot if a shipment is held up at the border.

Luis A. Pérez,
Tel: (011-52) (867) 719-00-03
Mobile: 1 (956) 206-8771
Fax: (011-52) (867) 719-07-64


The labelling of products in Mexico is governed by a series of official standards, the Normas Oficiales Mexicanas (NOM).(6) Bottled water is covered under the section of labeling of NOM - 201 - SSAI - 2002.

All label information must be in Spanish. If other languages are also used, Spanish must be as obvious, with at least the same size font and typographic proportions. A comma must be used as a decimal pont in quantity declaration on packages, as required by NOM - 008 - SCFI - 1993. Imported products using a period as a decimal point are likely to be rejected by Mexican officials.

Under certain conditions, prepackaged products may be allowed entry into Mexico without the required labelling. Exporters should consult with their importer to determine the conditions for such exports. Exporters requesting export certification of prepackaged products without the required labelling are responsible for assuring correct labelling of the product in Mexico.

In order to ensure that labels comply with Mexican regulations, Canadian exporters can send sample labels to an authorized verification unit(7). Most verification units provide comprehensive services including the verification, revision and printing of approved labels. At the end of the process, the verification unit will also issue a compliance certificate which should be presented when the product arrives at the Mexican border.

Local Standards, Certificates or Registrations

Reputable importers should be aware of standards that apply to bottled water and should be in a good position to inform exporters of regulatory developments. Although special provisions do exist to allow products to be exported without labelling, it is much simpler for Canadian exporters to label their products in compliance with Mexican law before the goods arrive at Mexico's border.

Accredited verification units exist in Mexico where companies can obtain evaluation of their labels prior to export, for a small fee (usually less than $100).(8)

Export Credit Risks, Restrictions on Letters of Credit, Currency Controls

Four main methods of financing exist in Mexico: advance payment, letter/line of credit, bill of exchange, and open account trading. Letters of credit, which carry the lowest risk, are typically used when dealing with foreign suppliers; however, some Mexican distributors prefer to work with suppliers that provide extended credit of 90 days rather than paying through the usual letter of credit. Imports are usually financed through 60-90 day lines of credit, but also through cash-in-advance for smaller and less frequent importers. It is advisable that lines of credit from Mexican financial institutions should not exceed the limits allowed by those institutions.


Americas Food & Beverage Show December 3-4, 2003 (Annual)
World Trade Center Miami
Miami, Florida
Mexico/Latin America trade opportunities 

World Trade Center Miami 777 NW 72nd Ave., Suite 3BB65
Miami, FL 33126
Tel.: (305) 871-7910
Fax: (305) 871-7904

ANTAD 2004 March 12-14, 2004
Expo Guadalajara Convention Center, Guadalajara, Mexico
Mexico's largest retail and supermarket show 

National Retailers Association of Mexico Horacio
1855, Piso 6 Colonia Chapultepec Morales
CP 11570 México, DF, Mexico
Tel.: (52-55) 5580-1772
Fax: (52-55) 5395-2610

EXPHOTEL 2004 June 9-11, 2004 (Annual)
Convention Center
Cancun, Mexico
Mexico's largest hotel, restaurant and hospitality industry show for the Caribbean region 

Tradeshow Co. LLP P.O. Box 3282
McAllen, TX 78502.
Tel.: (956)683-1994
Fax: (956)683-1826

InterBev September 26-28, 2004 (Biannual)
Orange County Convention Center
Orlando, Florida

Reed Exhibitions 383 Main Ave.
Norwalk, CT 06851
Tel.: (203) 840-5384
Fax: (203) 840-9384


Canadian Government Contacts

Canadian Embassy in Mexico Calle Schiller No. 529
Colonia Polanco (Rincón del Bosque)
11560 México, DF Mexico
Contact: Kim O'Neil, Trade Commissioner
Tel.: (52-55) 5724-7900 ext. 3357
Fax: (52-55) 5724-7982

Consulate of Canada in Guadalajara
Colonia Vallarta Poniente
Hotel Fiesta Americana
Aurelio Aceves No. 225, Local 31
Guadalajara, JL Mexico
Contact: Juan-Carlos Muñoz, Commercial Officer
Tel.: (52-33) 3615-6215, -6266 or -6270
Fax: (52-33) 3615-8665

Consulate of Canada in Monterrey
Piso C-1, Despacho 108-A Zaragoza
1300 Sur y Constitución
Edificio Kalos
Monterrey, NL Mexico
Contact: David Valle, Commercial Officer
Tel.: (52-81) 344-3200 or -2753
Fax: (52-81) 344-3048

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Sir John Carling Building
930 Carling Ave.
Ottawa, ON K1A 0C5
Contact: Richard Clegg, International Market Development Officer
Tel.: (613) 759-7743
Fax: (613) 759-7505

Market Research Centre (TMR - Formerly TCM)
Contact: Sean McLean
Tel.: (613) 996-0688
Fax: (613) 943-1103

Market Support Division (TMM -- Formerly TCM)
Contact: Rick Winter, Trade Commissioner
Tel.: (613) 995-1773
Fax: (613) 943-1103

Mexico Division (MNX)
Contact: Marcello DiFranco, Trade Commissioner
Tel.: (613) 996-8625
Fax: (613) 996-6142

Border Clearance Representative Contact: Luis Perez
Tel.: (52-867) 719-0003 or (956) 206-8771
Fax: (52-867)-719-0764

Canadian Commercial Corporation
1100-50 O'Connor St.
Ottawa, ON K1A 0S6
Tel.: 1-800-748-8191 or (613) 996-0034
Fax: (613) 995-2121

Canadian Customs and Revenue Agency
International Tax Services Office
2204 Walkley Rd.
Ottawa, ON K1A 1A8
Tel.: 1-800-267-5177 or (613) 952-3741
Fax: (613) 941-2505

Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
59 Camelot Dr.
Nepean, ON K1A 0Y9
Tel.: (613) 225-2342
Fax: (613) 228-6653

Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT)
125 Sussex Dr.
Ottawa, ON K1A 0G2

Authentication and Service of Documents (JLAC)
Tel.: (613) 992-6602
Fax: (613) 992-2467

Export Development Canada (EDC)
151 O'Connor St.
Ottawa, ON K2P 2L8
Tel.: 1-888-332-4593 or (613) 598-2500
Fax: (613) 598-6697

EDC in Mexico
Calle Schiller 529
Rincon del Bosque, Colonia Polanco
11560 México, DF Mexico
Contact: Marvin Hough, Regional Director: Mexico and Central America
Tel.: (52-55) 5387-9316
Fax: (52-55) 5387-9317

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada--Regional Trade Contacts

Al McIsaac St. John's, Nfld.
Tel.: (709) 772-0330

Rollin Andrew
Charlottetown, P.E.I.
Tel.: (902) 566-7315

Fay Abizadeh
Winnipeg, Man.
Tel.: (204) 983-8622

Margaret Bancroft
New Westminster, B.C.
Tel.: (604) 666-3054

Janet Steele Halifax, N.S.
Tel.: (902) 426-7171

Sandra Gagné
Montreal, Que.
Tel.: (514) 283-3815 ext. 501

Jim Atcheson
Regina, Sask.
Tel.: (306) 780-5545

Bernard Mallet Moncton, N.B.
Tel.: (506) 452-3706

Wayne Parlee
Guelph, Ont.
Tel.: (519) 837-5824

Lorrie McFadden
Edmonton, Alta.
Tel.: (780) 495-2119

Mexican Government Contacts

Embassy of Mexico 45 O'Connor St., Suite 1500
Ottawa, ON K1P 1A4
Tel.: (613) 233-8988
Fax: (613) 235-9123

Consulate General of Mexico-Montreal
2055 Peel St., Suite 1000
Montreal, PQ H3A 1V4
Tel.: (514) 288-2502 or -2707
Fax: (514) 288-8287

Consulate General of Mexico-Vancouver
810, 1130 W Pender St.
Vancouver, BC V6E 4A4
Tel.: (604) 684-3547, -1859 or 683-0674
Fax: (604) 684-2485

Directorate General of Customs (Direccion General de Aduanas)
Av. Hidalgo No. 77
Modulo 04, 1-3 Piso
Colonia Guerrero
CP 06300
Tel.: (52-55) 5228-3436
Fax: (52-55) 5228-3440

Directorate General of Foreign Trade Services
(Direcion General de Servicios del Comercio Exterior)
Insurgentes Sur No. 1940
P.H. Colonia Florida
CP 01030
Tel.: (52-55) 5226-6188
Fax: (52-55) 5229-6529 

Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food
(Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería y Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentacion [SAGARPA]) 
Insurgentes Sur No. 476
Piso 13, Colonia Roma
CP 06760
Tel.: (52-55) 9183-1000
Internet:  (In Spanish)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores [SRE])
2 Ricardo Flores Magon Ave.
Colonia Tlaltelolco
CP 06995
Tel.: (52-55) 5782-4144
Fax: (52-55) 5327-3025
Internet:  (In Spanish)

Ministry of Health (Secretaría de Salud)
Unidad de Atención al Público
Donceles No. 39, P.B.
Colonia Centro, CP 06010
México, DF, Mexico
Tel.: (52-55) 5510-1075
Note: Open Monday to Friday, 9:00-13:00

National Register of Importers and Exporters
(Sistema de Información Empresarial Mexicano)
Tel.: (01-800) 410-2000
Fax: (52-55) 5229-6134
Internet:  (In Spanish)

Canadian Industry Associations

Canadian Bottled Water Association (CBWA) 
155 East Beaver Creek
Unit 24, Suite 328
Richmond Hill, ON L4B 2N1
Tel.: (905) 886-6928
Fax: (905) 886-9531

Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association
316 Bloor St. W
Toronto, ON M5S 1W5
Tel.: (416) 923-8416
Fax: (416) 923-1450

Mexican Industry Associations and Contacts

Association of Importers and Exporters of the Republic of Mexico (Asociación Nacional de Importadores y Exportadores de la República Mexicana [ANIERM]) Av. Monterrey, No. 130
Colonia Roma
06700 México, DF Mexico
Tel.: (52-55) 5584-9522
Fax: (52-55) 5584-5317
Internet:  (In Spanish)

Association of Importers and Representatives of Food Products and Beverages (Asociación de Importadores y Representantes de Alimentos y Bebidas, A.C.)
Tuxpan 41-202
06760 México, DF Mexico
Tel.: (52-55) 5584-2609 or 5564-2770
Fax: (52-55) 5564-5341 or 5606-9724 

National Chamber of Manufacturing Industries 
(Cámara Nacional de la Industria de la Transformación [Canacintra]) 
San Antonio 256; Colonia Ampliación Nápoles
03849 México, DF Mexico
Tel.: (52-55) 5563-3400
Fax: (52-55) 5598-9467
Note: This umbrella chamber represents all types of manufacturing industries, including alcoholic beverages.

National Restaurant Association
(Camara Nacional de la Industria de Restaurantes [CANIRAC])
Contact: Aniceto Ortega
No. 1009, Colonia Del Valle
03100, México, DF Mexico
Tel.: (52-55) 5604-3546 or 688-9378
Fax: (52-55) 5604-4086

National Retailers Association of Mexico
(Asociación Nacional de Tiendas de Autoservicio y Departamentales [ANTAD])
Horacio 1855, Piso 6
Colonia Chapultepec Morales
CP 11570 México, DF Mexico
Tel.: (52-55) 5580-1772
Fax: (52-55) 5395-2610
Internet:  (In Spanish) 

Direct Importing Retailers

Soriana Alejandro de Rodas #3102-A
Colonia Cumbres 8 sector, CP 64610
Monterrey, NL Mexico
Contact: José Manuel Sánchez Moreno, Purchase Director
Tel.: (52-8) 329-9000 or -9265
Fax: (52-8) 329-9341
Internet:  (In Spanish) 

Walmart Supercenter Aurrera, Superama
Av. Universidad # 936 A
Colonia Santa Cruz Atoyac
CP 03310 México, DF, Mexico
Contact: Mariano Acebal, Purchase Manager
Tel.: (52-55) 5420-0200 ext. 5630 or 5660
Fax: (52-55) 5420-0202



Beverage World. "H2O in Latin America: Bottled Water Growth is Outpacing Global Trends," June 15, 2003.

Dun & Bradstreet. Exporters' Encyclopedia. "Mexico, 2001," 2001.

Datamonitor. Profiles. "Mexico: Bottled Water," January 2003.

Euromonitor. Global Strategy. "Soft Drinks - FEMSA," August 2002.

El Economista. "Deputies Reject 20% Tax," December 11, 2002.

El Fianciero. "Taxes on water and PET bottles a threat to the industry," December 6, 2002.

Reuters News. "Bottled water hit in revised Mexican drinks tax," November 8, 2002.

United States Commercial Service. Mexico Country Commercial Guide FY 2002.

United States. Department of Agriculture. Mexico: Annual Exporter Guide 2002.

------. Mexico: Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards Country Report 2002.

Global Trade Information Services Inc. World Trade Atlas, October 2002. "U.S. Exports to Mexico (Jan.-Oct. 2002) HS product codes 220190, 220210."


Canada. Agriculture and Agri-Food Trade Service. "The Fruit Juice, Soft Drink and Bottled Water Market in Mexico," May 1998. Downloaded from  on January 18, 2003.

------. "Agri-Food Export Business Guide," March 2001. Downloaded from  on January 12, 2003.

------. "Mexico: Agri-Food Country Profile," May 2002. Downloaded from  on January 5, 2003.

------. "The Beer, Spirits and Wine Market in Mexico," October 2002. Downloaded from  on December 15, 2003.

EIU Executive Briefing. "Mexico: Food, beverages and tobacco forecast," September 18, 2002. Downloaded from  on January 7, 2003.

------. "Mexico," January 7, 2003. Downloaded from  on January 18, 2003.

Useful Internet Sites


How to Partner in Mexico: 


Mexican Commercial Controller:  (In Spanish)

Mexican Intelligence Report: 

Mexican trade and business links: 

Mexico Data Online: 

NAFTA Office of Mexico in Canada: 

1. All monetary amounts are expressed in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise indicated. The conversion rate to Canadian dollars is based on IDD Information Services, Tradeline, March 2003.

2. At the time of publication, a controversial 20% point-of-sale tax on soft drinks containing sweeteners other than cane sugar continues to be in effect. There was some speculation that the PET bottle tax was proposed as a face-saving alternative to the soft drink/corn syrup tax, which has been in effect since January 1, 2002.

3. For contact information regarding key organizations mentioned in this report, see Key Contacts.

4. The USDA publishes complementary information at  (see "Guide to Service Providers in Mexico 2002, GAIN Report MX2121 9/3/2002").

5. Additional information on official regulations or NOMS can be obtained from  (in Spanish).

From the home page find Normatividad Empresaria and click on Normas link. On the left hand menu click on Catalogo de normas.

6. Additional information regarding NOMS can be obtained from  (in Spanish). From the home page, find Normatividad Empresaria and click on Normas. On the left-hand menu, click on Catálogo de normas.

7. A list of authorized verification unites can be obtained at the following web site:

8. The list of accredited firms is available from Unidades de verificación, Dirección General de Normas on Mexican government's Web site at  (in Spanish). From the home page find Normatividad Empresaria and click on Normas. On the left-hand menu find Acreditación and click on Unidades de verificación. A list of establishments will appear.

Date Modified: 2003-12-06 Important Notices