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Results Management Structure

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Attain the highest level of environmental quality as a means to enhance the health and well-being of Canadians, preserve our natural environment, and advance our long-term competitiveness

  1. Canada's natural capital is restored, conserved, and enhanced
    1. Biodiversity is conserved and protected
      1. Wildlife
        1. Species at Risk Program Coordination & Regulatory Activities
        2. Species at Risk Assessment, Response and Listing
        3. Species at Risk Recovery
        5. Wildlife Toxicology and Disease
        6. Migratory Bird Conservation
        7. Migratory Bird Program Coordination and Regulatory Activities
        8. Education and Engagement – migratory birds (NEW)
      2. Land and landscapes
        1. Habitat program coordination and regulatory activities
        2. Protected areas
        3. Habitat stewardship
        4. Broader conservation agenda – reflection in policy and program development of others
        5. Program coordination including policy, planning and reporting
        6. Strategies and Reports – Conservation of Biological Diversity and Related International Meetings
        7. Canadian Biodiversity Strategy – national implementation and reporting
        8. 2010 Olympics – environmental sustainability (new)
    2. Water is clean, safe and secure
      1. Aquatic ecosystems
        1. National Water Strategy Implementation
        2. Water Science & Technology (S&T) Program Integration (NEW)
        3. Water S&T Support (NEW)
        4. Water Quality & Aquatic Ecosystem Monitoring and Reporting
        5. Impacts of Contaminants and other Substances of Concern on Aquatic Ecosystems and Water Resources
        6. Research on the Impacts of Human activities on Hydrology, Water Resources and Aquatic Ecosystems
        7. Techniques for Rehabilitation and Conservation of Water Resources (NEW)
        8. Water Management Performance Promotion
        9. Education and Engagement – water (NEW)
    3. Canadians adopt approaches that ensure the sustainable use and management of natural capital and working landscapes
      1. Integrated information and approaches
        1. Northern ecosystem
        2. Georgia Basin ecosystem
        3. Western Boreal ecosystem
        4. Great Lakes Basin ecosystem
        5. St. Lawrence River ecosystem
        6. Atlantic Canada ecosystems and communities
        7. Ecosystem Initiative integration (new)
      2. State of ecosystem sustainability
        1. Consolidated environmental assessments
        1. Monitoring and assessment of biodiversity and natural capital trends

  2. Weather and environmental predictions and services reduce risks and contribute to the well-being of Canadians
    1. Improved knowledge and information on weather and environmental conditions influences decision-making
      1. Environmental monitoring - air, water and climate
        1. Atmospheric conditions near the surface are monitored
        2. Atmospheric conditions aloft are monitored
        3. Inland water levels and flows are monitored
        4. Emerging space-based monitoring is accessed
        5. Engineering technical and maintenance support is provided to monitoring networks
        6. Network planning management and standards ensures integrity of monitoring networks
        7. All monitoring data is stored and easily accessible
        8. Integrated monitoring and reporting strategy (new)
      2. Weather and environmental science
        1. Numerical weather prediction and marine meteorology techniques
        2. Data assimilation and satellite meteorology techniques
        3. Cloud physics and severe weather research
        4. Ice research
        5. Hydrologic modeling
        6. Emerging environmental prediction science
        7. Climate modeling
        8. Climate processes
        9. Climate trends
        10. Stratospheric studies
        11. Atmospheric science based assessment
    2. Canadians are informed of, and respond appropriately to, current and predicted environmental conditions
      1. Environmental forecasts and warnings
        1. Weather warnings, forecasts and information
        2. Marine warnings, forecasts and information
        3. Environmental emergency forecasts
        4. Air Quality warnings, forecasts and information
        5. Improved and emerging environmental prediction capabilities
        6. Better warning preparedness
      2. Improved weather and environmental services
        1. Dissemination systems
        2. Service Innovation
        3. Development of improved services for Canadians
        4. Climate applications, services and information
        5. MSC transition
        6. Performance management including ISO 9001 certification
        7. Global partnerships
        8. GEOSS
        9. Specialized commercial meteorological services
        10. Public Engagement, Outreach and Education
        11. Environmental Prediction
      3. Specialized meteorological and environmental information
        1. Aviation weather services for NAV CANADA
        2. Military forecasts and operations for Department of National Defence (DND)
        3. Ice warnings, forecasts and information – marine navigation
        4. Meteorological support to the 2010 Winter Olympics
      4. Environmental information and services empower
        1. The Biosphere
        2. Community based partnerships – EcoAction
        3. Knowledge to Canadians – National Pollutants Release Inventory (NPRI) and Office of Information Products and Services (OIPS)

  3. Canadians and their environment are protected from the effects of pollution and waste
    1. Risks posed by pollutants or other harmful or dangerous substances in the environment are reduced
      1. Air quality
        1. Domestic Air Management
        2. Emission Reductions from Transportation
        3. Emission Reductions from Energy
        4. Emission Reductions from Industrial Processes and Other Sources
        5. Reductions from Transboundary Sources
        6. Delivering Scientific and Technology Information for Decision-Making
      2. Risk assessment
        1. Environmental quality research
        2. Risk assessment – existing substances
        3. Risk assessment – new substances
        4. Science and technology support
        5. Identification of emerging issues
      3. Risk management
        1. Risk management tools
        2. Risk management strategies
        3. Permits issued
        4. Technology Solutions
        5. Contaminated Sites
        6. Compliance Promotion
        1. Environmental emergency planning and management
    2. Canadians adopt sustainable consumption and production approaches
      1. Information and engagement
        1. Public engagement to reduce air pollution – National Air Pollution Surveillance (NAPS)
      2. Sectors
        1. Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA)-governance
        2. Sustainable consumption and production strategy
        3. Quality Management Systems
        4. Chemicals sector
        5. Mining sector
        6. Forestry sector
        7. Energy sector
        8. Marine and marine related
        9. Construction (steel and cement)
        10. Identification of sectors

  4. The impacts of climate change on Canada are reduced
    1. Net emissions of greenhouse gases are reduced
      1. Climate change plan
        1. Large final emitters system
        2. Climate fund
        3. Offset system
        4. GHG monitoring, accounting and reporting
        5. One-Tonne Challenge
        6. Policy development and Coordination
        7. Partnership fund
      2. Long-term global regime
        1. International policy analysis and negotiations
        2. International engagement
    2. Canadians understand the impacts of climate change and adapt to its effects
      1. Adaptive strategies
        1. Atmospheric change impacts
        2. Atmospheric change adaptation

  5. Integration and Enabling Services contribute to achieving departmental strategic objectives
    1. Integrated policy advice, communications and information strategies enable effective decision making
      1. Integrated strategic policy
        1. Policy development & integration
        2. Cabinet Affairs
        3. Science & Technology Policy
        4. Technology/Innovation framework
        1. Competitiveness Policy Development and Integration
      2. Policy research and economic analysis
        1. Policy Research
        2. Economic analysis
        3. Integrated performance promotion agenda is developed
      3. Communication
        1. Strategic Communications and Program Support
        2. Communications Operations and Services
        3. Internal communication
      4. Information and indicators
        1. Environmental Information Strategies
        2. Environmental Information Frameworks
        3. Indicator Development, Integration and Coordination
      5. Education and engagement
        1. Education and engagement
      6. Development of a natural capital strategy within a government environmental Agenda
    2. Relations with other governments and partners are effectively managed in support of environmental priorities
      1. Intergovernmental relations
        1. Intergovernmental affairs
      2. International relations
        1. Strengthening North American and bilateral relations
        2. Multilateral Affairs
        3. Managing our representation on the international stage
      3. Stakeholder partnerships and consultations
        1. Sector Sustainability Tables Secretariat
        2. Stakeholder relations and consultations
        3. Aboriginal relations

  6. Integration and Enabling Services contribute to achieving departmental strategic objectives
    1. High quality corporate services and advice enable the department to meet its strategic objectives
      1. Corporate Governance
        1. Departmental governance
        2. Departmental Planning
        3. Departmental Reporting
      2. Financial management
        1. Financial monitoring and systems
        2. Financial Planning and Reporting
        3. Financial Services
        4. Financial Statements and Certifications
      3. Assets management
        1. Assets Management
        2. Greening government leadership
        3. Asset remediation and disposal
      4. Information Management-Information Technology (IM-IT) Enabling and Information Management (IM) Leadership
        1. Operational Service and Support
        2. Information Technology Infrastructure
        3. Information Technology Telecommunications
        4. Information Technology Applications
        5. Information Management – Enterprise Information Stewardship
        6. Information Management – Scientific Data Stewardship
      5. Human resources (HR) planning and management
        1. HR services
        2. HR planning, strategies and systems
      6. Administration and Contracting
        1. Administration Service centre
        2. National Accommodations Strategy
      7. Values and ethics
      8. Integrated Enterprise Services
        1. Implementing a Quality Framework
        2. Corporate Administrative Shared Services (CASS)
        3. Decision Support, Processes & Tools
    2. Strategic management support enables the department to meet its objectives
      1. Departmental and ministerial support
        1. Effective departmental and ministerial support are provided – Ministerial Services
        2. Effective departmental and ministerial supports are provided – Management capacity
      2. Legal services
        1. Legal
      3. Audits and evaluations
        1. Evaluation of policies, programs and initiatives
        2. Internal audit
      4. Enforcement
        1. Enforcement of Wildlife Laws (NEW)
        2. Enforcement

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