Next Generation of Agriculture and Agri-Food Policy

Next generation of Agriculture and Agri-Food Policy

Next Generation of Agriculture and Agri-Food Policy

About the Process

In 2003, the federal, provincial, and territorial governments implemented the Agricultural Policy Framework (APF) to position Canada as the world leader in food safety and quality, innovation and environmentally responsible agriculture production.

As most elements of the agreements that allow for APF programming expire in March 2008, work is currently underway to transform the framework to make it more responsive and provide an enduring foundation for profitability throughout the value chain.

The consultation process and supporting consultations documents have been designed to stimulate a dialogue amongst all stakeholders about how federal, provincial and territorial (FPT) governments and others can work together to ensure a competitive and profitable Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector that provides safe, innovative and high quality products and services with benefits for all Canadians.

The Consultation Process

Three rounds of consultations are being planned to engage industry at all stages of policy development. A multi-phased and national consultation process is scheduled to begin in December 2006 and carry on into 2007, with a new policy framework to be implemented in early 2008. 

Round one, which will take place in late 2006, will consist of a series of invitation-only working sessions with stakeholders with specific expertise. These sessions will ensure that key stakeholders and experts are engaged in a detailed discussion and analysis of the policy options proposed. They will also have a hand in defining problems to be addressed and shaping the questions that will frame broader public consultations.

Round two, which will occur in January and February 2007, consists of public consultation sessions which will be held across the country and will be open to all interested stakeholders. The focus will be on collecting input from across the spectrum of stakeholders, providing an open forum for the exchange of ideas, and encouraging public debate on the future of agriculture and agri-food in Canada.

Round three, commencing in March 2007, will revert to invitation-only working sessions and will focus on analyzing the input gathered during rounds one and two and providing consolidated input to FPT governments prior to FPT negotiations. 

In addition to public consultations, starting in January 2007 stakeholders will also be invited to make their views known through on-line consultations on this site.