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Introduction - Directive on CFP - Process to select Sponsor

1. Introduction

1.1   About Service Canada Directives

Service Canada directives are detailed instructions related to the administration of specified services delivered by Service Canada on behalf of the Government of Canada.  A key objective of all Service Canada directives is to ensure the consistent delivery of high-quality services to individuals and community groups who are our clients and partners.  Questions pertaining to this directive are to be directed through normal channels (e.g. managers, regional offices) to the Issuing Office (as indicated in Section 1.9).

1.2   How Service Canada Develops its Directives

As a service-oriented organization, Service Canada strives to deliver service offerings in collaboration with partners and with individual client and community needs in mind.  Service Canada believes in the strength of partnership and collaboration.

1.3  Purpose of Service Canada Directives

Directives are developed in support of Service Canada objectives:

1.4   Purpose of this Directive

The purpose of this directive is to outline the process to select sponsors for agreements with a projected value of $500,000 and greater per annum (value determined based on the formula under footnote 1), within Service Canada contribution service offering delivery.  This process is intended to be a fair, open, and transparent means of awarding high-dollar value contribution agreements to organizations.

1.5   Supporting Legislation and other Documents

1.6  Effective Date

The Service Canada Directive on Calls for Proposals (CFPs) is effective April 26, 2006 and replaces the May 2004, Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (Service Canada) Directive.

1.7   Consultation and Approval Process

This directive has been developed in consultation with Service Canada local, regional and national officials, as well as representatives from stakeholder groups, including the Voluntary Sector in keeping with the principles of the Accord Between The Government of Canada and the Voluntary Sector.  This directive will be updated and revised as needed to respond to policy and/or operational changes.

1.8  Scope

The CFP process applies to all agreements that are estimated to have a value of $500,000  per annum (determined based on the formula below)[1] or more, for projects funded under the following service offerings and instruments:

- Employment Assistance Services
- Labour Market Partnerships (excluding Sector Councils)
- Labour Market Partnerships – Youth Awareness
- Self-Employment (agreements with organizations)
- Community Coordinators agreements (i.e., Skills Development, Targeted Wage Subsidies, Self-Employment)
- Career Focus (agreements with organizations)
- Skills Link (agreements with organizations)
- Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities (agreements with organizations)
  • The results from a CFP process are valid for three years beginning from the completion date (i.e. 91st day) of the process and the posting of initial results: 
  • Multi-year agreements may be signed with successful applicants where service offering Terms and Conditions allow; or,
  • Annual agreements with the successful applicant may be signed for three consecutive years where they do not;
  • Agreements can be signed with multiple organizations who qualify under a single CFP process during this three year period.  
  • The planned duration of agreements should be clearly stated at the time of posting the individual CFP.

1.8.1    Exceptionsfor Entering into a CFP Process and Approvals Required

The Regional Executive Head or (in the case of nationally delivered projects) may decide to preclude the use of this process in exceptional circumstances; for example, when a rapid response is required for unanticipated or emergency situations such as the service offering requirements brought about by the Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) crises. Such cases require the approval of the Assistant Deputy Minister (DAM) of the Citizen and Community Service Branch.

There may also be specific exceptions to the threshold for the Call for Proposals process.  Should a Regional Executive Head or National Segment Strategy Director General want to lower the dollar threshold for a mandatory Call for Proposals process, the Regional Executive Head or National Program Director General must obtain authorization.  The written approval of the (ADM) of Citizen and Community Service Branch must be obtained in order to use a CFP for agreements under $500,000.  Reasons for this may include community expectations (e.g. the office has always used the process for a particular service offering), or need for a new service provider / service offering.  When the threshold is lowered, the CFP process must always be used under that that program in that geographic area.

A template has been provided to request permission for when requesting an exemption from CFP thresholds.  Procedures to request permission will follow regional protocols.  Copies of the signed document must be retained on the file.  See ANNEX 4  for a copy of this template

1.9    Issuing Office

The Citizen and Community Service Branch (CCSB)of Service Canada is responsible for the CFP directive. 

Questions pertaining to this directive should be made via the “Helpline/ContactUs” function on the Grants and Contributions intranet website, or directly to the Service Canada Helpline, observing the regional protocol.

[1]The annual agreement value is determined by dividing the total agreement value by the duration in months and multiplying that total by 12