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Funeral Service Providers' Guide

March 2005

Erratum in Funeral Service Providers' Guide
In the section entitled "Social Insurance Number of a deceased person: What must be done?".

This guide is intended to help you, the funeral service provider, give your clients general information on Old Age Security and Canada Pension Plan benefits that may be available to them or their families.

Your client should direct enquiries on eligibility for benefits to Social Development Canada. See "Contact us" at the end of this booklet.

Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security
General information

Canada Pension Plan

The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) is a national contributory plan administered by Social Development Canada. To be eligible for benefits, a person must have paid into the Plan. (The CPP works closely with the Quebec Pension Plan (QPP), which provides similar benefits. The QPP is administered by the Province of Quebec and covers workers in Quebec. You can find information on the QPP at

Canada has social security agreements with many countries that can help people qualify for benefits. Contributors who have lived or worked in another country can contact us for more information.

There are three types of CPP benefits:

Survivor benefits include:

Old Age Security

Canadians over the age of 65 who meet legal residence requirements are eligible for the Old Age Security ( OAS) basic pension. Extra benefits are available to OAS recipients with a low or modest income and to their spouse or common-law partner. Low-income seniors between the ages of 60 and 64 whose spouse or common-law partner has died may also qualify for benefits.

To qualify for a full OAS pension, a person must:

People who do not qualify for a full OAS pension may qualify for a partial one if they have lived in Canada for at least 10 years.

Canada has social security agreements with many countries that can help people qualify for benefits. Canadians who have lived or worked in another country can contact us for more information.

The Guaranteed Income Supplement and the Allowance (which includes the Allowance for the survivor) offer additional benefits to low-income seniors.

We encourage you to have a general awareness of eligibility since there are a number of different requirements and forms to complete. Contact us for specific information and forms relevant to your client's particular situation.

Please note: These benefits are not automatic. Please remind your client that he or she must apply for them.


CPP and OAS benefits can be mailed to the client or deposited directly into a bank, credit union, caisse populaire or trust company account. Clients should attach a voided cheque to the application for benefits if they wish to use the direct deposit service.

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Helping your client: Fill out the "Notification of Death" form

This form is used to notify Social Development Canada (previously called HRDC) of the death of a CPP and/or OAS beneficiary. This will help us stop payments, thereby preventing an overpayment in the deceased's account.

The "Notification of Death" form can be filled out online, but cannot be submitted electronically. It must be printed, signed and returned by fax or mail.

The form will ask you for the following:

Once completed, the form can be faxed or mailed to the processing centre in your client's province (see Contact us).

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Helping your client: Apply for the death benefit

The CPP death benefit is a one-time lump-sum benefit.

If there is a will, the executor named to administer the estate should apply for the death benefit within 60 days of the date of death.

If there is no will, or if the executor did not apply for the death benefit within 60 days of the date of death, one of the following people should apply (payment will be made, in order of priority as numbered below, upon application):

  1. The person or institution who has paid or is responsible for paying the funeral expenses.

  2. The survivor, who must have been in a legal marriage or a common-law relationship with the deceased at the time of death (in the case of a common-law relationship, the couple has to have lived together for at least one year).

  3. The next-of-kin of the deceased.

How much is the death benefit?

The death benefit is equal to six months' worth of the deceased's retirement pension, up to a maximum of $2,500.

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Helping your client: Ask for the Child Rearing Drop-out provision

The CPP takes into consideration that caring for young children can mean leaving the workforce or working fewer hours.

To make sure that these periods of low earnings do not reduce the parent's pension or other benefits that the parent or his or her children or survivors might be eligible for later, the CPP may apply the "Child Rearing Drop-out" provision ( CRDO). Through this provision, the CPP does not count the years when a parent was raising children under the age of seven when determining the contributory period to calculate the benefit amount. This ensures the highest possible payment.

Eligibility requirements

The CRDO can be used only for months when:

Either spouse or common-law partner can apply for the CRDO, but they cannot both get it for the same period of time.

Please note: The client should be advised to ask about the CRDO when applying for any CPP benefit.

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Helping your client: Apply for survivor benefits

Survivor's pension

Eligibility requirements

For a monthly CPP survivor's pension to be paid, these requirements must be met:

Allowance for the survivor

Eligibility requirements

To qualify for the monthly Allowance for the survivor, a person must:

A person may qualify for the Allowance for the survivor if his or her spouse or common-law partner has died.

To be eligible for the Allowance for the survivor, a person must be a surviving spouse or common-law partner and have lived in Canada for at least 10 years after the age of 18. If a survivor has re-married or become part of a common-law relationship since the death of the former partner, he or she is not eligible for this benefit.

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Helping your client: Apply for children's benefits

The CPP children's benefit is a monthly flat-rate benefit paid to, or on behalf of, the natural or adopted child of the deceased contributor or a child in the care and custody of the deceased contributor at the time of death. The child must be either under 18, or between the ages of 18 and 25 and in full-time attendance at a recognized educational institution.

Under the age of 18

The benefit is normally paid to the person or agency responsible for the child's care, but in exceptional circumstances may be paid directly to a child under 18 who is living on his or her own. The child who wants the benefit to be paid directly should contact a Human Resources Centre of Canada (HRCC). Check the government pages of your phone directory for the closest HRCC. Section C of the "Survivor's Pension and Children's Benefits" application should be completed for any children of the deceased who are under the age of 18.

18 to 25 years of age

Eligibility for the over-18 children's benefit is basically the same as that for the under-18 benefit, except that the children must be in full-time attendance at school, community college or university.

In the case of children over 18, the child should apply for the benefit, which will be paid directly to him or her.

When applying for a CPP children's benefit, the following documents are required:

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Documents required:

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Acceptable documents

Clients who do not want to send original documents with their application may send photocopies only if the copies have been certified.

Funeral providers are authorized to certify photocopies.

If you wish to provide this service to your clients, please ensure that you:

Applicants should not delay submitting their application even if the required documents are not readily available. They can be forwarded to us later.

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Social Insurance Number of a deceased person: What must be done?

Note: Some of the information in this section contains errors. Please refer to the Erratum at the end of this document to view the updated content of this section.

Please send the Social Insurance Number ( SIN) card along with a copy of the death certificate to Human Resources and Skills Development Canada. No other documents are needed.

HRSDC will destroy the card. This will prevent inappropriate use of the SIN after the person's death.

Mail to:

If the person does not have the SIN card but knows the number, he or she should send the Death Certificate with the SIN clearly indicated on it to the address above.

Questions about Social Insurance Numbers?


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Contact us

By phone (toll-free)*

By Internet

By fax

Choose your client's regional processing centre:

By mail

Choose your client's regional processing centre:

Available in alternative formats

Produced by:
Social Development Canada
Program Communications

March 2005


For additional copies of this publication, please write or fax indicating the catalogue number: ISPB-330-03-05E

Social Development Canada
Ottawa, ON  K1A 0L1

FAX: (613) 948-9450

Aussi disponible en français sous le titre
Guide à l'intention des fournisseurs de services funéraires - ISPB-330-03-05F

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Erratum in Funeral Service Providers' Guide

In the section entitled "Social Insurance Number of a deceased person: What must be done?"

Please send the Social Insurance Number (SIN) card along with a copy of the death certificate to Social Development Canada (SDC). No other documents are needed.

SDC will destroy the card and update the SIN record. This will prevent inappropriate use of the SIN after the person's death.

Mail to: Social Insurance Registration

If the person does not have the SIN card but knows the number, he or she should send the Death Certificate with the SIN clearly indicated on it to the address above.

Questions about Social Insurance Numbers?
Call: 1 800 206-7218 (toll-free).
Select phone menu option "3".

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