TreeParams = { // You will probably have to change these. /** TreeParams: * OPEN_MULTIPLE_MENUS -- boolean * if true, more than one menu can * be open at a time. Otherwise, * opening a new menu closes any * open menu. * * OPEN_MULTIPLE_SUBMENUS -- boolean * Same as OPEN_MULTIPLE_MENUS but * applies to the submenus of each menu. * * OPEN_WHILE_CLOSING -- boolean * If either OPEN_MULTIPLE_MENUS or * OPEN_MULTIPLE_SUBMENUS are true, * OPEN_WHILE_CLOSING will simultaneously * open a new menu while closing the * currently open menu. * * TIME_DELAY -- int * How slowly a menuNode collapses * in milliseconds. (0 to 100). */ OPEN_MULTIPLE_MENUS : true, OPEN_MULTIPLE_SUBMENUS : true, OPEN_WHILE_CLOSING : false, TIME_DELAY : 40, OPEN_MENU_ICON : "images/open-menu.gif", CLOSED_MENU_ICON : "images/closed-menu.gif" // don't add a comma after last property! };