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  Fish and Seafood Online

Seafood News from Canada

April 2005


In this issue:

News from Canada

Canada at the European Seafood Exhibition

Canada's presence at other European seafood events

Trade Opportunities

News from Canada

Fishing Season Information

Snow Crab (Chionoecetes opilio)
There are two principal sources of snow crab in Atlantic Canada: the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the North Atlantic off the coast of Newfoundland. Both fisheries begin in late April, as soon as the ice has moved far enough out to allow the boats to travel safely. While official quotas have not yet been announced, it is widely expected that the amount of snow crab available from the Gulf of St. Lawrence will increase this year. Fished on a sandy bottom, Gulf snow crab is bright orange in colour and is prized by the Japanese who are major purchasers of this species. The product can be brine frozen or gas frozen using either nitrogen or carbon dioxide. Snow crab meat is available, but the most popular product form is the section which includes snap and eat legs and claws. Snow crab is rich, succulent and delicious – and more available than ever from Canadian suppliers. Visit, click on Fact Sheets and then on Snow Crab to get more information. Use the handy Supplier Database on this web site to locate exports of Canadian snow crab.

Lobster (Homarus americanus)
Spring lobster season begins in Atlantic Canada on May 1 in northern New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, and in mid-May in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Spring is the best season for Canadian lobsters as they are hard-shelled, full of meat and of excellent quality. Spring is also the time when lobster processors in New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island put up “popsicle packs” (whole lobsters frozen in brine and packed in plastic sleeves). Europe is the principal market for popsicle packs, so buyers should be aware that with new conservation methods in place, there is not expected to be any increase in supply in the 2005 season. Visit, click on Fact Sheets and then on Lobster to get more information. Use the handy Supplier Database on this web site to locate exports of Canadian lobster.

Pacific Halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis)
The fishery for Pacific halibut has also begun off the coast of British Columbia. While the majority of this species is exported fresh to the United States, there are opportunities for European buyers to take advantage of a slightly expanded quota for 2005. This is a very healthy fishery that is managed through Individual Quotas which means that the fishery operates virtually all year round. Pacific halibut is an excellent product with firm, white flesh, suitable for steaking, filleting, and smoking.

Wild Pacific Salmon [Sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka), Pink (O. gorbuscha), Chum (O. keta)]
Preliminary information has been released from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) regarding the 2005 season for wild Pacific salmon. For the last number of years, DFO and industry have been pursuing an aggressive strategy of conservation, aimed particularly at preserving weak stocks. This strategy will continue for the 2005 season. Water levels and water temperatures, based on snow-pack levels and in-season temperatures, have the potential to affect the migration health of salmon. DFO, together with the Pacific Salmon Commission, will be monitoring these conditions carefully throughout the season. Additionally, First Nations harvesters have priority access to stocks which can be fished for food, social and ceremonial purposes. For all these reasons, it is not possible to give any more than an indication of how the season might progress as fishermen all along the coast of British Columbia get their boats ready.

In the North Coast, Nass River sockeye stocks are anticipated to be abundant and support a full range of fisheries, while Skeena River salmon are expected to return at levels below recent year averages. This is an off-cycle year for pink salmon in the Queen Charlotte Islands; therefore, no directed fishing on these stocks are planned. Chum returns are expected to be similar to 2004. As in previous years on the Central Coast, returns of sockeye are likely to be below long-term averages. Pink returns to the area are expected to be strong in 2005, and above average chum returns are expected in most areas of the central coast. The return of Fraser River sockeye is anticipated to be reasonably strong this year with the majority of harvest opportunities expected on summer run sockeye. Commercial fisheries are anticipated to start in late July and be completed by mid-August. Fraser River pink returns are expected to be abundant in 2005; harvesters will use selective gear in order to protect stocks of concern. Chum runs are expected to be similar to last year, with commercial fisheries taking place if abundance permits.

Visit our web site ( for more information on wild Pacific salmon and many other Canadian seafood species.

Canada at the European Seafood Exhibition

Canada at the European Seafood Exhibition, Brussels, Belgium – April 26 to 28, 2005
Preparations are well underway for the Canadian pavilion at the European Seafood Exposition 2005.  This year's pavilion will feature 20 booths and represent 26 companies and government agencies from across the country! We will be located in the Patio section of the show, stand number P-4503 and P-4515 (next to the Seafood Prix d'Elite). A Canadian chef will also be on hand to showcase exhibitors' products, so visitors will be able to sample the excellent variety and quality of Canadian seafood. All of this – and more – will be in place for the 2005 show! The following Canadian companies will be present at the Canadian Pavilion:

  • 7 Seas Fish Co. Ltd.
  • Agriculture & Agrifood Canada
  • Atlantic Canada Lobster & Seafood Promotions Group
  • Barry Group Inc.
  • BC Salmon Marketing Council
  • Finest at Sea Ocean Products Ltd
  • Ocean Master Foods International (Entrant into the Seafood Prix d'Elite)
  • BC Seafood
  • Canada Food Sales
  • Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance
  • Connors Brothers
  • Great Northern / Seafoodexport
  • H & H Fisheries
  • Island Fisherman Co-Operative Association
  • Newfoundland & Labrador Seafood
  • Nova Scotia Seafood
  • Ocean Fisheries Ltd.
  • Ocean Jewel Seafoods Ltd.
  • Orion Seafood Group
  • Pacific Urchin From Canada
  • Kiku Fisheries Corp (Entrant into the Seafood Prix d'Elite)
  • Presteve Foods Ltd.
  • Sogelco International Inc.

Other Canadian Companies Exhibiting at ESE but not within the Canadian Pavilion include:

  • Canadian Mussels Ltd. (with Prins & Dingemanse) 6-1115
  • Fishery Products International 6-1126
  • Focus Seafoods International 6-830
  • Freshwater Fish Market Corp. 6-830
  • Ocean Max International 9-4034
  • Ocean to Ocean Seafood 6-943
  • West Fish Canada Ltd. P-4709

Canada's Presence at Other European Seafood Events

Canada at Aquanor 2005, Trondheim, Norway – August 9 to 12, 2005
Mark your calenders to see Canada's aquaculture industry at Aqua Nor 2005 in Trondheim, Norway from August 9-12, 2005 (website: Aqua Nor is the most important event and the principal venue for everyone related to the fish farming industry. Here you will find the very latest in terms of news, products, services, research and development.   All major aquaculture nations are represented by exhibitors, delegations and visitors.  In 2005, Canada will be the featured country, with a stand of 80 square meters.
For more information, please contact, Business Development Assistant at the Embassy of Canada in Oslo, Norway.

Canada will also have information stands at the following food shows. Please visit us to learn more about Canada and our high-quality seafood products:

Trade Opportunities

The Atlantic Canada Lobster and Seafood Promotion Group promotes Atlantic Canada lobster and other shellfish internationally through market research, market development and promotional activities. By participating in various trade shows and trade missions, and meeting with incoming buyers, journalists and chefs, the Promotion Group provides an opportunity for its guests to learn more about the Atlantic Canada lobster industry and available products and for the Promotional Group to learn more about foreign markets and what they are looking for. The Atlantic Canada Lobster and Seafood Promotion Group is coordinated by the Prince Edward Island Seafood Processors Association on behalf of the Fisheries Council of Canada which manages the project. For further information please visit: and

The Barry Group Inc. operates 14 processing plants in Atlantic Canada and accounts for about 30% of all the frozen processed lobster being exported from Canada to the E.U. and Scandinavia. BGI have capabilities to supply your requirements on frozen popsicles; frozen meat products including 320g cans; frozen whole lobster, either cooked, raw, or blanched in netted, glazed or any other custom pack which you may require. BGI shall be exhibiting at the Brussels Seafood Exhibition during late April at the Canadian stand and encourage visitors to approach them regarding their lobster, cooked and peeled shrimp requirements (Pandalus Borealis), or pelagic species like herring, capelin, and mackerel. In the meantime, please visit their website ( or e-mail as follows: Ken MacDonald (; Halldor Arnason (; David Middleton (

Les Crabiers du Nord Inc. – In this trimester, les Crabiers du Nord would like to talk to you about Greenland halibut, more commonly known as turbot. Halibut is fished using a mesh net in the estuary of the St. Lawrence River. The flesh is white or pink is produced into fresh fillets and individually frozen (IQF) in 10lb blocks or according to your individual requirements. Crabiers du Nord is also selling marinated halibut in jars of 130 g or in 3-pound containers. For more details, visit their web site at or email them at

H&H Seafood brings "The Original Taste of the East Coast" to its customers. From traditional fares such as live lobster and processed ground fish to its new succulent line of cooked and frozen lobster, crab, and clam, H&H has been providing ultra quality product and service to its customers for over 15 years. Located at the head of the Halifax Harbour on the Atlantic Ocean, the company's processing facilities are only 20 minutes from the Halifax international airport. With a wide variety of cooked and live product, and access to major transportation routes, H&H is looking to expand its business in North America, Europe and Asia. Take a look at the new H&H at, and watch for the company display at the European Seafood Exposition in Brussels and the Seoul food show and experience what truly is "The Original Taste of the East Coast".

Leslie Legér & Sons Ltd, Cap Pelé, New Brunswick, Canada, processors of Dutch Style mild cured smoked herring and fillets along with salted fish products, wishes to advise that they will not have a booth at the European Seafood Exposition this year but representatives from the company will be in attendance and will gladly meet with existing and potential clients during their stay in Brussels. For appointments, please contact us by telephone at 506-577-4730 or by fax at 506-577-4960 or E-mail at
Les Pêcheries Marinard Ltd. was again awarded the Higher Level Certification by EFSIS which incorporates BRC Global Standard Food. Marinard has always put its efforts into producing a high quality product and is processing single frozen wild coldwater prawns (Pandalus Borealis). For over 25 years, Marinard has exported its product to several different countries and concentrates its efforts to expand its clientele firstly, in the European countries where Marinard is already present and secondly in countries that have just joined the European Union. Pêcheries Marinard can be contacted by emailing the following people: Jules Pépin ( or Jean-Sébastien Joannette ( The company website is Telephone: 514-286-1977, Fax: 514-286-2851

Little Miss Chief Gourmet Products Inc. is a Canadian Company producing a high quality, all natural, smoked, wild salmon product that is traditional and unique. Wild Pacific salmon is wine marinated, smoked over natural wood chips and packaged in retort-pouches (flexible cans) providing a product that is heat processed in its own juices with a minimum shelf-life of 5 years, and needing no refrigeration until opened. The cover-packaging is exquisite and available in sleeves or cedar which makes an excellent gift idea!  The product markets well in airports, upscale grocery or deli outlets, gift shops, in gift baskets, outdoor camping/survival food. Little Miss Chief is looking for an importer/distributor or a large established retail chain for this gourmet product. Please contact: or Tel: 001.250.768.6977 / 001.250.768.5000

Mac's Oyster Ltd., Canada's Pacific Coast supplier of live manila clams to the EU, is pleased to announce that it has added a new item for its exports to Europe.  Gooseneck Barnacles, also known as Percebes, are a delicacy harvested from rock outcrops in the rugged surf of the west coast of Vancouver Island.  The demand for this delicious item is strong on the Iberian Peninsula, but interest outside this region is growing.  Mac's Oysters Ltd. is a fourth generation family managed oyster and clam farm, processor and exporter.  Mac's customers have enjoyed profitable shellfish programs for over over 50 years. To learn more about this company and its products please visit Booth #4503, at the European Seafood Exposistion 2005, or call +1 604-688-3805, email Their website has company and product information . Whether you are an importer or seafood distributor in Europe, Asia or North America contact Mac's today.

Omstead Foods Ltd of Wheatley, Ontario is a major processor of premium IQF Fish and IQF Vegetables located at the shore of Lake Erie. They are seeking regular importers and/or processors in Europe for their high-quality products. Present bestseller to the E.U. is Round Whitebait / Smelt / Friture De Poissons (Osmerus eperlanus mordax) available raw or battered. Contact Walter or Toby Herrlich at: They will also be available for meetings during the ESE in Brussels. Visit their websites: and

Pinnacle Seafoods represents local fish packing companies in British Columbia, Canada.  Pinnacle provides sales and marketing expertise to the local fish packing companies.  They sell globally fresh and frozen groundfish (Pacific cod, ling cod, black cod, rockfish, sole, hake, pollock, skate); wild salmon (pink, chum, sockeye, coho and red spring), salmon roe, canned salmon; herring roe, bait herring; Dungeness crab; manila and littleneck clams; halibut and value added items like salmon steaks, portions, hot/cold smoked salmon and pickled herring.  They are very interested in expanding sales into Europe and look forward to requests for their Canadian seafood items.  For more information please visit their web site at or contact them at

Disclaimer: This newsletter is distributed for information only and should not be seen as an endorsement or promotion of the companies highlighted. The company content reflected in this newsletter is submitted by the individual companies and the Canadian Embassy assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information.

Date Modified: 2005-04-22 Important Notices