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Application Form for National Funding

National Application form:

  • WordPerfect (26 pages; Orientation: Landscape; Size: 205K)
  • Word (26 pages; Orientation: Landscape; Size: 462K)
  • A version for viewing is provided below.

To submit your application form:

  • Select either the WordPerfect or Word hyperlink, right-click on the hyperlink and select "Save Link As" with Netscape™ or "Save Target As" in Microsoft Internet Explorer®,
  • Download and save the application in the directory of your choice and fill it in electronically.
  • Once completed and saved, email the completed application form to and
  • Mail or fax a signed copy of the Declaration of the Applicant and all supporting documentation to:

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
c/o ACAAF Program
Adaptation Division, Room 499
Sir John Carling Building
930 Carling Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0C5
FAX: (613) 759-7490

Regional Proposals:

For projects which are regional in scope, please contact the industry council in your province or territory for guidance on their application process. Contact information for each council can be found on the Industry Council Contacts page.

ACAAF Application Form

This ACAAF application form is for project proposals that are national in scope.
To be considered national in scope, two criteria must be satisfied. Applicants must demonstrate that the project will:

  1. involve the participation of, or is supported by groups or individuals representative of the targeted national sector; and
  2. ultimately benefit the stakeholders of the targeted sector across Canada.

Please note that the applicant will be required to demonstrate his/her ability to deliver a project of national scope.


Applications for national funding under ACAAF are targeted at: national organizations and associations; educational institutions; cooperatives; marketing boards; aboriginal groups, and for profit companies.

Note: ACAAF support to individuals and for profit organizations will generally be provided as repayable contributions. Reports and public documents developed as part of a project must be made available in both official languages.

For projects which are regional in scope, please contact the industry council in your province/territory for guidance on their application process. Contact information for each industry council can be found on the following Industry Council Contacts page.


  • Comply with ACAAF's objectives, principles and criteria;
  • Applicant must demonstrate that the project is national in scope;
  • Applicant must demonstrate that the project fits within one of the three pillars;
  • Applicant must demonstrate how the industry is providing financial and other support to the proposed project;
  • Applicant must send the signed Declaration page of the Application by mail or fax;
  • Applicant must be a legal entity under Canadian law and capable of entering into a binding contract; and

Please refer to the ACAAF objectives, principles, criteria and program description.


  • basic research (see definition in lexicon);
  • activities considered as normal business operations;
  • activities considered ongoing such as updates and revisions to websites, manuals, databases, brochures and mailing lists;
  • activities related to aquaculture, fish and seafood; and
  • activities related to data generation for minor use pesticides registration submissions.


The ACAAF application form is available in both official languages from the ACAAF Website in either WordPerfect or Microsoft Word format.

Submit an electronic version of the application form to and mail or fax a signed copy of the Declaration of the Applicant and all supporting documentation to:

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
c/o ACAAF Program
Adaptation Division, Room 499
Sir John Carling Building
930 Carling Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0C5
FAX: (613) 759-7490

For General Inquiries on ACAAF, please contact

NOTE: Personal information provided on this application is protected by the Privacy Act and will be used only for the purposes for which it is collected. It will be stored in AAFC's personal data bank AAFC/PPU (142). You may at any time, request a review, update or correction of this information. Any questions, comments or concerns regarding privacy may be directed to the departmental Privacy Manager at (613)759-7095.


Objectives, Principles and Criteria

The strategic objective of the Advancing Canadian Agriculture and Agri-Food (ACAAF) Program is to position Canada's agriculture and agri-food sector at the leading edge to seize new opportunities. The program will accomplish this objective through increased collaboration, working with industry and other stakeholders to identify current and emerging issues and acting to address them, thereby advancing the sector and contributing to future agriculture and agri-food policy directions.


  • Expand the sector's capacity to respond to current and emerging issues.
  • Position the sector to capture market opportunities.
  • Actively and continuously engage the sector to contribute to future agriculture and agri-food policy directions.
  • Integrate sector-led projects tested and piloted under ACAAF into future government or industry initiatives.


  • Consistent with Government of Canada policy directions, such as sustainable development, innovation and reporting results to Canadians.
  • Within the mandate of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, as defined under the Agriculture and Agri-Food Act.
  • Maximize benefits to Canada's agriculture and agri-food sector through collaborative efforts.
  • Consistent with international trade commitments and minimizing the exposure to countervail.
  • Respect the need for equity among regions and stakeholders.
  • Respect those areas that are solely within provincial and territorial jurisdiction.
  • Avoid duplicating, overlapping or replacing federal, provincial/territorial programs and delivery mechanisms.

General Criteria:

In addition to adhering to the principles noted above, projects must meet the following general criteria:

  • Projects must fall within the parameters of the program's three pillars.
  • Priority will be given to projects where the proposal demonstrates direct industry financial support and partnerships/alliances with others.
  • Funding is not to be considered ongoing, but should be provided for a limited period to help the sector resolve an issue or capture opportunities.
  • Applicants must be able to demonstrate the economic viability and longer-term self-sufficiency of their proposal, where the nature of the project warrants.
  • Applicants should demonstrate how their proposed project will contribute to the public good, including but not limited to, economic benefits for Canada.
  • Funds will not be used as direct income support.
  • Funding is not to support ongoing activities or normal commercial expansion.
  • Funds may be used for projects that benefit the sector as a whole, as well as those aimed at specific provincial/territorial needs.
  • Eligible applicants include Canadian entities (this requirement refers only to the legal jurisdiction of the entities), Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
  • Funding will not be provided for basic research (see definition in Lexicon).
  • Funding is conditional on recipients meeting all program requirements, including adherence to the Federal Identity Program, Official Languages Act, and ACAAF performance management and audit requirements.

In addition to respecting the principles and general criteria noted above, Pillar II and Pillar III projects must meet the following specific criteria:

For Pillar II projects

  • Funding will be restricted to pre-commercialization activities such as technical analysis, adaptive research (see definition in lexicon), market assessment and venture assessment, technical feasibility, market and economic feasibility studies, engineering prototypes, strategic market and business plans, the development of production prototype and demo product features, and other related activities if deemed eligible by AAFC.
  • Priority will be given to funding small and medium Canadian enterprises (defined as 500 full-time equivalent positions or less).
  • Funding for adaptive research will not normally exceed 20 per cent of total project costs.
  • Funding will not be provided for applied research under this pillar (see definition in lexicon).

For Pillar III projects

  • Funding will not be provided to support ongoing activities, including regular meetings such as annual general meetings of organizations, or attendance at a trade show or conference (unless this activity is part of a broader suite of activities included in a project that is designed to achieve a specific outcome).

Note: For full descriptions of the ACAAF pillars, please visit the following pages More ACAAF Information.

Applicant Information

1 Name of Organization   GST or Canada Revenue Agency Number  
2 Mailing Address  
3 Phone & Facsimile Tel: Fax:
4 E-mail & Web Address E-mail: Website:
5 Contact Person Name: Title: E-mail:
6 Provide a brief profile and history of your organization
Please provide the following:
  • mandate
  • date organization formed
  • accomplishments
  • number of employees
  • type of business/sector
  • membership
Refer to supporting documentation requirements
7 Type of applicant


Applicant must submit copies of legal documents such as a letter of incorporation

___Canadian For Profit ___Canadian Not for Profit ___Individual

Note: ACAAF support to individuals and for profit organizations will generally be provided as repayable contributions.

If for profit applicant:

Parent company or subsidiary ___________________
Date of incorporation in Canada _______________
Percentage of Canadian ownership _______________
Total number of employees in Canada (Full time/Part time) __________

___Processor ___Producer ___Sole Proprietor ___Community Group

___Consultant ___Cooperative ___Marketing Board

___Industry Association/Group ___Educational Institution ___Other (please identify)

8 Provide details of previous AAFC
funding received over past 5 years
(indicate which programs, in which years and funding amounts)

Project Information

9 Project title  
10 Anticipated Start Date  
Anticipated Completion Date  
11 Describe the project objectives (what is the intended objective(s), demonstrate the sector's need for this project, outline the challenges and opportunities the sector faces, how will this project help address them and demonstrate what the direct benefit will be for the industry sector)  
12 Describe the project (Project summary, main activities, outputs, when and where it will take place)  
13 Demonstrate how the proposed project will be national in scope. (Refer to definition of national scope in Lexicon)  
14 Demonstrate how your partners and the related industry are involved in supporting the project. (if applicable, attach copies of endorsement letters from industry describing the nature of support provided and the rationale for support)  
15 Describe your organization's capacity and ability to undertake this project (previous experience in similar activities, financial management experience, knowledge of industry, product, network contacts, technical, financial and human resources, etc.).  
If your proposed project includes research activities (applied, adaptive, economic and social research, surveys), please answer questions 16 to 19. If not, go directly to question 20
16 Describe how your research activities are beyond basic research (see definition in the Lexicon). Submit a copy of the detailed research methodology if available.  
17 Are you involved in any research collaboration or partnership in this area? If yes, with whom?  
18 Who else to your knowledge is involved in this area of research?  
19 List most relevant papers (up to 5), published by your team preferably related to the proposed research.  
20 Describe your project team and any committees, their responsibilities and how they will be accountable.  
21 Describe any challenges or risks that may influence the successful completion of the proposed project. Describe any strategy to mitigate these risks or challenges.  
22 What is your organization's longer term funding strategy for this project independent of government.  
23 In light of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, describe any potential positive or negative environmental implications of the proposed project.  

The ACAAF Program considers proposals under the following pillars:

  • Pillar I: Industry-led Solutions to Emerging Issues
  • Pillar II: Capturing Market Opportunities by Advancing Research Results
  • Pillar III: Sharing Information to Advance the Sector

Please answer the respective questions under the pillar which best fits your project taking into consideration the description provided for each ACAAF pillar. Additional information can be found in the Pillar factsheets

Pillar I - Industry-led Solutions to Emerging Issues

Pillar I projects are intended to test new ideas and approaches that will address emerging issues. These projects could:

  • set the direction for future policy and program approaches by government
  • advance progress towards the goals and objectives of one or more of the following APF elements (Food Safety and Food Quality, Science and Innovation, Environment and Renewal) in a complementary manner without duplicating existing programming.

For additional information on the APF Outcome Goals, please refer to Appendix A or go to the following website:

If your project fits into Pillar I, please answer the following questions.

24 Describe how your project addresses a new or emerging issue for your sector.  
25 Describe how your project complements the objectives of one or more of these APF elements? (Food Safety and Food Quality, Science and Innovation, Environment and Renewal)  

Pillar II - Capturing Market Opportunities by Advancing Research Results

The objective of Pillar II is to help create market opportunities within the agriculture and agri-food sector by supporting the transfer of research results generated from governments, industry and education institutions. Pillar II is aimed at leveraging research results into market/economic opportunities within the Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector, strengthening commercialization capacity of the sector's stakeholders to commercialize research results, and encouraging business growth and improving international competitiveness through adoption of research results.

Proponents must be able to demonstrate that there is potential for market application of the product, process, or technology at the end of the project. The project should either directly or indirectly benefit the sector and contribute to the "public good" (a good or service aimed at maximizing societal, community, environmental and/or economic benefits). A suite of activities directed at the transfer of research results may be considered under Pillar II, including technical analysis and technical feasibility studies, market and venture assessments, economic feasibility studies, adaptive research (eligible for partial funding), support for engineering prototypes, strategic market plans and strategic business plans.

Note: Funding for a Pillar II project will not normally exceed $500,000.
ACAAF support to individuals and for profit organizations will generally be provided as repayable contributions.

If your project fits into Pillar II, please answer the following questions.

26 What is the originating source of the research on which your project is based and when was the research conducted?  
27 Please provide a brief summary of the research results (e.g. name, year, title, publications, city, number of pages, etc.) and attach any supporting documentation you feel would be appropriate in assessing your proposal.  
28 Has the research been further developed and if so, how and by whom?  
29 Who owns the intellectual property rights of this research?  
30 Which of the following pre-commercialization phases are you seeking funding for?

Please mark an "X" to all that apply.
__Adaptive Research
__Technical Analysis
__Market Assessment & Venture Assessment
__Technical Feasibility
__Marketing Study
__Economic Feasibility
__Engineering Prototypes
__Strategic Market plans & Strategic Business Plans
__Production Prototype
__Demo Product Features
__Other (please explain)
31 What market opportunity are you trying to capture?  
32 Estimate how many years before this new product/process/technology goes to market.  
33 What is the target market(s)? (size, competing products, demographics, etc.)  

Pillar III - Sharing Information to Advance the Sector

Pillar III projects will focus on helping to ensure that the sector is actively and continuously engaged to contribute to future agriculture and agri-food policy directions, and assist the sector in proactively developing responses based on new information, so that the sector is able to take advantage of both immediate and emerging opportunities. These objectives will be achieved through information gathering, analysis and sharing, and projects that help facilitate these activities.

If your project fits into Pillar III, please answer the following questions.

34 What policy issue is your area of the sector facing and how will you address it?  
35 Demonstrate how the information to be gathered, analysed and shared will address the needs identified by your sector.  
36 If applicable, will you be engaging other parts of the value-chain and or sectors (e.g. health, environment, transportation, etc.)? If yes, please provide details of why, who and how.  

Please answer all the questions in the remaining sections.


37 Main Targets / Beneficiaries
(a) Who are the main targets / beneficiaries of the project's activities, outputs and/or outcomes?
(b) How many of these main targets / beneficiaries do you expect to reach?
38 Communication Methods
How will the target audience hear about the project?
Please list all of the methods you will use to inform them, including newsletters, reports, websites, etc.
39 Delivery Partners
Please identify your project delivery partners and how you expect them to participate in the delivery of the project.
40 Intended Benefits
What benefits do you expect will be achieved from the completion of the project for the Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector, and Canadians?
41 Use of Results
How will your organization use the results of this project over the longer term to further the achievement of these intended benefits?

42. Expected Short Term Outcomes (defined as the impact(s) you expect during and / or at the end of your project)
Section 1: Select (X) up to three Expected Short Term Outcome(s) from the options below for the Pillar under which you are applying. Please include information on any other Expected Short Term Outcomes at the end of this section. X Section 2: Please elaborate on your project's Expected Short Term Outcomes.
For Pillar I Projects  
- Idea / approach is tested;  
- Partnerships and alliances are fostered; and / or  
- Information is disseminated to the main targets / beneficiaries.  
For Pillar II Projects
- Progress is made towards a leading edge product;  
- Progress is made towards a leading edge process;  
- Progress is made towards a leading edge technology;  
- Partnerships and alliances are fostered; and / or  
- Information is disseminated to the main targets / beneficiaries.  
For Pillar III Projects
Note: Choose either the first or second option
Information on a policy issue or sector need is gathered, analyzed, and shared for the purpose of advancing the policy dialogue; OR
Information, such as market and trends studies, is analysed and disseminated for the purpose of seizing new opportunities;
- Other parts of the value chain are engaged;  
- Other sectors (health, environment, transportation, etc.) are engaged;  
- Partnerships and alliances are fostered; and / or  
- Information is disseminated to the main targets / beneficiaries.  
Other Expected Short Term Outcomes for all pillars:  

Project WorkPlan

Activities Target Activity Start Date Target Activity Completion Date Outputs
List each activity and provide a brief description of the activity and any sub-activities (main purpose, etc.)
(Budget details provided on pages 17-20 must clearly link back to each activity and any sub-activities described below)
For each activity listed, indicate what will be produced.

NOTE: Approved applicants will be required to submit quarterly progress reports.


Status of Funding
Sources of Funding Cash In-kind Date Confirmed Pending (Expected Date)

Indicate all sources of funding requested, cash or in-kind, and indicate whether the funding is confirmed or pending.

In-kind: means contributions other than monetary which defray the total cost of the initiative or project including the provision of labour or services, or equipment required in the planning, conducting or managing a project. Applicants will be required to track all in-kind contributions for the project using accepted valuation methodologies.

Applicant's Funding $ $    
ACAAF Funding requested $  
Other Sources Name of Funding Source  
Other Partners*   $ $    
    $ $    
    $ $    
Provincial/Territorial or Municipal Government Funding (provide program name)   $ $    
    $ $    
Other Federal Gov't Funding (excluding ACAAF) (provide program name)   $ $    
    $ $    
Total Project Funding $ $    
* Should some of your other partners be receiving funding from the federal, provincial, territorial or municipal government, please provide details in a footnote of which government funding is provided and amounts.


Year 1
Please use the federal fiscal year period of April 1st to March 31st when completing your budget by year.
Only incremental, project specific eligible costs can be funded and will be considered. Incremental means the increase in expenditures as a direct result of the project being funded. Eligible costs are listed below. A definition of in-kind contributions is provided in the lexicon.
Incremental costs such as labour, consultants, contracts, travel, telecommunications, materials and supplies, translation, interpreter services, etc, should be listed and costed for each activity. Budget details provided below must clearly link back to each activity and any sub-activities described in the work plan on page 15.
ACAAF Industry Cash Industry In-Kind Other Government Cash Other Government In-Kind Total Activity Cost
#6 Incremental Administrative Costs            
Financial Management            
Annual Audit Costs            
Performance Reporting *            
* Quarterly Progress Reports, Project Database Reporting, Annual Performance Reports.

Eligible Costs: Incremental costs for: contracted goods and services; materials and supplies; Federal and Provincial taxes, including the non refundable portion of GST; audit and performance reporting as required by ACAAF; rental or lease of facilities, equipment or machinery, labour or salaried services, and related employment costs; and other costs having the prior approval of the Director, Adaptation Division. Costs incurred prior to project approval will not be eligible.

Translation: Reports and public documents developed as part of a project must be made available in both official languages. Translation costs are an eligible expense and should be itemized in your proposed budget.

Year 2
Please use the federal fiscal year period of April 1st to March 31st when completing your budget by year.
Only incremental, project specific eligible costs can be funded and will be considered. Incremental means the increase in expenditures as a direct result of the project being funded. Eligible costs are listed below. A definition of in-kind contributions is provided in the lexicon.
Incremental costs such as labour, consultants, contracts, travel, telecommunications, materials and supplies, translation, interpreter services, etc, should be listed and costed for each activity. Budget details provided below must clearly link back to each activity and any sub-activities described in the work plan on page 15.
ACAAF Industry Cash Industry In-Kind Other Government Cash Other Government In-Kind Total Activity Cost
#6 Incremental Administrative Costs            
Financial Management            
Annual Audit Costs            
Performance Reporting *            
* Quarterly Progress Reports, Project Database Reporting, Annual Performance Reports.

Eligible Costs: Incremental costs for: contracted goods and services; materials and supplies; Federal and Provincial taxes, including the non refundable portion of GST; audit and performance reporting as required by ACAAF; rental or lease of facilities, equipment or machinery, labour or salaried services, and related employment costs; and other costs having the prior approval of the Director, Adaptation Division. Costs incurred prior to project approval will not be eligible.

Translation: Reports and public documents developed as part of a project must be made available in both official languages. Translation costs are an eligible expense and should be itemized in your proposed budget.

NOTE: for multi-year projects over 2 years, please copy the Budget table above and provide additional pages for each year of funding requested.

Before signing the Declaration of the Applicant, please answer the following:

Unpaid debts to Canada

It is a requirement of the Treasury Board Policy on Transfer Payments that recipients of funds declare any amounts owing to the federal government.

Does your organization have any outstanding debts with the Government of Canada? If so, please indicate the amount owing and under what program/legislation.

Amount of unpaid debt:______________________

Conflict of interest disclosure

Applicants must comply with the Values and Ethics Code of the Public Service related to Measures on Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment.

Provide the names of anyone involved with this project who has in the past year been employed with, or held public office with the federal governments. Indicate their former positions and the nature of their involvement in your organization or the project itself.


Former position:____________________

Nature of involvement: _________________________

Declaration of the Applicant

I/We confirm that I/We have read and understood the objectives, principles and criteria of the Advancing Canadian Agriculture and Agri-Food (ACAAF) Program, and it is understood that I/We must meet the following conditions in order to be eligible for funding:

  • The organization must demonstrate to AAFC that it has adequate human resources, experience and skills required to carry out its responsibilities;
  • The organization agrees to comply with ACAAF's objectives, principles and criteria and understands that failure to meet these may result in non-payment and/or reimbursement of payments made;
  • The organization agrees to carry out financial functions in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;
  • The organization agrees to provide appropriate recognition for the federal government's financial assistance in both official languages;
  • The organization agrees to develop and implement a performance management framework and reporting system to measure the performance of its projects, provide quarterly progress reports and an annual performance report summarizing project reach, results achieved and resources expended on a fiscal year basis, and input, if requested, project and performance indicator information to the national project database;
  • Should your project be approved for funding, the organization agrees that, unless authorized, costs incurred before the official project approval date are not eligible for reimbursement;
  • The organization is in compliance with federal, provincial/territorial and/or municipal environmental requirements; and

I/We agree and understand that:

  • Information provided on this application form will be collected and used by AAFC to determine eligibility of the applicant's organization for funding under the Advancing Canadian Agriculture and Agri-Food (ACAAF) Program;
  • Any financial, commercial, scientific or technical information provided in this application will be treated in confidence;
  • Information provided about the project may be posted on the ACAAF website in the event that the project is approved for funding;
  • Information provided may be disclosed to third parties for purposes of assessing the proposal for funding; and
  • This application form creates no obligation on the part of AAFC to provide funding.

I/We declare that the information given in this application is to the best of the applicant's knowledge, complete, true and correct. The applicant will be required to enter into an agreement in the event that this application is accepted.


_______________ _______________ _______________
Authorized Representative Title Date


Name of Organization

Applicants should submit an electronic version of the application form to and mail or fax a signed copy of the Declaration of the Applicant to:

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
c/o ACAAF Program
Adaptation Division, Room 499
Sir John Carling Building
930 Carling Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0C5
FAX: (613) 759-7490

Supporting Documentation Checklist

Where applicable, please submit a copy of the following documents to complete your application:


__ incorporation documents such as a letter of incorporation

__ last two years' audited financial statements

__ signed Declaration of the Applicant

__ detailed research methodology (for applied, adaptive, economic, social, surveys and other methodologies)


__ a business plan

__ strategic plan

__ annual reports

__ brochures / pamphlets

__ other supporting documentation (for Pillar II projects)

__ copies of endorsement letters from industry with rationale for support

Email these documents to if the information is in an electronic format. Otherwise mail or fax the documents to:

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
c/o ACAAF Program
Adaptation Division, Room 499
Sir John Carling Building
930 Carling Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0C5
FAX: (613) 759-7490

Lexicon of terms

Term Definition
Adaptive research Transfer and an adaptation of pre-existing research results to provide the basis for a potential market opportunity.
Applied research Research aimed at gaining knowledge or understanding to determine the means by which a specific, recognized need may be met in a timely manner.
Basic research Experimental or theoretical work which is undertaken primarily to acquire new knowledge without a specific application in view.
National in scope

To be considered national in scope, two criteria must be satisfied. Applicants must demonstrate that the project will:

  1. involve the participation of, or is supported by groups or individuals representative of the targeted national sector; and
  2. ultimately benefit the stakeholders of the targeted sector across Canada.

Examples of projects that are national in scope include but are not limited to:

  • Projects submitted by a national organization where the project will directly benefit stakeholders across Canada.
  • Projects to transfer research results into market opportunities where the applicant demonstrates how the market opportunities will be realized across Canada.
  • Where there is an alliance/partnership between national organizations to share in the project costs and results or where the activities need to be conducted in several provinces/territories for the benefit of stakeholders across Canada.
In-kind Means contributions other than monetary which defray the total cost of the initiative or project including the provision of labour or services, or equipment required in the planning, conducting or managing a project. Applicants will be required to track all in-kind contributions for the project using accepted valuation methodologies.

Appendix A

Agricultural Policy Framework Outcome Goals

The following is provided to help you answer questions 24 and 25 under Pillar I.

The Agricultural Policy Framework (APF) sets out the following common outcome goals under food safety and food quality, environment, renewal and science and innovation elements.

Food Safety and Food Quality

Signatories to the APF agree to work with industry and consumers to:

  • protect human health by reducing exposure to hazards;
  • increase consumer confidence in the safety and quality of food produced in Canada;
  • increase industry's ability to meet or to exceed market requirements for food safety and food quality; and
  • provide value-added opportunities through the adoption of food safety and food quality systems.


Signatories to the APF agree to achieve, in collaboration with the agriculture sector and other stakeholders, the following common environmental outcome goals:

  • reduce agricultural risks and provide benefits to the health and supply of water, with key priority areas being nutrients, pathogens, pesticides and water conservation;
  • reduce agricultural risks and provide benefits to the health of soils, with key priority areas being soil organic matter and soil erosion caused by water, wind or tillage;
  • reduce agricultural risks and provide benefits to the health of air and the atmosphere, with key priority areas being particulate emissions, odours, and emissions of gases that contribute to global warming; and
  • ensure compatibility between biodiversity and agriculture, with key priority areas being habitat availability, species at risk, and economic damage to agriculture from wildlife.


Signatories to the APF agree on the following renewal outcome goals for farmers:

  • to increase their profitability;
  • to enable them to make choices about sources of income;
  • to help them meet market and consumer demands respecting food safety and food quality and environmentally-responsible production; and
  • to help capture opportunities from science and innovation.

Science and Innovation

Signatories to the APF agree on the following common goals in the development of science and innovation programs:

Realigning Public Science Resources

  • realign and increase investments to support science and innovation in the priority areas, as well as in biomass, bio-product and bio-process research;
  • increase the level of investment in innovation in agricultural and bio-products from non-agricultural sources within Canada and elsewhere;

Co-ordinating along the Whole Value Chain

  • expand and strengthen linkages between the agriculture and agri-food sector and the science and innovation community both within Canada and internationally;
  • improve technology transfer, coordination, communication and collaboration across market, policy and scientific disciplines, research organizations and throughout the value chain;

Creating an Innovation Climate

  • accelerate the development and adoption of innovations in the agriculture and agri-food sector while maintaining an effective science-based and transparent agriculture and agri-food regulatory system;
  • ensure that the human resources and infrastructure needed for science and innovation in the agriculture and agri-food sector are available in Canada;
  • foster a supportive climate for investment, technology transfer and commercialization in Canada; and
  • better utilize intellectual property from publicly supported research to enhance the growth of the agriculture and agri-food sector.

Signatories to the APF also agree to take into account social and ethical considerations when making decisions in respect of the Common Goals for Science and Innovation.

Last updated: 2006-04-25 Top of page Important Notices