
The Directory of Canadian Adult Literacy Research in English

A comprehensive database containing Canadian research in adult literacy from 1994, as well as research in progress.

Developed by: graphic link to University of Alberta graphic link to the Centre for Research on Literacy Funded by: graphic link to National Literacy Secretariat graphic link to the Human Resources Development Canada

Questions and comments?
E-mail: The Directory of Canadian Adult Literacy Research in English

Francophone Research Directory
logo of RÉCRAF
Répertoire canadien des recherches en alphabétisation
des adultes en français (RÉCRAF)

The Directory of Canadian Adult Literacy Research in English has a francophone counterpart, the Répertoire canadien de la recherche sur l'alphabétisation des adultes en français (RéCRAF), housed on the Centre de documentation sur l'éducation des adultes et la condition fémimine (CDEACF) server.

Even though some documents can be found on both databases because they were written in English and in French, most of the materials are unique to each directory. It is important to visit both directories on a regular basis if you want to know what's going on in literacy research in Canada.
