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 The Trans Canada Trail

The Trans Canada Trail is a non-profit, registered charity organization, whose primary purpose is to raise funds to build a recreational trail that will wind its way through every province and territory in Canada, linking .  More>>>

Progress Report
Funds Raised

The Trans Canada Trail's primary fund-raising source is the sale of metres to the public. For a donation of $50, donors are given the opportunity to have their names (or the names of anyone they choose) permanently .  More>>>

Registered Trail

Building the longest recreational trail in the world is no easy task. The Trans Canada Trail will be a confederation of existing trails linked together by new construction to forge one contiguous Trail that winds .  More>>>

Trans Canada Trail appoints Sanderson Layng to president and CEO

Trans Canada Trail appoints Sanderson Layng to President and CEO.  More>>>

2005 Annual Trail Report

The Trans Canada Trail is the most ambitious endeavour ever embarked upon by the volunteer sector in Canada. Just imagine an 18,000-kilometre recreational corridor winding its way through every province and territory, linking over 800 communities along its route! .  More>>>

Trans Canada Trail Ontario Launches Economic Impact Study - Findings to Exceed $2 Billion

Trans Canada Trail Ontario engaged PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP to undertake a study to examine the potential regional and province-wide economic impacts of the entire Ontario portion of the Trans Canada Trail.  More>>>


Calgary journalist is using his thumbs to help build the Trans Canada Trail. Matt Jackson always knew he had dexterous thumbs, but he never imagined they could be used to raise money for a worthy cause like the Trans Canada Trail.  More>>>

Alberta - Saskatchewan Trans Canada Trail Centennial Relay 2005

The Trans Canada Trail Centennial Relay 2005 celebrates recreational trails and the Centennials of Alberta and Saskatchewan. The relay will cover a total of 1,100 km of trails from Edmonton to Regina, the provincial capitals, through 17 Alberta communities and 37 Saskatchewan communities.  More>>>

The Trans Canada Trail Discovery Program is Hot on the Trail!

The Stephen R. Bronfman Foundation’s “Trans Canada Trail Discovery Program” describes some of the many wonders of nature for Trail travelers and adventurers .  More>>>

Belfast Officer Training Corps to assist in initial development of the Trans Canada Trail in South Eastern BC.

This contingent from Northern Ireland have volunteered to support local trail builders in BC during an adventure training expedition in British Columbia this August.  More>>>

Myra Canyon Bypass Trail Progressing

The trail building skills of some employees of the Regional District of Central Okanagan are being put to the test. Members of the Fuel Modification and Trail Building crews are busy constructing a bypass trail around the Myra Canyon Trestles that were destroyed during last summer’s Okanagan Mountain Provincial Park forest fire.  More>>>

Maplelea Girls Support the Trans Canada Trail

The Maplelea Girls are a new and distinctively Canadian play experience featuring a collection of premium play dolls that celebrate our country’s spirit and identity.  More>>>

Trans Canada Trail: View From Down Under!

In the summer of this year, two Australian gentlemen, Tim and Nick, set out to cross Canada using the Trans Canada Trail. They began their journey in Victoria, British Columbia and cycled for 112 days and 9,916 kilometres to St.  More>>>

Canadian Military Engineers

The Canadian Military Engineers are building bridges along the Trail. This national program, entitled CME 2003: Bridges for Canada is a three - year effort leading to the Centennial of the Canadian Military .  More>>>

Additional funding from the Manitoba Government for their Trail System

NDP to bolster support for trails Premier announces increased support for trail system to keep Manitobans active (May 25/2003) - Premier Gary Doer announced additional support today to expand and improve the trail network throughout more Manitoba communities, and a plan to continue working with municipalities to eliminate the levy on existing and new trails.  More>>>

Support the Trail today

A great way for you to contribute regularly to the Trans Canada Trail.  More>>>

Recent Trail Achievements

Every single day, we are thankful for the many wonderful achievements we continue to see at the Trail. Even though you won’t read about most of them in the newspapers, they are, .  More>>>

Make a Donation

The Trans Canada Trail is a very ambitious endeavour and it can only succeed with the financial support of individuals, corporations, foundations and all levels of government.  More>>>

How does one put one's name on the Trail?

There are 4 ways of putting one's name on the Trail and they each vary according to the donor's budget and/or the amount of space the donor wishes to have:.  More>>>

How long does it take for a name or message to actually appear on the Trail?

Given the scope and magnitude of the Trail project it is virtually impossible to be precise in answering this question.  More>>>

Trails BC is proud to announce Trans Canada Trail Challenges 2006

A great way to experience the Trans Canada Trail! .  More>>>

Community News
Shop the Trail

Proceeds from the sale of these items will be used to help build the Trail in your Province/Territory.  More>>>

How to order online, step by step

Select your purchase(s) from the “product catalogue” page, or make a donation from the“donations” page. Add item to your backpack (shopping cart).  More>>>

Alternative method

Choose your purchases and gifts. Note the number of the selected article and the suitable details of the product.  More>>>

SO SIMPLE, QUICK AND RELIABLE! HOW TO RETURN A PRODUCT If you are unsatisfied with a product, simply return the item to us for a full refund or exchange within 30 days.  More>>>

Trail Builders
Info For Trail Builders

This section of the Trans Canada Trail website is designed to provide the information that local and regional trail building groups may require in planning, registering, funding and building their sections of Trail.  More>>>

The Trans Canada Trail Foundation, 43 Westminster North, Montreal, Quebec H4X 1Y8
For more information: email: • toll free phone: 1-800-465-3636