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Government of Ontario Ministry of the Environment
 Location: Ministry Home > Publications > General Interest Publications

Ministry of the Environment: General Interest publications

In the garden
In the home
Drive Clean
The ozone layer
Deloro Mine Site Cleanup Project
Water conservation
Drinking water
Laboratory Update Bulletin
Water wells and groundwater
Lakes and rivers
In the home
In the home
The Green Club
Earth News


General Interest publications

General Publications
Pub.# Publication Title Format
5692e Results-based Plan Briefing Book 2006-07: Part 1 and Appendix
  5537e HTML format
  Results-based Plan Briefing Book 2006-07: Complete Document
  5537e PDF format
5537e Ministry of the Environment Annual Reports 2002-2003 /  2003-2004
  5537e PDF format 5537e HTML format
4536e03 Ministry of the Environment Accessibility Plan 2006-2007
    4536e03 HTML format
4536e02 Ministry of the Environment Accessibility Plan 2005-2006
    4536e02 HTML format
4536e01 Ministry of the Environment Accessibility Plan 2004-2005
    4536e01 HTML format
4536e Ministry of the Environment Accessibility Plan 2003-2004
    4536e HTML format
4006e Managing the Environment Report: A Review of Best Practices (January 2001)     Managing the Environment report HTML format
5754e Ontario’s Environment Industry   5754e PDF format

Waste Publications
Pub.# Publication Title Format
In the garden
0665b Choose Nature's Way: Compost / Optez pour le naturel : Pratiquez le compostage !      
3633e Green Tips: Vermicomposting FAX 3633e PDF format 3633e HTML format
3684e Green Tips: Six Good Reasons to Grasscycle FAX 3684e PDF format 3684e HTML format
In the home
2715e What to do with Home Renovation Waste FAX    
3460e Keep Cool Without Losing Your Cool - Household Air Conditioner Noise Do's and Don'ts      
3676e Green Tips: Residential Fuel Oil FAX 3673e PDF format 3673e HTML format

Air Publications
Pub.# Publication Title Format
5707e Ethanol Brochure – Feel better about filling up 3958e PDF format  
4361e A Citizens’ Guide to Airborne Contaminant Reporting in Ontario - In support of Ontario Regulation 127/01 (Airborne Contaminant Discharge - Monitoring and Reporting)
See also: Step by Step Guideline for Emission Calculation, Record Keeping and Reporting for Airborne Contaminant Discharge
  4361e PDF format 4361e HTML format
3619e Green Tips: Good tire care helps the environment and saves you money FAX 3619e PDF format 3619e HTML format
3667e Protecting Our Air      
3699e Green Facts: Fine Particles FAX 3699e PDF format 3699e HTML format
3764e Green Tips: Smog Alert - How to cope with bad air days FAX 3674e PDF format 3674e HTML format
3958b Air Quality Ontario / Qualité de l'air Ontario FAX 3958e PDF format  
3953b Air Quality Ontario: Windsor, Essex, Chatham-Kent / Qualité de l'air Ontario: Windsor, Essex, Chatham-Kent FAX 3953b PDF format  
Drive Clean
3717e07 Ontario's Drive Clean - A mandatory, vehicle emissions-testing program   3717e07 PDF  
3742e04 Ontario's Drive Clean - What is the Repair Cost Limit?   3742e04 PDF  
3743e04 Ontario's Drive Clean - Buying or selling a used vehicle?   3743e04 PDF  
4609e01 Drive Clean's Heavy-Duty Vehicle Program New Emissions Standards for Heavy-Duty Diesel Trucks and Buses   4609e01 PDF
4286b02 10 Tips for Driving Clean   4286b02 PDF format
5494e Test exemption increases for newer vehicles   5494e PDF format
3733e Top Reasons for Emissions Test Failure (poster)   3733 PDF format 3733 HTML format
The Ozone Layer
3924b Ontario And The Canada-Wide Standards For Particulate Matter And Ground-Level Ozone / L'Ontario et les standards pancanadiens relatifs aux particules et à l'ozone au sol   3924e PDF format  
1015b Ozone-depleting Substances / Les substances qui appauvrissent la couche d'ozone      
3103e A Consumer's Guide: Refrigerants & the Ozone Layer      

Land Publications
Pub.# Publication Title Format
Deloro Mine Site Cleanup Project
4886e Deloro Mine Site Cleanup Project Brochure (November 2004)    4886e PDF format  

Water Publications
Pub.# Publication Title Format
5087e Information about blue-green algae: Background, potential impacts to human health and safety of drinking water.   3670ePDF format  
5088e Blue-green algae: Information for cottagers and home owners.   3670ePDF format  
5089e Blue-green algae: Information for drinking water system owners and operators.   3670ePDF format  
4328e Understanding Stormwater Management: An Introduction to Stormwater Management Planning and Design (Caution: Large file 4.71MB)
See also: Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual 2003
  PDF format HTML format
3670e In Brief: Why beaches are posted FAX 3670ePDF format 3670e HTML format
Water conservation
3557e Green Tips: 10 Ways to Be More Water Wise FAX 3557e PDF format 3557e HTML format
3783e Green Tips: Water conservation tips for Ontario Public Service facilities FAX 3783e PDF format 3783e HTML format
3780e01 Green Tips: Water conservation tips in and around the home (April 2004) 3780e PDF format 3780e HTML format
3780e Green Tips: Water conservation tips in and around the home (1999) FAX 3780e PDF format 3780e HTML format
3781e Green Tips: Water conservation tips for industry FAX 3781e PDF format 3781e HTML format
Drinking water
0604b Drinking Water (History of Water Treatment) / L'eau potable      
5129e Fact Sheet: Public Right to Request a Drinking Water Investigation.   5129e PDF format 5129e HTML format
Laboratory Update Bulletin
4879e Laboratory Update Bulletin: Drinking Water Testing, Issue # 1 – June 2004   4879e PDF 4879e HTML
Water wells and groundwater
3788e01 Green Facts: Important facts about water well construction   3788e01 PDF format 3788e01 HTML format
3961e01 Green Facts: The protection of water quality in drilled wells   3961e01 PDF format 3961e01 HTML format
3962e01 Green Facts: The protection of water quality in bored and dug wells   3962e01 PDF format 3962e01 HTML format
4505e Green Facts: The protection of water quality in jetted or driven point wells   PDF format HTML format
3784e Green Tips: Managing your water well in times of shortage FAX PDF format HTML format
Lakes and rivers
0934e Great Lakes Basin      
0937e Lake Michigan      
590b12 2005 - 2006 Guide To Eating Ontario Sport Fish     HTML format
5005b Contaminants in Sport Fish Important information for women of child-bearing age and parents of children under 15   PDF 5005
4395e01 What is the Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish? - English   PDF 4395e01 HTML format
4395a01 What is the Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish? - Cree   PDF 4395a01  
4395c01 What is the Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish? - Cantonese   PDF 4395c01  
4395f01 Qu’est-ce que le Guide de consommation du poisson gibier de l’Ontario? (What is the Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish? - French)   PDF 4395f01  
4395g01 Wovon handelt der Leitfaden Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish? (What is the Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish? - German)   PDF 4395g01  
4395h01 What is the Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish? - Hungarian   PDF 4395h01  
4395i01 Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish: di che cosa parla questa Guida? (What is the Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish? - Italian)   PDF 4395i01  
4395j01 What is the Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish? - Japanese   PDF 4395j01  
4395k01 What is the Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish? - Korean   PDF 4395k01  
4395L01 What is the Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish? - Polish   PDF 4395L01  
4395m01 What is the Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish? - Mandarin   PDF 4395m01  
4395n01 What is the Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish? - Filipino   PDF 4395n01  
4395o01 Wenesh Edming Giigoonh Dnowa Ge Mwaand (What is the Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish? - Ojibway)   PDF 4395o01  
4395p01 What is the Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish? - Portuguese   PDF 4395p01  
4395q01 What is the Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish? - Cambodian   PDF 4395q01  
4395r01 What is the Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish? - Russian   PDF 4395r01  
4395s01 ¿Qué es la Guía para el consumo de pescado capturado con caña en Ontario? (What is the Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish? - Spanish)   PDF 4395s01  
4395u01 What is the Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish? - Ukranian   PDF 4395u01  
4395v01 What is the Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish? - Vietnamese   PDF 4395v01  

Environmental Assessment
Pub.# Publication Title Format
3445e01 Green Facts: Environmental Approvals in Ontario (March 2004)   3445e01 PDF  3445e01 HTML 
4983e Green Facts: Environmental Assessment in Ontario   4983e PDF  4983e HTML 

Saving Energy
Pub.# Publication Title Format
In the home
2422e Your Home Energy Saving Handbook: Cut Your Energy Bill by up to 20%      

What's Hazardous/What's Not
Pub.# Publication Title Format
3335e Fact Sheet: Frequently asked questions about lead contamination FAX PDF format HTML format
3786e Fact Sheet: Multimedia health risk assessment FAX PDF format HTML format
3792e Fact Sheet: Arsenic in the environment FAX PDF format HTML format
3793e Fact Sheet: Cobalt in the environment FAX PDF format HTML format
4017e Fact Sheet: Nickel in the environment FAX PDF format HTML format
4141e Fact Sheet: Copper in the environment FAX PDF format HTML format
In the home
1586b Wood Decay, Wood Preservatives and Treated Wood Products / La pourriture du bois, les produits de préservation et les produits de bois traité      

Pesticides and Green Gardening
4525e Managing Pesticides in Ontario (November 2003)   PDF format HTML format
4025e Green Gardening: Environmentally Friendly Alternatives to Chemicals (November 2003)   PDF format HTML format
2342e Turf Weeds: Safe and Sensible Pest Control - Lawn and Yard Weeds (Ministry of Land, Water and Air Protection, British Columbia)      HTML format

West Nile Virus
Pub.# Publication Title Format
5608e Key Facts About Applying Larvicides to Catch Basins and Stagnant Water Located on Private Property
  PDF format HTML format
5609e Mosquito Control Around the Home to Prevent the Spread of West Nile Virus   PDF format HTML format
5610e Preventing the Spread of West Nile Virus
  PDF format HTML format

Just for Kids
Pub.# Publication Title Format
The Green Club
3759e Ontario's Blue Box Program FAX PDF format HTML format
3782e Green Tips: Water conservation tips for kids FAX PDF format HTML format
3763e Kids - Things you can do for the air we breathe FAX PDF format HTML format
Earth News
2375e Energy and the Environment      

Posters etc.
Pub.# Publication Title Format
4703e Smog Affects You and You Affect Smog   PDF format  
4123e HOP TO IT! Plant a Tree! Help stop rapid climate change      
4124e HOP TO IT! Turn it Off! Help stop rapid climate change      
2845e02 Ontario Environmental Bill of Rights (Colouring poster)      
3158b01 Air Monitoring Site Poster (Coloured poster) / Station de surveillance de la pollution de l’air (Poster)      
3158b02 Air Monitoring Site Poster (Colouring Poster for Children) / Station de surveillance de la pollution de l’air (Poster)      

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Last Modified: Friday September 29 2006