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Air Docket
United States Environmental Protection Agency
1301 Constitution Avenue N.W., Room B108
Mail Code 6102T
Washington DC 20004
Attn: Docket ID No. OAR-2003-0053

Proposed Rule to Reduce Interstate Transport of Fine Particulate Matter
and Ozone (Interstate Air Quality Rule)
Federal Register, 69 Federal Register 4565-4651 (January 30, 2004)

Submission filed by
Environment Canada
March 30, 2004

Executive Summary

Environment Canada is pleased to submit comments to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the proposed Interstate Air Quality Rule (IAQR), which is intended to reduce long-range and interstate transport of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and ozone.

Canada and the U.S. have a solid history of bilateral co operation to improve air quality for our citizens. The 1991 Canada-United States Air Quality Agreement and Annexes that are focused on acid rain and ozone reflect the significant improvements that both countries are making to their nitrogen oxide (NOx), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and volatile organic compound emissions. These emissions reductions are leading to reductions in acidification and atmospheric concentrations of ground-level ozone and particulate matter levels in both countries.

With regard to acid rain and ozone, despite the good progress made in both countries, there is still much work to be done. Ozone concentrations in central and eastern Canada are still well above the Canada-wide Standard level, and further reductions will be required beyond those committed to in the Ozone Annex. Further, most watersheds in the affected areas of Canada and the northeast U.S. have not recovered from the effects of acid rain, pointing to a need for greater reductions.

In addition to acid rain and ozone, particulate matter is also an important air quality and health issue that both Canada and the U.S. have acknowledged they need to address. Technical analyses in Canada and the U.S. conclude that there are transboundary flows of particulate matter and its precursors from the U.S. to Canada and from Canada to the U.S. To a certain extent, this is being addressed by acid rain and ozone reduction measures, but further reductions in Canada and the U.S. are necessary, particularly in regions where there is transboundary flow.

Particulate matter and ozone are a national priority in Canada, because they have been identified as contributing factors in thousands of premature deaths across the country each year, as well as increased hospital visits, doctor visits, and hundreds of thousands of lost days at work and school. The science demonstrating the negative health effects of air pollution has been reconfirmed with the recent publication of studies demonstrating increased risks of lung cancer and heart disease from air pollution.

Environment Canada welcomes proposed action to further reduce emissions of SO2 and NOx from electric generating units in the 29 eastern and midwestern States and the District of Columbia, because of the resulting health and environmental benefits on both sides of the border.

Environment Canada wishes to support the EPA for finding that 29 States and the District of Columbia contribute significantly to non-attainment or interfere with the maintenance of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for PM2.5 and/or ozone in downwind States. Furthermore, Environment Canada supports the EPA for proposing to require upwind States to revise their State Implementation Plans (SIPs) to include control measures to reduce emissions of SO2 and/or NOx.

Environment Canada believes that the Interstate Air Quality Rule is a positive step toward further reducing acid deposition, and will be helpful in improving air quality in some regions of Canada.

At the same time, Environment Canada encourages the EPA to finalize the caps with targets and timetables that are as aggressive as possible, and are implemented as early as possible. In 2000, Canada put in place the Canada wide Standards, which set out ambient levels for PM2.5 and ozone to be achieved by 2010.

The Canada-Wide Acid Rain Strategy for Post-2000 has a long-term goal to meet the environmental threshold of critical loads for acid deposition across Canada, in particular by establishing new targets and schedules for reducing SO2 emissions in eastern Canada. To fulfill this commitment, from the base year 1994 Ontario announced a target of 50% reduction by 2015, and has proposed to consult on advancing the timeline to 2010; Quebec plans a reduction of 40% by 2002 and 50% by 2010; New Brunswick 30% by 2005 and 50% by 2010; and Nova Scotia 25% by 2005 and up to 50% by 2010. Jurisdictions are now developing and implementing measures to achieve these reductions.

Environment Canada recognizes the benefits of the proposed U.S. reductions of 65% from Title IV allocations. However, Environment Canada would like to note that, ultimately, further reductions will be required to reduce the impact of acid deposition, with a goal of achieving a 75% reduction in SO2 emissions from Title IV levels. The Department also wishes to point out that if timing of the second stage reductions was advanced from 2015, this would provide additional benefits to both countries.

The Canadian view is based on an acid rain research and monitoring program in Canada, which indicates that about 70% of the sulphate and nitrate deposition in Canada each year comes from U.S. sources. Even with full implementation of the proposed Interstate Air Quality Rule, our watersheds and forests in eastern Canada will continue to be damaged by acid rain. Reducing emissions further and at a faster rate will slow the acidification of Canadian soils and prevent the continued acidification of Canadian watersheds.

With respect to air quality, many studies in the U.S. and Canada indicate that there is no apparent threshold for the harmful effects to human health caused by PM2.5 and ozone. It is therefore critical to lower fine PM2.5 and ozone levels not only as much as possible, but as fast as possible. Under prevalent meteorological conditions, U.S. emissions contribute significantly to PM2.5 and ozone levels in some regions of Canada. For instance, recent Canadian analysis confirms the direct link between SO2 reductions in the U.S. with reductions in exceedances of the PM2.5 standards in southwestern Ontario.

Environment Canada is very pleased to note that, when fully implemented, the proposed IAQR would yield cumulative reductions of up to 34 million tons of NOx and SO2 between now and 2015 (EPA, 2004). Those emissions reductions will result in significant health and environmental benefits for Canadians and Americans. Further, Environment Canada estimates that, if the U.S. were to advance the caps such that both Phase I and Phase II were fully implemented by 2010, the environment would be spared more than 2 million additional tons of SO2 and almost 1 million additional tons of NOx for the five year period.

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Environment Canada is pleased to submit comments to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the proposed Interstate Air Quality Rule (IAQR), which is intended to reduce long-term and interstate transport of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and ozone.

Canada and the U.S. have a solid history of bilateral co operation to improve air quality for our citizens. The first transboundary air pollution problem was linked to acid rain in the 1920s, and the following 60 years were filled with multiple volume assessments of the effects and controls of acid deposition. The scientific consensus on aquatic effects played a significant role in justifying sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) controls in Canada and internationally.

In the last 20 years, Canada and the U.S. have worked co operatively, first with the 1981 Memorandum of Intent Concerning Transboundary Air Pollution, which states the intention of both nations to develop a bilateral agreement on transboundary air quality and to vigorously enforce existing air pollution legislation. The two nations signed the 1991 Canada U.S. Air Quality Agreement, and an Annex focused on reducing SO2 and NOx emissions to reduce acid deposition. The Agreement contains emissions reduction commitments from existing programs in both countries, the Eastern Canada Acid Rain Program and the U.S. Title IV Acid Rain Program. Most recently, in 1997, Canada's Minister of the Environment and the U.S. EPA Administrator signed a commitment to develop a Joint Plan of Action for Addressing Transboundary Air Pollution regarding ground-level ozone and PM, followed in 2000 by an Annex to the Air Quality Agreement on reducing NOx and volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions, since they contribute to ground-level ozone.

Great strides have been made in the last 20 years on reducing acidifying emissions and improving air quality. However, Canada and the U.S. both acknowledge that the problems are not solved. Both countries are taking further steps toward reducing emissions that cause air pollution and acid deposition. Canada and the U.S. are undertaking domestic programs to address PM, and are developing a joint plan to identify transboundary contributions of PM and hope to soon issue a report based on their findings.

It is important that the U.S. further reduce its emissions of NOx and SO2 as quickly and as aggressively as possible, thereby contributing to the ongoing Canadian efforts to achieve the Canada-wide Standards (CWSs) for ozone and PM, two of the most important components of smog, and to prevent acidification of Canadian ecosystems.

With respect to PM, ozone and acidification, and the effects of NOx and SO2 emissions on ambient air quality, human health, watersheds and forests in eastern Canada, analysis makes the case that, for Canada, the targets and timetables being proposed are a good step in the process of reducing these key pollutants, but more accelerated action would be beneficial.

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Environment Canada's Concerns

Impacts on the health and environment of Canadians

The vast majority of Canadians live in regions of the country where there are transboundary flows of NOx and SO2 pollutants that contribute to air quality and acid rain problems.

Extensive scientific studies indicate that there are significant health and environmental effects associated with PM and ozone. Particulate matter and ozone are linked to serious health impacts, including chronic bronchitis, asthma, and premature deaths. Other effects of these pollutants include reduced visibility in the case of PM, and, in the case of ozone, crop damage and greater vulnerability to disease in some tree species.

Many studies in the U.S. and Canada indicate that there are no apparent thresholds for the harmful effects to human health caused by fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and ground-level ozone. Therefore, it is critical to not only lower PM2.5 and ozone levels as much as possible, but also as fast as possible.

Large parts of Canada have been receiving acid precipitation in the form of rain, snow and dry deposition for at least 60 years, and deposition continues to damage sensitive ecosystems. This is especially important in eastern Canada, where wet and dry deposition of sulphur and nitrogen derived acids makes lakes and streams unsuitable to support some fish and other biota.

Acid deposition also damages forest soils, by stripping the soil nutrients and increasing the release of harmful substances such as aluminum, as well as by directly damaging some sensitive tree species. Acids corrode buildings, statues and sculptures, speeding the decay of these structures that are part of our national heritage. The airborne pollutants that cause acid rain - tiny nitrate and sulphate particles - are in the air we breathe and thus affect our health.

SO2 and NOx emissions and transport in the Canada-U.S. context

PM, ozone and acid deposition are related through common emissions and precursors, production pathways, and meteorological processes. Emissions of SO2 and NOx from fossil fuel power plants, smelters, motor vehicles, and other human related sources are the principal contributors to PM, ozone and acid deposition.

Between 1980 and 2000, significant SO2 emissions reductions took place in eastern Canada as a result of national and provincial programs aimed at reducing acid rain and smog. Specifically, between 1980 and 2000, total provincial SO2 emissions were cut as follows: Quebec by 70%, Ontario by 65%, New Brunswick by 75%, Manitoba by 20%, and Nova Scotia by 12%. Nationally, total SO2 emissions have decreased by about 50%, to 2.6 million tonnes in 2002. Nationally, NOx emissions have decreased by 6%, more than 150 000 tonnes, since 1987.

Over a similar time period, as a result of the U.S. Title IV Acid Rain Program, SO2 emissions from electric generating units have decreased by 41% (35% from 1990 levels). Emissions reductions from other sources have also contributed to the 39% decline in total U.S. SO2 emissions since 1980. Title IV also specified reductions in NOx emissions from electric generating units. Nationally, total NOx emissions have decreased by 12% from 1990 through 2001.

However, SO2 and NOx emissions in the U.S. are about 10 times greater than those from Canada, and can be transported hundreds of miles from their origin in accordance with regional weather patterns. This long range transport is largely responsible for acid rain in New England and eastern Canada. Several quantitative trajectory and chemistry analyses strongly suggest that SO2 and NOx sources in the U.S. are the major contributors to wet and dry deposition at sites in eastern Canada. As illustrated in the following two figures, recent analysis estimates that U.S. sources are responsible for about 65% of the total wet sulphate deposition in eastern Canada, and almost 70% of the wet nitrogen deposition.

With regard to the air quality aspects of NOx and SO2, the occurrences of high ozone and PM concentrations are, with few exceptions, part of contiguous, large scale weather systems which originate in the U.S., then move northward the next day to central and eastern Canada. Many analyses of this nature conducted by Canadian and U.S. experts over the past number of years lead to the conclusion by both countries that pollution transported within the international border region is significant from an air quality and acidification standpoint. Indeed, the inclusion of a defined Pollutant Emission Management Area (PEMA) for each country in the Ozone Annex to the Air Quality Agreement reflects a recognition that emissions reductions in these regions will have a positive impact on transport of ozone and precursor emissions into each other's territory.

5-year (1995-1999) average sulphur emissions (S-SO2) and wet deposition (S-SO4) in eastern North America, and an indication of long range transport from the USA into Canada
5-year (1995-1999) average nitrogen emissions (N-NOx) and wet deposition (N-NO3) in eastern North America, and long range transport from the USA into Canada

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Canadian SO2 and NOx Emissions Reductions

Canada has an integrated approach to addressing air quality, under which a series of federal and provincial measures are being implemented to reduce pollutants and their precursors, including SO2 and NOx. This includes the CWSs for PM and Ozone, and the Canada Wide Acid Rain Strategy for Post 2000.

Canada-wide Standards (CWSs) for PM and Ozone

Driven by health concerns outlined in the preceding section, in June 2000 the federal government, nine provincial governments, and the territorial governments signed the CWSs for PM and Ozone. Quebec intends to act within its area of jurisdiction in a manner consistent with the other Canadian jurisdictions, regarding these CWSs and the deadlines for attaining them.

These CWSs commit governments to significantly reduce PM and ground level ozone by 2010. The ambient Standards are 30 µg/m3 for PM2.5, and 65 ppb for ozone. For PM2.5, achievement is based on the 3 year average of the annual 98th percentiles of the daily 24 hour average concentrations. For ozone, achievement is based on the 3 year average of the annual 4th highest of the daily maximum 8 hour average concentrations. In addition to the numeric targets and timelines, the concepts of continuous improvement, pollution prevention and keeping clean areas clean are elements of the CWSs.

The mechanisms for implementing emissions reductions necessary to meet the CWSs are a shared responsibility of the Government of Canada and the provinces and territories. Jurisdictional implementation plans will outline the comprehensive actions required to achieve the CWSs by the 2010 target date. The nature of provincial government measures to reduce CWS related pollutants varies, from legislation and regulation of specific sectors and sources, to voluntary measures.

In meeting its obligations, the federal government published its implementation plan for PM and ozone in 2001, which includes commitments to reduce emissions of NOx and SO2. These actions include measures to reduce emissions from all source sectors. In order to reduce emissions from transportation, Canada has developed regulations and policies under the Federal Agenda on Vehicles, Engines and Fuels that will lead to cleaner vehicles, cleaner fuels, new and different fuels, more fuel efficient technology, and cleaner engines. These measures, taken together, will lead to significant reductions in NOx and SO2, key contributors to air pollution.

  • On January 1, 2003, the new On-Road Vehicle and Engine Emission Regulations were finalized and published in the Canada Gazette, Part II. These Regulations are now phasing in more stringent emission standards for on road vehicles and engines under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, beginning on January 1, 2004.
  • Regulations for engines found in lawnmowers, chainsaws, snowblowers and other small tools and equipment were published in November 2003. Under the new Regulations, these engines will be subject to new, cleaner emission standards by 2005.
  • Other regulatory proposals under development will address off road engines, including those used in construction and agricultural equipment, marine crafts and recreational vehicles.
  • In addition, through the auspices of the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME), Environment Canada co ordinated interprovincial co operation and harmonization in the area of in use emissions from motor vehicles, by developing the CCME Environmental Code of Practice for On Road Heavy Duty Vehicle Emission Inspection and Maintenance Programs.
  • The Sulphur in Gasoline Regulations limit the amount of sulphur in gasoline to an average of 30 parts per million (ppm) in 2005. As an interim step, gasoline with an average sulphur level of no more than 150 ppm was required starting in July 2002.
  • Sulphur in diesel fuel is being addressed through the Sulphur in Diesel Fuel Regulations, which were finalized in July 2002. These Regulations currently limit sulphur in diesel fuel used in on road vehicles to a maximum of 500 mg/kg (or 500 ppm). In mid 2006, the limit will be reduced to 15 mg/kg. These new Regulations were finalized on July 31, 2002.
  • The Gasoline and Gasoline Blend Dispensing Flow Rate Regulations came into effect on February 1, 2001, to limit the flow rate of nozzles used to dispense gasoline and gasoline blends into on road vehicles.

Acid Rain

The goal of Canada's original acid rain program was to reduce wet sulphate deposition1 to below a target load of 20 kg.ha-1.yr-1. Achieving this goal, as a result of emissions reductions in both Canada and the U.S., was expected to protect moderately sensitive aquatic ecosystems.

Canada's current commitment toward reducing acid rain causing emissions is reflected in the Canada-Wide Acid Rain Strategy for Post-2000, signed by federal, provincial and territorial Energy and Environment Ministers in 1998. The Strategy provides the framework to address the remaining acid rain problem in eastern Canada, and to ensure that new acid rain problems do not occur elsewhere in Canada. The Strategy's long term goal is to achieve critical loads for acid deposition to aquatic ecosystems. As steps toward achieving this goal, the Strategy calls for a number of actions, including the development of further controls on acidifying emissions in Canada. It also encourages further reductions in the U.S. that are essential for success.

In fulfillment of the requirement to further reduce domestic emissions, the provinces of Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia all committed to a further 50% reduction in their SO2 emissions beyond their Eastern Canada Acid Rain Program targets, by 20102. Similar to the IAQR, eastern Canadian provinces have the flexibility to choose the measures to achieve the specified emissions reductions. Each of the provinces has taken significant steps toward identifying measures for industrial sectors to achieve the specified 50% SO2 emissions reductions.

1 Wet sulphate deposition rather than total deposition was chosen as the defining measure, because measurement of the dry component was too uncertain to use to drive control programs.
2 Ontario's target is currently 2015, although the province has proposed and is consulting on advancing the timeline to 2010.

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Current Environmental Picture

PM and ozone

Although measures are being implemented to achieve the CWSs for PM and Ozone by 2010, ambient levels set out in the CWSs are regularly exceeded in many parts of Eastern Canada (Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic Canada), as indicated by the two figures below. In 2002, the CWSs for PM and Ozone (30 µg/m3 for PM2.5 and 65 ppb for ozone) were exceeded in most sites of eastern Canada, with a maximum of 17 PM2.5 exceedance days and 49 ozone exceedance days. In terms of the ozone CWS, almost all sites in Ontario and Quebec exceeded the CWS in 2002.

Year 2002 Exceedances of the CWS numerical levels for Ozone and PM2.5 across Canada.

Number of days with Ozone Exceeding the CWS, 2002
Number of days with Ozone Exceeding the CWS, 2002
[Click to enlarge]

Number of days with PM2.5 Exceeding the CWS, 2002
Number of days with PM2.5 Exceeding the CWS, 2002
[Click to enlarge]

Acid rain

Critical loads are used to identify areas of acidification concern. Canada established wet sulphate deposition critical loads, defined as the amount of acid deposition that a watershed is able to tolerate while allowing 95% of the lakes to maintain a pH of 6.0 or higher (Federal Provincial Research and Monitoring Coordinating Committee, 1990). Across eastern Canada, critical loads range from more than 20 kg.ha-1.yr-1 in the more tolerant watersheds, to less than 8 kg.ha-1.yr-1 in the most sensitive watersheds.

Five year mean wet deposition of SO4 2-

Despite the recent decreases in SO2 emissions, large areas of eastern Canada continue to receive wet sulphate deposition in excess of the critical loads. This figure illustrates the observed mean annual wet sulphate deposition in eastern North America for 1996-2000. Levels range from less than 5 kg.ha-1.yr-1 to greater than 25 kg.ha-1.yr-1. The highest levels of wet deposition are observed in the region of the Ohio River Valley. An analysis of wet sulphate deposition data at three sites in eastern Canada - the Kejimkujik region in Nova Scotia, the Montmorency region of Quebec, and the Algoma region in Ontario - showed deposition exceeding critical loads by ~7 to 12 kg.ha-1.yr-1 (or 15 to 25 meq.m-2.yr-1) (Jeffries et al., 1999).

Acid deposition model simulations using the Acid Deposition and Oxidant Model (ADOM) that were carried out for 2010 - the year when all measures identified in the Canada U.S. Air Quality Agreement will be fully implemented in both countries - predicted that acid deposition will still remain above aquatic critical loads by approximately 6-10 kg wet sulphate.ha-1.yr-1(Acidifying Emissions Task Group [AETG], 1997; Environment Canada, 1997). Expressed in a different fashion, an area of up to 800 000 km2 in southeastern Canada will continue to receive harmful levels of acid deposition (AETG, 1997).

Additional predictive analyses by ADOM for 2010 show that even with implementation of substantial local controls, i.e., a 50% reduction in Canadian SO2 emissions beyond existing caps, an area almost 700 000 km2 would remain at risk. This level of deposition is unlikely to allow widespread recovery of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems (Jeffries et al., 2003).

Based on these modelling and chemical analyses, it is clear that, despite the Canadian and U.S. control programs that are codified in the Air Quality Agreement, the impacts of acid deposition in eastern Canada have been neither eliminated nor reduced to sustainable levels.

Several factors moderate a lake's response to declining sulphate deposition, including declining base cations deposition, release of sulphur stored in the lake's catchments, disruption of internal alkalinity generating processes, and possibly a shift from sulphur based to nitrogen based acidification (Jeffries et al., 2003).

There has been no improvement in nitrate deposition, due to a lack of reductions in NOx emissions. Although nitrogen's influence on acidity status is currently minor, the relative importance of acidification by nitrogen deposition will increase in watersheds that are nearly nitrogen saturated as sulphur deposition declines. The result may be an eventual erosion of the benefits gained from reductions in SO2 emissions.

In many eastern Canadian watersheds, increasing levels of nitrate are being observed in groundwater as it leaches from saturated soils. Recent attempts have been made, under the Conference of New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers, to determine those acid deposition loads that are critical for maintaining the existing soil buffering capacity (Arp et al., 1996; Ouimet et al., 2001). Recent calculations of soil critical loads and exceedances (unpublished data from the 2004 Canadian Acid Deposition Science Assessment) reflect the situation where soils and forests are basically at steady state, and without harvesting or fire adding to local soil acidification. Soils in southwestern Nova Scotia, most of Quebec, and central and northwestern Ontario have low critical loads, due to their low buffering capacity. Critical load exceedance is high where atmospheric acid deposition rates are high, and where the critical soil acidification loads are calculated to be low. Varying levels of exceedance are projected to occur in most of the above low critical load areas, with the highest exceedance levels projected for southern Quebec, especially north of the St. Lawrence River. Locations with high exceedance are likely to experience poor forest health

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The Impact on Canada of the Proposed Interstate Air Quality Rule (IAQR) Emissions Reductions

Under the proposed IAQR, electric generating units in 29 eastern and midwest States and the District of Columbia would be required to cut region wide SO2 and NOx emissions. These cuts will result in SO2 reductions of 44% and 50% by 2010 and 2015, respectively, from current electricity sector emissions. For NOx, reductions of 56% and 63% from current electricity sector emissions by 2010 and 2015 are projected.


From a transboundary perspective, the following information provides qualitative estimates of ambient reductions needed to achieve the CWSs, and indicates that under certain meteorological conditions commonly associated with high smog levels, emissions from the U.S. significantly influence the ozone concentrations in eastern Canada. The information also indicates that while the IAQR will contribute to reducing ambient ozone concentrations, the proposed reductions will not be sufficient to achieve the Ozone CWS in all parts of eastern Canada, particularly in southwestern and central Ontario.

  • Modelling results from a July 11-19, 2003, air quality episode using the Community Multi-Scale Air Quality Model (RWDI Consulting Engineers, 2003) for eastern Canada have been used to estimate the potential impact of Canadian and U.S. emissions reductions on ambient levels of PM2.5 and ozone.

  • High ozone levels associated with this episode began in the southeastern and midwestern U.S., and spread to eastern Canada. The large scale weather conditions associated with this episode were representative of a class of weather conditions that are commonly associated with high smog episodes in the summer.

  • A number of scenarios were modelled with this episode, including a 1995-96 base case scenario, a scenario that included Ozone Annex and Acid Rain commitments (henceforth called the "Ozone Annex Scenario"), and a scenario with U.S. emissions set at those proposed under the IAQR (the "Approximate IAQR Scenario").

Approximate SO2 and NOx Emissions for the Eastern Canadian Provinces and U.S. PEMA Area for the Scenarios Modelled in the July 1999 Episode.

Canadian Eastern Provinces* and US PEMA NOx and SOx Projections for Various Scenarios
Canadian Eastern Provinces* and US PEMA NOx and SOX Projections for Various Scenarios
[Click to enlarge]

  • A qualitative estimation of changes in values of the Ozone CWS was obtained by adjusting the actual 8 hour average ozone concentrations (CWS metric for 1999) over each of seven representative areas in eastern Canada, by applying factors obtained from the July 1999 modelled episode for both the Ozone Annex and approximate IAQR Scenarios.

  • In 1999, six of the seven areas had an average level that was above the CWS, ranging from a low of 12% above the CWS to a high of 32%.

  • Under the Ozone Annex, the number of areas with levels above the CWS decreased to five, and under the IAQR the number of areas estimated to be above the CWS decreased to three. These latter three areas remained 6-12% above the CWS, and are all located in southern Ontario.

The current (1997 - 1999) percentage above the CWS metric are indicated by the green bars, for each of the seven representative areas. Six of these areas exceed the CWS, ranging from a low of 12% above the CWS to a high of 32%. The percentages above the CWS resulting from the implementation of the Ozone Annex and IAQR are indicated by the blue and orange bars, respectively.

Percentage Above the Ozone CWS for Areas of Eastern Canada
Percentage Above the Ozone CWS for Areas of Eastern Canada
[Click to enlarge]

Acid rain

Canada carried out additional model simulations using ADOM, a three dimensional Eulerian chemical transport model, to determine the impact of specified SO2 emissions reductions across eastern Canada and the U.S. (Kaminski, 2002). The scenarios explored the impact of possible post 2010 SO2 emissions control strategies for eastern North America, i.e., beyond the Air Quality Agreement commitments. The starting point for the U.S. SO2 emissions used in the scenarios were the Phase II caps set under Title IV, assuming no geographic redistribution through emissions trading. In terms of total SO2 emissions, the U.S. is assumed to reduce its annual SO2 emissions from 2010 levels (12 446 Ktonnes.yr-1 within the ADOM domain). All of the reductions were assumed to be linear rollbacks from all sources.

Predictive analysis for post 2010 scenarios:

  • combined with the 50% reduction in eastern Canadian SO2 emissions beyond existing Eastern Canada Acid Rain Program caps, if U.S. SO2 emissions are reduced by 50% beyond existing Title IV limits, the size of the area in eastern Canada predicted to receive harmful levels of acid deposition would shrink by about 70%; more than 240 000 km2 across Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia would still be receiving acid deposition above critical loads.
  • by reducing SO2 emissions by 75% in the U.S. midwest and eastwards and in eastern Canada, again beyond existing caps in both countries, acid deposition would be reduced to below critical loads in virtually all of eastern Canada (AETG, 1997); the area at risk is expected to shrink by 99% of the 2010 base case. However, under this scenario, much of the area predicted to be in attainment of the critical load is still within 2 kg.ha-1.yr-1 of critical loads.

Based upon the atmospheric deposition modelling, the results indicate that the proposed emissions reductions in the IAQR are a good step to further reduce acid deposition to lake ecosystems in eastern Canada. The additional reduction in NOx emissions proposed under the IAQR will have co benefits in terms of reducing acidification. However, more reductions will be required to fully address the problem.

Canada is aware of the limitations of using wet sulphate deposition as the primary environmental criterion for ecosystem protection, including the lack of consideration of total deposition including nitrogen. A second limitation, the use of wet deposition information only, results in an underestimate of total deposition (wet + dry). Unpublished data (Vet, R., Meteorological Service of Canada, personal communication) suggest that dry deposition may be underestimated by as much as 20-35%. As a result, estimates of mapped exceedances will increase even further, i.e., predictions of the area achieving the critical load as a result of reduced emissions are overestimates.

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As stated, Canada and the U.S. have a solid history of bilateral co operation to improve air quality for our citizens. However, despite the good progress made in both countries, there is still much work to be done.

As evidenced in the foregoing material, impacts of acid deposition in eastern Canada have been neither eliminated nor reduced to sustainable levels, and PM and ozone levels exceed the CWSs in many regions of the country. Furthermore, emissions of SO2 and NOx from Canadian and U.S. sources contribute significantly to air quality and acidification problems in Canada.

Environment Canada would like to acknowledge the positive step forward that the U.S. has proposed with the Interstate Air Quality Rule. Environment Canada believes that this step will contribute to our continuing collaboration toward meeting our goals to reduce the human health and environmental impacts of air pollution. At the same time, Environment Canada encourages the U.S. EPA to finalize the caps with targets and timetables that are as aggressive as possible, and that are implemented as early as possible.

All information requests should be directed to:

Barry Stemshorn
Assistant Deputy Minister
Environmental Protection Service
Environment Canada
351 St. Joseph Boulevard
Gatineau QC K1A 0H3

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Acidifying Emissions Task Group. 1997. Towards a National Acid Rain Strategy. Ottawa.

Arp, P.A.; W. Leger; M. Moayeri; and J.E. Hurley. 2001. Methods for mapping forest sensitivity to acid deposition for northeastern North America. Ecosys. Health 7: 35-47.

Environment Canada. 1997. Canadian Acid Rain Assessment, Volume 2, Atmospheric Science Assessment Report. Ottawa.

Federal-Provincial Research and Monitoring Committee. 1990. The 1990 Canadian Long Range Transport of Air Pollutants and Acid Deposition Assessment Report. Part 4, Aquatic Effects. Ottawa.

Jeffries, D.S.; T.G. Brydges; P.J. Dillon; and W. Keller. 2003. Monitoring the results of Canada/USA acid rain controls programs: some lake responses. Env. Monitor. Assess. 88: 3-19.

Jeffries, D.S.; D.C.L. Lam; M.D. Moran; and I. Wong. 1999. The effect of SO2 emission controls on critical load exceedances for lakes in southeastern Canada. Wat. Sci. Tech. 39:165-171.

Kaminski, J.W. (Atmospheric Research and Modelling Consultants). 2002. Emissions-scenario simulations of new provincial SO2 reduction targets using the Acid Deposition and Oxidant Model. Toronto.

Ouimet, R.; L. Duchesne; D. Doule; and P.A. Arp. 2001. Critical loads and exceedances of acid deposition and associated forest growth in the northern hardwood and boreal coniferous forests in Quebec, Canada. Water, Air and Soil Pollution: Focus 1: 119-134.

RWDI Consulting Engineers. 2003. Air Quality Modelling for July 11 to 19, 1999 Modelling of Emission Scenarios (prepared for Environment Canada). Guelph.

Also see:
Comment submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency by Environment Canada: Proposed National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants; and, in the Alternative, Proposed Standards of Performance for New and Existing Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Steam Generating Units

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