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Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Research Inventory

The Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Research Inventory is an interactive, Internet-based, searchable database created as a tool to collect and disseminate up-to-date information about research projects in the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Region. The Research Inventory allows Great Lakes researchers to identify similar studies, network, share experiences and increase efficiency. It enables managers to examine the impact of research, the interrelationships between research disciplines, the adequacy of research related to government agreements and to link research to policy questions. Click here to access our FAQ section and learn more about the Research Inventory.
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  1. Select "Search Projects" from the menu at left
  2. Select "Advanced Search" below the "Search" button
  3. Use the scroll and pull-down menus to set search parameters
    • You can search by date, investigator, funding agency or project description.
    • You can also choose to "Show Only" Aquatic Nuisance Species or Monitoring projects.

Patterns of Government Funding for Nonindigenous Species (NIS) Research in the Great Lakes- St. Lawrence Basin from 2000-2005 have recently been examined by researchers from the University of Windsor and the Council of Great Lakes Research Managers. The analysis is based on two sets of descriptive NIS study categories which included one set based on cost centres and another set based on taxonomy. Distinct research patterns and funding fluctuations over a five year time period were revealed and reported in a paper that was recently submitted to IAGRL for possible publication in the Journal of Great Lakes Research. Results will be released after the paper has undergone peer review and is finalized. A total of 68 agencies provided information utilized in this analysis and their cooperation is most sincerely appreciated. For further information concerning this project or about other uses of Research Inventory data, please contact us.

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great lakes, research, managers, inventory, environment, ijc, international joint commission
st. lawrence river, water quality agreement, council, basin, researcher, study, project, international advisory board, boundary waters, water quality, water quantity
International Joint Commission
Images are from Minnesota Sea Grant, Buffalo State College, University of Guelph and U.S. Geological Survey
Last Modified:   August 01, 2006

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