Cover Crop Protection Program (CCPP)

What producers need to know about the Cover Crop Protection Program (CCPP)

The CCPP is a national initiative that provides financial assistance to Canadian producers who were unable to seed commercial crops in spring 2005 and/or spring 2006 as a result of flooding.

The CCPP provides a one-time payment of $15 per acre for eligible claims of 10 acres or more.

The application deadline to submit 2005 and 2006 claims has been extended to October 31, 2006.


Objectives of the CCPP are to:

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How much assistance is available?

In total, $50 million will be available in the 2006/07 fiscal year for the 2005-2006 crop years. Eligible farmers will receive $15/acre for flooded lands, pending verification of claim.

Who is eligible to apply?

Eligible applicants for CCPP assistance are agricultural producers (including farmers and ranchers) or farm-based entities that control agricultural land used to grow commercial crops that were unable to seed land due to excessive moisture and/or flooding in spring 2005 and/or spring 2006.

Please note: CCPP coverage is available for all eligible producers, regardless of whether they had production insurance in 2005 or 2006. While CCPP funding is currently specific to the 2005 and 2006 crop years, there is an expectation that it will be made permanent starting in 2007, and that it will become part of the Production Insurance Program.

How will land be deemed eligible through the CCPP?

Flood-damaged land will be verified through a validation process using production insurance information, satellite imagery and other available sources.

Please note: The minimum eligible acreage per claim is 10 acres.

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How do producers apply for assistance?

Program applications have been mailed directly to production insurance clients who submitted claims for field flooding in 2005 and/or 2006. Farmers who did not submit a claim can obtain an application by contacting AAFC at 1 800 667-8567. Mail-in instructions will be provided with the application form.

When completing the application form, applicants must declare that land normally intended for seeding commercial crops was not seeded in 2005 and/or 2006 due to excessive moisture and/or flooding.

**The application deadline for 2005 and 2006 claims is now October 31, 2006.

When can applicants expect to receive payments?

Farmers can expect to receive payments beginning in July 2006 and continuing into the fall. Starting in 2007, the CCPP is expected to be administered by provinces through production insurance administrators.

Where can I get more detailed program information?

Additional information on the Cover Crop Protection Program can be obtained by phoning 1 800 667-8567.