Black Lives Matter. We are stronger together.

In recent days, our world has been rocked by what is now a too familiar sight of police brutality against a Black American. We want all of our employees, colleagues and customers to know that we stand against any violence or discrimination directed toward Black, brown and indigenous people of color.

We pledge to work with others to put an end to it, rejecting and condemning hateful acts of systemic racism, harassment, racial inequality in the criminal justice system, and bigotry. We want to make clear that as a company Diversified welcomes ALL through our doors and aims to build a foundation of equity.

To be silent is to be complicit.

Connecting, Educating and Strengthening Business Communities Worldwide

Our powerful media solutions connect buyers and sellers and provide industry knowledge and training.

Our talented and informed teams produce industry-specific trade exhibitions and conferences that provide business opportunities and professional development. They extend these offerings year-round through affiliated publications and online communities.

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