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Survivor Benefits - Canada Pension Plan

Information for Survivors

Applying for survivor benefits

Are benefits always paid?

No. The person who died must have made sufficient contributions to the Canada Pension Plan in the required number of years.

If I am the survivor, when should I apply?

You should apply for all survivor benefits as soon as possible after the contributor's death. If you delay, you may lose benefits. CPP can make back payments for up to 12 months only.

Note: Even if you are widowed more than once, only one survivor's pension-the larger of the two-will be paid.

Who should fill out the application form?

As the surviving spouse or common-law partner, you are responsible for applying for your monthly pension. If you are incapable of applying, you may have a representative (such as a trustee) apply for you.

If you are caring for a dependent child of the deceased contributor and the child is under 18, you should also apply for the children's benefit on behalf of the child.

Dependent children who are between 18 and 25 and in full-time attendance at a recognized educational institution must apply for the children's benefit themselves.

The executor, administrator or legal representative of the estate should apply for the death benefit. If there is no estate, payment will be made to the person responsible for the funeral expenses, the surviving spouse or common-law partner, or the next of kin.

How do I apply?

You must fill out an application form. Application kits are available from our website, from any Service Canada Centre, and from many funeral homes. Or you can call 1 800 277-9914 to have a kit mailed to you.

Receiving survivor benefits

When do monthly payments begin?

The survivor's pension and the children's benefits can be paid beginning the month after the contributor's death. As soon as the CPP has all the information and documentation, your application will be processed. If you delay in applying, the CPP can make back payments for up to 12 months.

When should I expect payments to arrive each month?

If you have your payment deposited directly to your account, it will be there on the third last banking day of the month.

If you get your payment by mail, the cheque will usually arrive during the last three banking days of the month.

Will I lose my pension if I remarry?

No. Your pension will continue even if you remarry.

Note: This rule changed in 1987. If you previously lost a CPP survivor's pension because you remarried, call us to find out if you are now eligible.

When will my survivor's pension stop?

If you are over 35 at the time of the contributor's death, your pension will stop:

If you are under 35 at the time of the contributor's death, your survivor's pension ends:

Benefits for older children

Can I get children's benefits if I'm married?

Yes. Since 1987, children's benefits are not affected if you marry, as long as all other conditions of eligibility continue to be met.

What happens when I turn 18?

When you reach the age of 18, you are still eligible for benefits as long as you are in full-time attendance at a recognized educational institution. You must complete an application and a "Declaration of Attendance at School or University" form. Do this as soon as possible because back payments will cover only a 12-month period.

How is this payment made?

The monthly benefit will be paid directly to you. The children's benefit continues to be paid during normal school vacations, but will stop if you do not send the CPP a signed school attendance form. This form must be completed each year or semester and signed by both you and a school official.

What happens if I leave school?

If you leave school, the benefit will be stopped. If you later return to school full time, you can have it reinstated by reapplying. It will be paid starting the month you return to school.

You must tell the CPP if you leave school. If you receive benefits to which you are not entitled, you will have to pay them back.

When does my benefit stop?

The children's benefit stops when:

You must tell CPP about any changes that affect your eligibility. If you do not, and you receive payments to which you are not entitled, you will have to pay them back.

Combining CPP benefits

Can I receive another benefit from the CPP while I am getting a survivor's pension?

Yes, you can receive a survivor's pension at the same time as a retirement or disability benefit. The CPP will combine the benefits into a single monthly payment. There are, however, maximum amounts payable for combined CPP benefits.

In other words, you cannot receive a full survivor's pension while also receiving a CPP retirement pension or disability benefit.

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