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 Location: Alberta Government > Environment > Alberta River Basins
Last Review/Updated: June 7, 2005
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Alberta's Seven Main River Basins

Alberta's River Basins

  1. First select a Water Basin by either clicking the water basin on the map OR by selecting the water basin from this list. Then go to #2. to select the type information want to see for the selected water basin.


  2. Next, after the water basin has been selected, select the type of information you want to see. Then click View Result.



    Alberta is divided into seven major river basins or major river systems, namely the Peace, Athabasca, Hay, North Saskatchewan, South Saskatchewan, Beaver and Milk river basins.

    Note: The Milk River Basin and South Saskatchewan River Basin also include information on basin river flows, reservoir status and operational plans, instream work permits and licencing.

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© 2006 Government of Alberta
Government of Alberta
Hay River Basin Peace/Slave River Basin Athabasca River Basin Beaver River Basin North Saskatchewan River Basin Milk River Basin