Paterson Grain
Paterson Grain Paterson Grain Paterson Grain
Wed November 29, 2006Paterson Grain
Paterson Grain
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Paterson Grain
Paterson Grain Paterson Grain Paterson Grain Paterson Grain
Paterson Grain
Paterson GrainPaterson GrainFeedMaxPaterson GrainTruck Freight InternationalPaterson GrainGIOSIPaterson GrainNutrasun FoodsPaterson GrainPTC ConstructionPaterson Grain
Paterson Grain
Welcome to Paterson Grain...

Paterson Grain has serviced Canadian farmers since 1908 by building a solid reputation with over three generations of producers for Quality, Innovation and Service.

We assist producers in every aspect of their production, with provision of crop consulting services for seed, fertilizer, other crop applications, as well as taking receipt of their grain at harvest for Canadian Wheat Board deliveries and non-board grains and specialty crops.

We offer grower production contracts in both conventional and organic grains all certified by the Canadian Grain Commission for the highest quality. We also arrange transportation for specialty and organic grains by identity preserving the origin of the crop directly through from the farmer's field to the end-user and can export anywhere in the world.

We are located at the center of North America in Winnipeg, Canada in the heartland of the Canadian Prairies, where our growers benefit from an extreme continental climate with blazing summers and intensely cold winters. These factors converge to create a unique ecosystem in a relatively unpolluted environment.

Whether you are a Grower or a Buyer we can earn you higher yields and margins through a number of programs.

To see what Paterson Grain can offer you as a Grower or Buyer, we invite you to explore our website and email us with comments or questions. Paterson GlobalFoods Inc is a family owned conglomerate with holdings in Canada and Australia. The company has a long history in western Canada and was established in 1908 as N. M. Paterson and Co. Ltd. It presently operates under several subsidiaries and brands including Paterson Grain, Growers International Organic Sales Inc., NutraSun Foods Ltd., FeedMax, Truck Freight International, PTC Construction Ltd. and Global Grain Australia Pty Ltd.

Paterson Grain Paterson Grain
June 2006
PATERSON GLOBALFOODS HONOURS ITS LONG SERVICE EMPLOYEES. On June 7, 2006, nine employees were presented with gold watches to honour their years of service with N. M. Paterson & Sons Limited/PatersonGlobalFoods Inc.

May 2006
IN MEMORY OF DONALD S. PATERSON ~1918 to 2006~. It is with regret that we announce the passing of our Honourary Chairman, Mr. Donald S. Paterson on May 24, 2006.

Paterson Grain
Paterson Grain

Paterson Grain
The Paterson Foundation
Paterson Grain
Paterson Global Foods
Paterson Grain
Paterson Grain

Copyright © 2004 Paterson Grain. All Rights Reserved.
All contents including data and images may not be used without the express written consent of Paterson Grain.

Paterson Grain
NutraSun Foods Growers International Organic Sales Inc. PTC Construction FeedMax Truck Freight International Global Grain Australia PTY LTD