Welcome to Food Standards Australia New Zealand

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) is an independent statutory agency established by the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991. Working within an integrated food regulatory system involving the governments of Australia and the New Zealand Government, we set food standards for the two countries.   FSANZ is part of the Australian Government’s Health and Ageing portfolio.

Our ultimate goal is: A safe food supply and well-informed consumers. FSANZ develops food standards, and joint codes of practice with industry, covering the content and labelling of food sold in Australia and New Zealand. In addition, we develop Australia-only food standards that address  food safety issues – including requirements for primary production - and maximum residue limits for agricultural and veterinary drug residues.

Using our skills, knowledge, and scientific capabilities , we develop food standards for composition, labelling and contaminants, including microbiological limits, that apply to all foods produced or imported for sale in Australia and New Zealand. [ more...]

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