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Science Consultations 2005

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Regional Consultations

Ontario Regional Science Consultations - October 27, 2005

Participant responses to Consultation questions

Question 1: Vision for the agriculture and agri-food sector

What do you think the agriculture and agri-food section in your region needs to do over the next 10-15 years to achieve sustainable profitability and growth?

What are the key drivers of change?

On-farm concerns

  • Aging farm population
  • Lack of interest in farming from next-generation - no succession plan (sons not encouraged to enter farming business)
  • Fewer larger farms - bigger farms are no longer necessarily better
  • Urban sprawl - pressure on rural areas


  • Profit issues and enjoyment of farming
  • High energy costs - need for alternative energy sources and conservation
  • High labour costs
  • Cow/calf price takers (no control over pricing)
  • Decreasing equity in farms
  • We are not least cost producers - low cost competitors and shift of investment to other countries

Demands from citizen and consumers

  • Societal issues regarding future of agriculture in Canada
  • Citizen demands for environmentally responsible agriculture
  • Interest in traceability options in agriculture
  • Changing consumer preferences and demographics - Aging consumer population resulting in changes in consumer preference
  • Need for consumer information to identify high-quality foods - consumer preferences in healthy food and neutraceuticals
  • Consumer preferences (needs) for longer shelf life of products


  • Education of consumers on acceptance of technology (AAFC & industry)
  • Lack of research in sheep
  • Forming of respective alliances in science
  • Location of research services is being centralized versus being in regions
  • Need to focus on value-added research - NOT production research (still require basic production research)
  • Need for research to determine economic impact analysis in regards to trade issues
  • Need for market-driven research
  • Need to ensure that research efforts are better coordinated through research database update etc. (ie. ICAR)
  • Need for surveillance for foreign threats (invasive alien species, animal diseases)
  • Need for new crops that can be produced economically

Political issues

  • Global trade
  • Border and trade issues ( USA)
  • Legislation such as Greenbelt seen as anti-agriculture
  • Trade agreements (WTO) - political decisions
  • Issues regarding access to markets (barriers/tariffs) etc.


  • Seasonality of horticultural crops
  • Need for higher value-added innovative crop production
  • Rural poverty issue
  • New markets including organic and ethnic foods
  • Increased concern over animal health issues (disease)
  • Aging facilities
  • More money needed in fixed asset costs

What are the principal challenges?

Production and processing concerns

  • Food safety issues
  • Sustainable markets for new products
  • Finding new market opportunities
  • Processing infrastructure currently based on traditional commodities
  • Need to maintain a competitive agricultural industry in Canada
  • Risks from foreign pests (invasive alien species)
  • Low cost of food in Canada
  • Deep pockets needed to commercialize new products
  • Environmental issues


  • Increasing Canadian dollar against USA
  • Access to capital
  • Ensuring money returns to producers in value-added products, etc.

Citizen/consumer challenges

  • Educating consumers on agricultural production
  • Educating the consumer on the value of the agri-food industry in Canada
  • Food safety and food quality concerns by consumers


  • Spending research dollars on "bricks" versus on research equipment
  • Target research activities
  • Align research activities to meet regional needs
  • How do you measure the value of science in research (ie. does research benefit the producer or someone else?)
  • Don't know what work is being conducted in other countries

Policy/ Regulatory

  • Border issues (inspection, labelling requirements, etc)
  • Political imperative - maintain research centres and research dollars in all provinces
  • Need for good science for policy, regulation, etc.
  • Canada's regulatory systems
  • American products coming to Canada
  • Questionable products from countries with lower standards (ie. pesticide residue)
  • Finding a level playing field regarding pesticide applications for products such as organic (acceptance of regulations for organic foods)

What are the principal opportunities?


  • High valued crops


  • New markets for specialized products
  • Strategic deployment of resources
  • Expand sales (with fair price to primary producer)
  • Niche markets
  • Enhanced collaboration led by industry (re-alignment of common goods/interests)
  • Fruit and vegetable sector focus (eg 80% of Canadian fruit and vegetable produced in Ontario)
  • USA/Mexico markets


  • Development of healthy foods
  • Development of healthy animals and animal products
  • Development of healthy environment
  • Health and nutrition

Policy/ Regulatory

  • Create new government policies that help agriculture instead of hindering it
  • Develop better regulatory support (implement smart regulations as is, immediately)


  • Develop alternative energy sources
  • Within each commodity to develop new products (omega 3 eggs, improvements to meat products and milk, organic animal production)
  • Innovation value chain enhancement/collaboration
  • Greenhouse industry is a good model (greenhouse brightest light in research now)
  • Grassroots research (conducting research at producer locations)
  • Research to assist in developing new markets (ie extending shelf life in fresh-cut fruit)

Question 2: Ongoing regional consultation

In establishing an ongoing Agriculture and Agri-Food section regional consultation mechanism, what is your advice as to how this could best be accomplished in a way that identifies regional research priorities of greatest benefit to the sector?

Who should be engaged in ongoing regional consultations?

  • Provincial/extension staff
  • Universities and colleges
  • Municipalities
  • Private industry
  • Farmers
  • Use existing groups (province/industry)
  • OASCC (Ontario Agricultural Services Coodinating Committees) BUT this system needs to be strengthened through better leadership
  • Innovators
  • Commodity groups

How should this consultation be done?

  • Two-way dialogue between researchers and industry
  • Face to face meeting
  • Use video/teleconference
  • Use existing mechanisms (ie. OASCC)
  • Field days
  • Research centre tours
  • Advisory boards
  • Focus group on solutions
  • Systematic vs random process

How often should consultations be held?

  • One opinion - no more often than 5 ears - no less often than 10 years
  • Another opinion - annually

How should consultation advice be channelled to the Department?

  • To those with authority to make decisions
  • Deliver challenges AND possible solutions
  • To specific AAFC research centres (Research Managers) for regional needs
  • Science Directors if necessary (ie. in relation to specific programs and national needs)

Identification of Research Needs

MCA 1 - Bioresources

Bio-agro processes and products


Research on bioresources:

  • Fungal collections
  • Insect collections

Soil-type database

  • Alignment with other areas such as forest soil
  • Improve precision
  • NLWIS - online database
  • Information on soils for planning, precision agriculture

Gene-Resource Banks

  • Support biodiversity
  • Access to genes of interest for industry
  • Improved access to database
  • Reasonably accessible


  • Avoidance and control of invasive threats - diseases, insects, etc.
  • (Avoid duplication - collaborate with others internationally and within Canada including other ministries (Environment))
  • Partners in biosecure labs - such as level 3 being developed in Ontario

Water Resources

  • Collaboration with Environment Public Health (federal and provincial)
  • AAFC roles - focus on agricultural issues such as nutrients and pesticide issues

Regulatory System - AAFC's role

  • Evaluating regulatory policies that impact economic opportunities
  • Work to support regulatory policies - Support to move things forward with regulation of new technologies (eg. AAFC and PMRA)
  • Researching regulatory inefficiencies in new developments and areas for improving process
  • Act as a support for research entrepreneurs in commercialization
  • Determine necessity and ways to deal with conflicting regulations

MCA 2 - Crop Production and Health

  • Research to develop a healthy agronomic system
  • Need research tools and then the knowledge on how to implement Best Production Practices
  • Need political assistance to make regulatory system work along with new production practices
  • Research to deal with production problems before they arise
  • Money needed to allow for obtaining information from other countries
  • Breeding work in floriculture
  • Crop breeding for production
  • National standards for organic agriculture should determine the research needs in this area
  • Work in crop protection (IPM delivery systems, reduced-risk products) - more effort in this area is required
  • Research partnerships with CFIA (invasive pests and diagnostics)
  • Applied research is needed (this is decreasing and needs to be supported)
  • Production and protection work is important to industry and needs to be supported
  • Research can only be done if key positions are supported (crop production/protection - vacant positions in Ontario)

MCA 3 - Animal Production and heath

  • Animal breeding (to produce a "Canada" brand animal and meat products)
  • Bio-security and hygiene research
  • Research into diagnostic tests (improve sensitivity to avoid false positives)
  • Research on antibiotics, vaccine, therapeutic drugs
  • Research on antimicrobial peptide to replace antibiotics
  • Research to look at production methods (organic animal production)
  • Genomic work (gene specific production, traits, genetic markers for disease resistance)
  • Research to update nutritional requirements (milk production to improve quality)
  • Stress management research (communication updates on research initiative to consumers)

MCA 4 - Environmentally sound crop

Soil ecology (includes soil fauna, soil microbes, mechanisms, processes, etc.)

  • Plant breeding to improve environmental performance (ie. reduced need for nitrogen, drought tolerance, resistance to weeds/diseases, etc.)
  • Research on nutrient needs in the vegetable and fruit area (for nutrient management planning)
  • Research into organic agriculture
  • Research into drainage and irrigation practices
  • More efficient use of manures, composting and biosolids
  • Risk assessment research for municipal well heads
  • Research on renewable fuels to reduce fossil fuels and greenhouse gas production
  • Research on economic value and performance of Best Management Practices for the environment
  • Research on transport and fate of organic/inorganic inputs (soil/water)
  • Research into lower input practices
  • Research to develop national environmental protocols (standard setting for contaminants)

MCA 5 - Environmentally sound animal production

Carcass and manure utilization

  • Need to study the economics of digesters and power production
  • Need to make information available with respect to composting (what has been done?)
  • Develop a strategy for disposing of large numbers of carcasses in the event of an epidemic especially if they are large animal carcasses
  • There is a need for someone to update and maintain the Advanced Manure Management Technologies of Ontario (AMMTO) website
  • Are there human biosoild strategies that have cross-applications for livestock in both disposal and utilization?

Technology Transfer

  • Need to continue to encourage researchers to publish, but need to provide them with incentive to meet fact-to-face with producers to establish priorities and do technology transfer so that we have world-class expertise in the process
  • Need less pressure to patent discoveries where the market potential is limited
  • Need to focus on on-farm demonstration with industry leaders where possible and link food safety and environmental implications

Collaborative research

  • Need to promote world-class research and technology transfer and this may require researcher salaries to be co-funded
  • Need to seek out international collaborative research and conferences to build world-class research and technology transfer

MCA 6 - Food safety

Pursue health claim opportunities

  • Adopt a system that will allow health claims to be promoted based on available published research
  • Labelling of food products needs to include country of origin in processed products
  • Diagnostic services need to be available for pre-emptive sampling on primary and processed products to proactively identify food safety issues
  • Farmers need access to fast turn-around diagnostics so that quarantineable pests and diseases are not sent to competing countries for diagnosis
  • Pathology research needs to be a priority to prevent pathogens existing on fruit and vegetables from becoming a food safety problem
  • There is a need to establish a water quality database to identify priority farmland locations

MCA 7 - Food quality

  • Post-harvest research (packaging, processing)
  • Improved fibre and protein content in food (to improve human health)
  • Collaboration is important in regards to pooling facilities, resources (AAFC, universities, industry)
  • Research into continuum of production by building quality into crop in the field and maintaining quality throughout the value chain
  • Research supported by Health Department funding to look at health benefits
  • AAFC must partner in any health benefit research done by AAFC or others
  • Lack of good data on crop quality in the field

MCA 8 - Bioproducts

Forestation and agroforestry research

  • under-used agricultural land in northern Ontario
  • alterative energy sources
  • better use of carbon-hydrogen bond
  • ethanol, biodiesel - current initiative
  • look for other opportunities to replace petroleum in other industrial products
  • co / by-products utilization - glycerol (biodiesel)
  • AAFC involved but not necessarily the lead
  • Fibre developments (research into replacing traditional fibre products with agricultural products)
  • Creating crops with unique quality profiles - unique oil profiles
  • Bio-hydrogen - long term demand could evolve

Food Production

  • contamination detection technology
  • focus on consumer benefit
  • indicators technology - (eg. Changing seed coat colour to indicate problems)

Link with those industries that don't currently work with agriculture (ie auto sector)

Energy Bioproducts

  • overall good
  • position agriculture to become a net energy supplier rather than a net energy user

Matching Investment Initiative - Bring it back

Agricultural pilot plants for bioproducts

Date Modified: 2006-03-17
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