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Festivals For the dates, times and information on upcoming events, select the appropriate category.

Annual General Meetings
Farm Business Management Courses
Seminars and Workshops

Farm Business Management Courses
Bookkeeping and Record Keeping
This course will help you develop practical record keeping and bookkeeping systems. You will learn to make basic revenue and expense bookkeeping entries, reconcile your bank balance, track accounts payable and receivable, calculate and track depreciation, record and track inventory, and set up and maintain basic bookkeeping records for your farm business.
Preparing and Understanding Financial Statements
This course will teach you how to prepare financial statements using information from your farm records. You will learn how to prepare an income statement, a balance sheet, a statement of changes in financial position, and cash flow projections.
Farm Business Analysis
This course will enable you to analyze your financial information. You will learn how to interpret the balance sheet, income statement, and changes in financial position, use key ratios of solvency, liquidity, profitability, and efficiency, evaluate the financial performance of various enterprises on the farm, and reduce risk through use of break-even analysis, and partial budgets.
Farm Business Planning
This course will show you how to set business goals, prepare a human resource plan that includes employee incentives, job descriptions, hiring the right person for your farm, and motivating employees, prepare a marketing plan that includes a marketing strategy, pricing, promotion, and identifying markets, prepare a production plan, prepare a financial plan that includes an income and expense statement, balance sheet, cash flows, and partial budgets, plus much more!!!
Course Registration
Course Material
Each participant will receive a course binder to take home. It will contain very useful and practical information, exercises, and work sheets on Farm Business Management.
These courses will be facilitated by the Farm Management Specialists. Courses will involve group discussions, written exercises, and case studies.
Course Fee
$25 plus $3.75 HST per person
Here’s what some farmers had to say about the courses:
"It was well prepared and thought out. Cindy, Paul and Otto were patient and helpful. I learned a lot and personally feel the knowledge I received was worth the time and effort. I would recommend the workshop to fellow farmers."
Rhonda Thornley, Strawberry Farmer, Campbellton
"As a novice in the business, I found the Agri-business Planning Course to be an eye opener and well worth the effort."
Ward George, Christmas Tree Farmer, New Harbour
To register for a course, or to get more information please contact your Regional Farm Management Specialist.
Note: Courses will be offered at other sites when demand warrants. Contact us if you or a group you are involved with (eg. A particular commodity group or a Farm Management Club) would like to arrange a special course.
Festivals (dates in italics are tentative)
Landscape and Garden Show
April 29-30, 2006 - St. John's
Agrifood and Garden Show
May 5-7, 2006 - Stephenville
CME Trade Show
May 5-6, 2006 - St. John's
Gander Home and Garden Show
To be announced
Beach Pea Festival
July 13-16, 2006 - Salmon Cove, Conception Bay
Humber Valley Strawberry Festival
July 21-30, 2006 - Humber Valley
St. George's Blueberry Festival
August 4-6, 2006 - St. George's
Brigus Blueberry Festival
August 10-13, 2006 - Brigus
Bakeapple Folk Festival
August 10-12, 2006 - Forteau
Garnish Bakeapple Festival
August 7-13, 2006 - Garnish
Farm Field Day
August 12, 2006 - St. John's
Green Bay Agriculture Fall Fair
September 9, 2006 - Springdale
Partridgeberry Festival
September 8-9, 2006 - West St. Modeste
Southern Labrador Craft and Agriculture Fair
September 9, 2006 - Lanse au Clair
Big Land Fair
September 9, 2006 - Goose Bay
Humber Valley Agriculture Fall Fair
September 15-16, 2006 - Deer Lake
Trinity-Conception Agriculture Fall Fair
September 21-27, 2006 - Harbour Grace
Port-au-Port Agriculture Fall Fair
September 23-24, 2006 - Port-au-Port
Eastport Peninsula Agriculture Exhibition
October  4 - 9, 2006 - Eastport
Open Farm Day
September 24th
Central Farm
Avalon Farm
Western Farm
Potato Festival
To be announced

Seminars and Workshops
To be Announced

Annual General Meetings
To be announced
If you have an upcoming AGM please contact Doug Cudmore
at (709) 256-1042.

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