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Flood Forecasting


Flooding is considered the most significant natural hazard in Ontario in terms of death, damage and civil disruption. The Ministry of Natural Resources provides a Flood Forecasting service through the Surface Water Monitoring Centre.Flooding along Ontario's rivers, lakes and streams can occur at any time of the year. Sometimes flooding is just a nuisance. On other occasions, flooding can cause devastating losses to roads, bridges, homes, property and communities including death. Every river has the potential to flood given the right conditions.

No two flood plains are the same. Some may appear to flood frequently and some not at all. Flooding can be caused by a number of things including heavy rain, excess snowmelt, and the break up and jamming of ice in rivers or along lake shores. High winds that create water level surges can cause flooding on lakes and even some large rivers. One story structure half-submerged by flood watersAfter heavy rainfall and/or snowmelt, some rivers may take days or weeks for water levels to rise to flood stages, while others may flood in a matter of hours. However, flood plains do have one thing in common. If they are occupied, there is a risk of flood damage and loss of life. Flood warnings reduce this risk.

Find out more about Flood Warnings in the Public Protection and Safety section.

Image showing winter flood
A floodplain is really part of the river's natural living space.

Modified 17-9-2003
© Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2003