For the Media

News release


TROIS-RIVIÈRES, Québec, October 9, 2003 - New programming and a five-year commitment in federal and provincial funding will improve and strengthen Quebec farming under an agreement signed today by Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister Lyle Vanclief and Françoise Gauthier, Quebec Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. The agreement will implement the national Agricultural Policy Framework (APF).

"The Canada-Quebec Implementation Agreement represents many of the concrete measures that both governments will undertake to strengthen the agriculture and agri-food sector in Quebec," said Mr. Vanclief. "These measures will help producers meet the demands of consumers at home and abroad. It will ensure that Canadian agriculture continues to be a key contributor to the prosperity and quality of life of all Canadians."

Minister Vanclief added that the implementation agreement recognizes Canada's supply management system and its three pillars: import controls, a cost of production pricing policy, and production controls. He also reiterated his commitment to vigorously defend supply management during the next round of negotiations at the World Trade Organization.

"Quebec is signing the implementation agreement today because it is convinced that it will receive its fair share of federal funding and that this agreement will benefit its producers. This agreement supports Quebec's priorities and assures that the Financière agricole du Québec will continue to play a role in terms of the conception and administration of financial tools for Quebec agriculture. In this sense, Quebec's agriculture industry will find in this agreement application procedures that fit the situation in Quebec," said Françoise Gauthier, Quebec's Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.

"Not only does signing this bilateral implementation agreement preserve Quebec's freedom of action in a shared jurisdiction, it helps create a climate focused on efficient collaboration and resolution of intergovernmental files for the benefit of Quebec producers," said Benoît Pelletier, Minister responsible for Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs.

The APF combines five key elements - business risk management, environment, food safety and quality, renewal, and science and innovation - in a single solid platform. Highlights of the agreement include:

New APF programming in the areas of environment, food safety and quality, renewal and science and innovation in Quebec is valued at $147.56 million. Funding for the BRM programs will be driven by demand. Canada and Quebec are committing $304.34 million over three years to support the transition from existing safety net programs to the new business risk management programs. For a list of programs and individual funding allocations, see the attached backgrounder.

The APF framework has been endorsed by federal, provincial and territorial ministers of agriculture. It will help Canadian agriculture make the most of new international opportunities by safeguarding and enhancing food safety and quality, advancing environmentally-sound agricultural practices and fostering innovation.

Implementation agreements govern the delivery of new programming under the five elements of the APF. The agreements establish new programming and the mechanisms needed for implementation. They also lay out which government is responsible for delivering programs to producers. In addition, the agreements list program costs and formalize such things as the management structures needed to oversee particular programs.

The Quebec agriculture and agrifood industry employs approximately 438,000 people and represents 7 per cent of GDP, or $14 billion.


For more information, media may contact:

Media Relations
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
(613) 759-7972
Donald Boulanger
Press Secretary
Mr. Vanclief's Office
(613) 759-1761
Stéphane Dallaire
Cabinet de la ministre de
l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries
et de l'Alimentation
(418) 380-2525
Government of Canada Canada Wordmark

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