BBSRC is the UK's leading funding agency for academic research and training in the non-clinical life sciences


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Summary & mission... Council, boards, panels & committees... Executive & office... Sponsored institutes... Publications... Current vacancies. [more about ...]

The Science we Support

Our scientific remit & portfolio... Research committees... Programmes & initiatives. [more science...]

How to get BBSRC Funding

Types of funding... Current opportunities... Research grants...Studentships...Fellowships...Travel & training grants...How to apply. [more funding...]

Support for Grantholders

Support for research grant holders, fellows & postgraduate students... Courses & workshops... Handbooks & guidelines...Communicating science & media training... Linking with industry. [more support...]

Business & Innovation

Promoting knowledge generation & transfer with industry... Intellectual property... Training for industry... Encouraging entrepreneurships & new business ventures. [more business...]

International Activities

International linkages and funding contribute to the UK's leading position in many areas of biotechnology & biological sciences. [more international...]

Bioscience for Society

Engagement, Dialogue & Accountability Activities... ...Discussion documents...Consultations... Schools and young people... Online exhibitions. [more society...]

Site Tools

Site plan and search...Glossary...Document library...Contact us...Locations. [more tools...]

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