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Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives

December 2005

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Soil Moisture:
Fall 2005 Manitoba Soil Moisture Survey Results


The amount of moisture within the soil root zone just prior to fall freeze-up provides a good indication of what can be expected for spring moisture. With snow cover and freezing temperatures, water use has ceased and when precipitation is mostly in the form of snow, the infiltration of water is limited. This is especially true in moist soils where soil pores are mostly “sealed off”.

During the last week of October, Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives personnel collected soil samples at over 120 sites across Southern Manitoba. Each site was chosen based on the soil properties that best represent the area and the most common crop types in each region. Samples were taken with a soil auger at five depths throughout the root zone; 0-15cm, 15-30cm, 30-60cm, 60-90cm, and 90-120cm. Samples were immediately placed in sealed containers and sent to be weighed, oven dried, and re-weighed to establish their gravimetric moisture content (mass of moisture in mass of dry soil).

Each soil sample was classified based on its similarities to well-characterized soils around Manitoba. This enabled us to assign a bulk density, wilting point, field capacity, and available water holding capacity value (plant available water) to each depth from each sampling site. From there, soil moisture by weight was converted to percent soil moisture by volume. Then available water and soil moisture as a percent of available water holding capacity were calculated and are shown on the maps.

For more information, contact Andy Nadler, Farm Production Extension – Agro-Meteorologist, Crops Branch, Manitoba Agriculture, Food, and Rural


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