*** Transcriber's Note: Please set your voice synthesizer to read most punctuation. When you encounter the caret symbol, please enter the applicable information, if necessary. *** Canada Revenue Agency GST510 E (06) (Front) APPLICATION FOR BUSINESS TRAVEL TAX REFUND (No processing fee) Internal use only Use this form if you are a non-resident business and you or a non-resident representative of your business travelled to Canada on behalf of the business and you want to claim a refund of the GST/HST you paid on eligible short-term accommodation. To be eligible for the tax refund, the accommodation has to be made available to non-resident individuals and the total of your eligible short-term accommodation purchases, before taxes, has to be at least CAN$200. For more information, see the pamphlet called Tax Refund for Business Travel to Canada. You cannot use this form to claim a refund of the GST/HST you paid on short- term accommodation in certain situations (for example, if you are a non- resident individual traveling to Canada for non-business reasons or if your business is registered for GST/HST. For more information, see the back of the form. We do not refund any provincial sales tax (PST) paid on short-term accommodation. Part A - Identification (please print) Business name ^ Mailing address ^ City ^ State/Province ^ Postal/Zip code ^ Country ^ Business address (if different from mailing address above) ^ Part B - Arrival and departure dates Date of arrival in Canada (Year/Month/Day) ^ Date of departure from Canada (Year/Month/Day) ^ Part C - Refund details Total purchases of eligible short-term accommodation (before taxes) on which you paid GST/HST. $^ This amount must be at least CAN$200. Number of nights of paid short-term accommodation ^ Total GST/HST refund claimed on eligible short-term accommodation $^ Part D - Certification I certify that: a) The information on this application and in any attachments is true, correct, and complete in every respect. b) The amount claimed, or any part of it, has not been previously approved for payment or paid. c) This business is not resident in Canada, and the business address provided in Part A is the permanent business address outside Canada. d) I am authorized to sign this form on behalf of the non-resident business identified in Part A. It is a serious offence to make a false claim. Name of authorized business representative (please print) ^ Position or title ^ Signature ^ Year/Month/Day ^ Telephone number (including area code) ^ Internal use only DC NC Privacy Act Personal Information Bank number RCC/AEU-435. GST510 E (06) (Back) General Information Business travel to Canada Use this form if you are a non-resident business and you or a non-resident representative of your business (for example, an employee) came to Canada on behalf of the business and paid goods and services tax/harmonized sales tax (GST/HST) on eligible short-term accommodation. See the pamphlet called Tax Refund for Business Travel to Canada for more information on the eligibility requirements and the definition of eligible short-term accommodation. We must receive your application within one year of the last day any GST/HST on the eligible short-term accommodation became payable. It will take about four to six weeks to process your application. You have to attach the following documents to your application: - photocopies of your receipts (we do not accept credit or debit card slips and we do not return your documents); - the complete hotel folio (we do not accept summary sheets); and - a list of all the individuals who used the accommodation. You have to certify that the individuals are non-residents of Canada and are representatives of your non-resident business. You cannot use this form to claim a refund of the GST/HST in the following situations: - you are a non-resident which paid GST/HST on goods you exported from Canada for commercial purposes. See the guide called General Application for GST/HST Rebates; - you are a non-resident business which is registered for GST/HST. See the guide called Doing Business in Canada - GST/HST Information for Non-Residents; or - you are a non-resident who resells short-term accommodation in Canada to non-residents (for example, you are a non-resident travel organizer). See the booklet called Tax Refund for Non-Resident Travel Organizers and Foreign Conventions. Visitors to Canada Do not use this form if you are a non-resident individual and one of the following situations applies to you: - You came to Canada for non-business reasons (e.g. pleasure travel) and bought eligible goods or eligible short-term accommodation. - You bought eligible goods for personal use while travelling on business in Canada. - You are the sole owner of your business (i.e., you and the business are the same person) and you bought eligible goods for personal use and eligible short-term accommodation while travelling on business in Canada. If any of the three situations above applies to you, you have to use Form GST176, Application for Visitor Tax Refund, to claim your refund. This form is included in the pamphlet called Tax Refund for Visitors to Canada. Mail this refund application to: Visitor Rebate Program Summerside Tax Centre Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Suite 104, 275 Pope Road Summerside PE C1N 6C6 CANADA