For Science

Based on the 2005 Science Consultations, the Department has developed a new Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) Science and Innovation Strategy that identifies seven priorities of national importance where AAFC will play a leadership role. These priorities are:

  1. Enhance human health and wellness through food, nutrition and innovative products
  2. Enhance the quality of food and the safety of the food system.
  3. Enhance security and protection of the food supply.
  4. Enhance economic benefits for all stakeholders.
  5. Enhance environmental performance of the Canadian agricultural system.
  6. Enhance understanding of Canadian bioresources and protecting and conserving their genetic diversity.
  7. Develop new opportunities for agriculture from bioresources.

  1. Enhance human health and wellness through food, nutrition and innovative products.
    Research is required on the composition and functional properties of food at various stages along the value chain to help in developing new food products, nutraceuticals and other innovative health related products that have the potential to enhance human health and wellness. AAFC has a role to play in using scientific knowledge to understand the nutritive components of specific foods and their mode of action in disease prevention, health and wellness in support of the production of healthy products.

  2. Enhance the quality of food and the safety of the food system.
    Research on food safety is required to ensure that the food is free of allergens, toxins, pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungal parasites, and chemical residues. AAFC has a role to play in performing research to detect, describe and control food contamination through the development of tracking and tracing systems as well as food safety tools, technologies and practices. AAFC also has a role to play in performing research to examine such issues as the impact of processing activities on the nutritional value of food products, new packaging materials, product standards, and expected shelf-life in support of the development of product quality enhancement and preservation systems.

  3. Enhance security and protection of the food supply.
    Enhancing scientific capacity and knowledge to detect, monitor and control various threats is essential to safeguard and protect Canadian food production and distribution systems. AAFC has a role in performing research that will support the development of detection and mitigation tools, techniques and strategies.

  4. Enhance economic benefits for all stakeholders.
    By expanding the horizons of agricultural research beyond improving productivity to include exploration of new production opportunities, new products, and prospects for total product utilization, we will help position agriculture as a key driver of the Canadian and rural economies. AAFC science and research will focus on providing agri-based solutions to national issues and priorities, while seeking opportunities to enhance the profitability and competitiveness of farmers, the agri-food system, rural communities, and Canadian industry.

  5. Enhance environmental performance of the Canadian agricultural system.
    Understanding and managing the interaction between commercial agriculture and natural eco-systems is of increasing interest to Canadians, as are environmentally responsible agriculture and processing methods.  AAFC has a critical role to play in working with different partners to ensure that agricultural production and processing practices are sustainable and will safeguard our land, water and air for generations to come.

  6. Enhance understanding of Canadian bioresources and protecting and conserving their genetic diversity.
    Enhancing scientific capacity and knowledge in classification, assessment, conservation and preservation of Canadian biological resources is vital to conserve their genetic diversity and to respond to changes that impact on agriculture (e.g. farming practices, climate change, etc.). AAFC research has a role to play in collecting scientific information on the classification and attributes of Canadian bioresources and supporting the development and implementation of physical and biological systems models.

  7. Develop new opportunities for agriculture from bioresources.
    Increased scientific capacity and knowledge is required to support the agriculture and agri-food sector in using biomass to develop new products, new uses, and new markets. AAFC has a role to play in performing research to develop strategies as well as tools, techniques, and processes that enhance total biomass utilization. AAFC will undertake scientific collaboration in the development of biomass, bioprocesses and biorefinery systems for the production of biofuels, industrial biomaterials and chemicals, and health products.